Apple iPhone 4

Apple iPhone 4

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • 95j
  • 02 Jul 2010

nokia phone are a waste of materials used on them, iphone4 is crap. and the only best smart phone is the iphone 3gs.

    • H
    • Heartbreak Kid
    • Mfx
    • 02 Jul 2010

    Anonymous, 02 Jul 2010i-lover: i want a ferrari A: but d ferrari come with sk... moreLOL ha ha It wasnt funny but im laughing as you mentioned Ferrari.

    The iPhone 4 = Ferrari. Some users are experiencing faults, but overall recognise the sheer power and beauty of this device.

    The Nokia N8 = A Renault Megane. Tries hard to be a top player, but the bugs and problems constantly bring it down.

    The Samsung Wave = Hyundai Coupe. Looks good, promising, but its not quite a Ferrari. Its cheaper as it deppreciates in value. Its performance will deteriate in time as well.

    The Sony Ericsson Xperia 10. Any top of the range Kia. Trying to make it big but lets face it, its flaws outweigh its pros!!!!!

      • H
      • Heartbreak Kid
      • Mfx
      • 02 Jul 2010

      Makes me laugh at Nokia, Samsung and SE lovers coming here to preach how their handsets are compared to the iPhone.

      Now for starters the iPhone 4 is known to have signal issue problems. If every customer had been affected then there would have been a recall by now. But its a small percentage. And the iPhone 4 sales are still rising, meaning people are not scared to buy the phone. Of course I feel for the people who have had problems, but Apple need to be given the chance to get full clarification on the problem before taking action. Signal issues alone dont make the iPhone 4 an inferior phone.

      Now onto Nokia. People here preaching about their Nokia N8's and co. Remember one thing about Nokia smartphones thats far worse than any problem on an iPhone. Symbian. The worst OS and yest Nokia lovers try to justify this backdated, bug ridden, system hogging OS. A Nokia fan (probably the biggest) has just decided he's had enough and is quitting. Thats right the Symbian Guru.

      I value his opinion and respect what he has to say as he has experience with liaising with Nokia directly as well as others in the mobile industry. Nokia Symbian phones are rubbish, end of.

      Samsung. Going on about BADA. And OS thats come out recently with 100's of Apps. Samsungs are annoying, Samsungs deppreciate in value, another Samsung with Android comes along every 2 weeks, the BADA OS will be left behind with little support. Enough said.

      Sony Ericsson. Sony only have their name on the brand, if they actually inputted their technology then the phones would be better than the rubbish we already see!!!!!

      The iPhone 4 may have its flaws but its still an iPhone. Its still part of the legendary iPhone series and with future updates and improvements, will remain at the top of the mobile tree with other brands chasing to climb to the top with it :)

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • 95j
        • 02 Jul 2010

        3gs is a good iphone but the iphone 4 is rubbish.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • uH{
          • 02 Jul 2010

          Yes, iphone4 is worst in the most important use of a cellphone, the telephony.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • uH{
            • 02 Jul 2010

            very bad loudspeaker performance, the lousiest iphone

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • Kx$
              • 02 Jul 2010

              i-lover: i want a ferrari

              A: but d ferrari come with skoda engine

              i-lover: never mind as long as it is ferrari

              A: but d ferrari don have wheels either

              i-lover: nvm, as long as it is ferrari

              A: y u still like it , its expensive n d engine s.....cksss

              i-lover: nvm as long as i can show off with its name ,ferrari

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • Kx$
                • 02 Jul 2010

                blablabla, 02 Jul 2010Gee the people that come on here and have a cry about the i... moreIt is bcos iphone cant be repair , lousy , the only way is to replaced a new phone.

                As u say, nokia in 1993 , they have those mobile technology, where is apple? At that time steve is still dreaming.

                Nokia have those technology plus, d most importan EXPERIENCE, ay least till today nokia never ask their customer to hold their nokia like holding a knife , can u understand? U r free to hold ur nokia in anyway u like, we can but u cant with ur weak stuff, wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

                  • b
                  • blablabla
                  • PQJ
                  • 02 Jul 2010

                  Gee the people that come on here and have a cry about the iphone should grow up. The reason iphone is so popular is because they are a great phone. I have always had nokia,since 1993 or 94 maybe 25 or more. Almost every one has been repaired,some 3 and 4 times or more. I have learned NOKIA=CRAP. They bring a thousand models for you sheep,Iphone do new one every couple of years but do it well. My 3gs does everything i want and more,and something im not used to...No repairs.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • jb@
                    • 02 Jul 2010

                    NOKIA CRAZY, 02 Jul 2010hey ppl... nokia guys have put in 5mp camera, 3G,voice reco... moreXperia x10 is much much much better than Nokias N8 in style n in performance also......where as xperia x10 is on par wiz iphone 4 in performance speed but considerin the problems of iphone 4 n its x10 is better than iphone 4 also

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • uNV
                      • 02 Jul 2010

                      Its too high on price and doensnt worth buying it. It lacks many user friendly feathers such as social and emails integration, no qwerty keypad, bluetooth file transferring, browsing files and automated wifi setting like nokia or other phones. Its graphics and resolution is cool but thats not making it the best in the market. U have to pay for viewing ms office documents and text notes? WTF!? If its jailbreaked, u have a big chance of blocking this phone from apple server

                        • N
                        • NOKIA CRAZY
                        • ij6
                        • 02 Jul 2010

                        hey ppl... nokia guys have put in 5mp camera, 3G,voice recording, etc., 5 yrs bac...FM s dere since d time sinfruit had not even ventured into mobile thing... moreover nokia s userfriendly... jus dont follow those who r jus chasing d hype created around me u will regret 4 lifetime... simply go in for N8 cos its practical n looks gr8 unlike rectangular compass box..

                          • T
                          • Troy
                          • S35
                          • 02 Jul 2010

                          Guys get yourself the iphone 4. It's the most wanted phone out there.

                          Slim and sexy compared to the N8 fat and ugly

                          It's truly a dreamphone.

                          If a hater comes on here moaning just ask him why are they on here they find that question hard to answer and get a little bit confused or if they do answer it it's a pack of lies :-).

                          Nokia batteries either leak or explode :-)

                            • A
                            • Average Paul
                            • wgp
                            • 02 Jul 2010

                            Anonymous, 02 Jul 2010You can't put a 64g sd card in it they don't make those yet... morewhat?1?! Serious?? Is that why I cant get the tray out now? I put my sd card in the tray and put it in the phone.
                            What do I do now?

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • sUr
                              • 02 Jul 2010

                              [deleted post]That's a great one dude, gold medal...

                                • d
                                • dom
                                • BqH
                                • 02 Jul 2010

                                [deleted post]you should have left your name, but the i DONT list below is fab, luv it, made me laugh, Oh by the way, all the things you list the iplop cant do, My Phone Can, and it has 8mp hd camera, plus now has full access to every app available, I no ifoners that wont my phone, cos its better, and they only got theres cos there herd apple wos meant to be good, until they got one, and then sore wot else is about, ha ha isheep baaa baaaaa

                                  • E
                                  • Eyeball Paul
                                  • wgp
                                  • 02 Jul 2010

                                  Will the iPad Phone 4 have a camera that takes coloured photos? The 3GS is only black and white.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • uHW
                                    • 02 Jul 2010

                                    Anonymous, 02 Jul 2010butt friend the iphone doesnt have video call.its just a tr... moreSad very sad to want be the best but now they cant even join the rest.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • uHW
                                      • 02 Jul 2010

                                      mickey, 02 Jul 2010If i ll go for blindly apple, only the brand name then it ... moreAnother phone that would worth considering is the Nokia N8.

                                      12mp biggest sensor in any mobile phone with Xenon Flash for night shots.
                                      AMOLED Screen Capacitive if I may add
                                      New Symbian 3^. Brand new OS under Symbian which has lots of experience.
                                      HD Video recording.

                                      Check it out no drop call or antenna issue. If a phone has drop calls issue imho its not worth buying. Why do you buy a phone, one major important factor is to make calls thats the basics of a phone.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • Kei
                                        • 02 Jul 2010

                                        Average Paul, 02 Jul 2010I bought an 32gb iPod Phone 4 from Apples today and it came... moreYou can't put a 64g sd card in it they don't make those yet. Your iPhone has a nonremoveable hard drive. Your most likely looking at the sim card slot.