Apple iPhone 4
- ?
- Anonymous
- qK4
- 24 Jun 2010
I just bought i phone 4 it seem to me that it has problem with new "Gsm antenna" design if i hold it using left hand it's loosing signal
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0UY
- 24 Jun 2010
iphone=epic fail...just and expensive and crapy phone with 2005 features
- E
- Engineer Man
- n5Q
- 24 Jun 2010
The problem is. This just won't go away for apple. What with all the consumers that have bought one & with all the review sites testing. Apple have invested heavily a design which has already been implemented down to the last design & component placement.
This would mean a complete revamp with extra time money r&d to change every architecture floor will just have to be redesigned. I will be amazed if it's just some loose wire inside or something. I guesse we don't know these details yet. If it isn't & it's a architectural or placement problem. Then you know what I mean. (read above)
So what do you think? Do anbody know anybody with IP4 who dones't experience left handed call drops? Or is it a loose wire, faulty component, faulty batch of components or is it a design fault floor architectural in nature in every device. hmm?
- ?
- Anonymous
- kJX
- 24 Jun 2010
if this doesnt work well as a phone then its a glorified iphone touch.
- E
- Engineer Man
- n5Q
- 24 Jun 2010
@Albert. Go do some research for yourself & leave the technicalities to people that understand technology & how it should be researched properly, designed propery & constructed properly & in this case especially designed with common sense & safety in mind.
How dumb are apple really. See just how bad the design floors REALLY are your new apple iphone is infested with them. 24 hours & 3 major problems & counting.
Theres no getting out of this one for apple stupidity. They must of known & obviously I assume they just tried to hide it. The device "should have" gone through some strict QOS quality testing routines.
Also how on earth did it pass the FCC regulation. WHaaat. That looks bad to say that putting an antennae where your hand or wrist is fed with radiation poisoning a whole new level of worry if people start getting exposed more to cancerous diseases from more radiation exposure to your hand.
But the thing died before you make your first call. Epic fail. Big time. Oh dear Mr Jobs. Oh dear!...
- ?
- Anonymous
- 95j
- 24 Jun 2010
well i guess everyone is going for a refund
- h
- hani
- mcY
- 24 Jun 2010
Engineer Man, 24 Jun 2010@Albert. Go research & see just how bad the design floo... morethats the new antenna system steve jobs claimed no one have used it before in any device , we know now why no one used it cause its a big fail :D
- p
- phone crazy
- wHS
- 24 Jun 2010
u have to install all softwares that u want.. huh... its not in the iphone rite away... :-(
- E
- Engineer Man
- n5Q
- 24 Jun 2010
@Albert. Go research & see just how bad the design floors REALLY your new apple iphone has. 24 hours & 3 & counting.
- ?
- Anonymous
- sxr
- 24 Jun 2010
ALbert, 24 Jun 2010I have been selling iphone 4 in Uk as preorders and normal ... moreyou know what, its not about the price dude, its also the quality, and aside from that the phone doesn't have any new features at all aside from the retina display which is junk, think first before you post your opinion, its very useless
- h
- hani
- mcY
- 24 Jun 2010
3 issues in less than 24
you can certainly scratch the iPhone 4 steve jobs claimed its not scratchable.
call drop issues due to bad antenna design
yellow spots over the display .
Too bad !
- h
- hani
- mcY
- 24 Jun 2010
ALbert, 24 Jun 2010I have been selling iphone 4 in Uk as preorders and normal ... confirmed the issue with their device too .
- ?
- Anonymous
- sxr
- 24 Jun 2010
what's going on apple, i wondered how will the iphone fanboys react about the issues of the very pricey phone with a not so advance features, yellow spots on the screen, antenna issue, signal is going up and down depending on how you hold it, what a mess...and to top it all, the covered glass which is according to apple's engineer is hardened for safety has been cracked after just one test....good job apple
- ?
- Anonymous
- Mfx
- 24 Jun 2010
ALbert, 24 Jun 2010I have been selling iphone 4 in Uk as preorders and normal ... moreit looks really good but we are nervous to spend money on it based on the antenna issue and the screen spots issue. I rather wait a while to see how widespread the issue is before i spend anything.
- A
- ALbert
- MVg
- 24 Jun 2010
I have been selling iphone 4 in Uk as preorders and normal orders too .dont know about everyone else but all i have received so far is excellient reviews. not a single complaint. everyone is happy. comeon ppl if u want it and can afford it then get it but dont criticize it just coz u cant afford it. this is an amazing phone.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Mfx
- 24 Jun 2010
hani, 24 Jun 2010they cannot fix the call drops issues its a hardware probl... moreSuch a pity. I thought these were tested thoroughly before they were sold. Looks like I may have to get something else if this cant be fixed. I wonder how many will still sell though now that everyone is made aware of this.
Maybe the next batch would have a slight change in design or something.
- S
- Steve Rogers
- Rxc
- 24 Jun 2010
But can it play Crysis?
- ?
- Anonymous
- M3s
- 24 Jun 2010
Anonymous, 24 Jun 2010having just played with the shiney new iphone 4 my only tho... moreworking for the phone industry too. This is very very true.
- h
- hani
- mcY
- 24 Jun 2010
Anonymous, 24 Jun 2010Ive been saving a long time for this. if calls are dropping... morethey cannot fix the call drops issues its a hardware problem not software problem the new antenna is a part of the iphone 4 design to fix the problem they have to change the design or the antenna place .
- ?
- Anonymous
- Mfx
- 24 Jun 2010
Ive been saving a long time for this. if calls are dropping while you hold the phone, what would happen if you put the phone in your pocket? Would I still be able to receive calls? Because this is what most people do.
And was the yellow spot on the screen a real issue or did someone just make that up? I dont know whether to put of from buying this till all the issues are sorted out. I dont want to spend that much of money if im going to have problems.
I hope apple fixes this quick