Apple iPhone 4

Apple iPhone 4

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • P%n
  • 21 Jun 2010

Foley, 21 Jun 2010Exactly my point. This VGA video on N82 is very much the s... moreWhy not wait until it's released and verified samples are posted before reaching any conclusions.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • FJT
    • 21 Jun 2010

    Anonymous, 21 Jun 2010What iphone 4 now have, has been available for last 4 to 5 ... moreWhat? Apple fails to compete in the mobile phone industry? It just outsells its rivals, lol. Oh yeah, you'd say it's just marketing, lol. Then I guess marketing is much more important than the phone itself, so iphone still wins :)

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • FJT
      • 21 Jun 2010

      Foley, 21 Jun 2010Exactly my point. This VGA video on N82 is very much the s... moreYou're trying too hard. The consumers speak. If your n82 is better than the iphone4, it would sell more :) Would you stop promoting your nokia devices in Apple articles :)

        • F
        • Foley
        • uEA
        • 21 Jun 2010

        Anonymous, 21 Jun 2010The N82 doesn't do 720p HD video so cannot compete.Exactly my point.
        This VGA video on N82 is very much the same as iPhone4 "HD 30fps"
        Don't be surprised, same camera sensor and optic is used. Duh 3 y latter ,)
        Do you have an iPhone4 already?
        If you don't suggest you to check those pic links.
        Take look at those NON reworked by Apple.
        Nothing spectacular. Good, almost good as N82 3 y ago
        Just imagine where technology is nowadays?

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • P%n
          • 21 Jun 2010

          John, 21 Jun 2010Agree with you Foley. If you want to sell something, con... moreThe Nokia X6 looks like a TV remote, the screen scratches really easily and it has dumb Symbian things like you can't set the alarm clock without having snooze.

          Single press some things, double press others, no multitouch slow transitions in the menu.

          What's with the 5 megapixel Carl Zeiss lens?

          Nokia must have ordered way too many and have millions of them in a warehouse the way they've been shoving the same thing in their phone's for five years now.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • 2FY
            • 21 Jun 2010

            What iphone 4 now have, has been available for last 4 to 5 years on other phones.

            Now the features that most of the phones have, hope apple will be able to introduce that features after 4 or 5 years.

            Apple has failed to compete in mobile industry.

            Just look at Samsung galaxy s, wave, HTC evo 4G, desire.

            Iphone looks so outdated.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • P%n
              • 21 Jun 2010

              Foley, 21 Jun 2010Typical Apple user or should I say Steve Jobs marketing vic... moreThe N82 doesn't do 720p HD video so cannot compete.

                • A
                • Anttix
                • vuI
                • 21 Jun 2010

                if the iphone is so Far behinde all the other brands and such a high price why is it the most sold phone on the market at the moment ? and you cant blame Marketing coz thats also done by the compeny and is done well.

                People make there own minds up. cant blame others.

                Have fun.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • P%n
                  • 21 Jun 2010

                  Anonymous, 21 Jun 2010I've had the N95 since it came out and mine doesnt creak an... moreIs the back held on with sticky tape?

                  Almost any of the original N95's you see around these days is like that because the flimsy plastic tabs holding the back on snap off really easily.

                  The N95 8GB model fixed this problem, it's the black one not the ghey purple and silver one.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • P%n
                    • 21 Jun 2010

                    Foley, 21 Jun 2010Phenomenal 30fps HD video Finally without reworking by App... moreThe N82 with VGA video?

                    Oh, "DVD quality" which is what Nokia called it to hypnotise the Nokia sheep then they started trying to use nVGA, which is VGA with pixels missing to make it widescreen.

                    What a joke, of course the N-sheep zombies lapped it up.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • 2Zw
                      • 21 Jun 2010

                      smash, 21 Jun 2010yes we all know videocall is here forever, but what matters... moreits only free while ebing used over wifi, IF they can ever get it working over a mobile network it will cost data or call time, either way it will probably be as expensive as video calls are now

                        • M
                        • Mafia
                        • IaH
                        • 21 Jun 2010

                        LOOK GUYS WASTING TIME WITH THIS KIND OF CRAFT.. MAKE NO SENSE.. I-MATE MAKE DIFFERENCE its innovation is Desirable.. Think about the Prestige..from iphone? Not Anymore.. its sucks trying to portray an Image that leads..But The facts Decline their claims that they lead the market to poor sucks items... will you spend for something that will cost you much?..

                          • S
                          • Sumit
                          • utx
                          • 21 Jun 2010

                          Anonymous, 20 Jun 2010most of these are not firsts in the industry by any means. ... morei did not mean that all these are first time. ok.

                            • J
                            • John
                            • vG0
                            • 21 Jun 2010

                            Hey annoymus 'utic' U dont hav the right to address Nokia N *, you havent seen the device yet, you do not know how good/ bad is the N 8 performance, then how the hell do you comment about it in a negative way.

                            Nokia have always been the leaders in Moile phone technology.

                            Remember Nokia is the only phne which has an easy to use interface.

                            Symbian might be old, but still it was able to introduce Video Calling ages ago, while IPhone just woke up and realized that Video calling is missing, so they dumped it on the IPhone 4.

                            Come on, go get yourself a life, before addressing any multi billion dollar company's product as CRAP..


                              • J
                              • John
                              • vG0
                              • 21 Jun 2010

                              I was LMAO abt the joke by someone out here who is asking when is IPhone 5,6,7,8 coming....

                              Probably in 1,2,3,4 years respectively from now.

                              But even if it comes out, it would come out with outdated technology, which Nokia/ SE/ HTC probably would have released a few years ago.

                              I really all these arguments.

                              So many IPhone haters out here. It's fun.

                              But the fact is, eventhough so many people hate IPhone, still so many people buy it.

                              I would say, if you have the money and dont know what to do it, please go ahead and get yourself an Iphone. People would respect you for your decison and you be branded as a RICH person.. LOL..



                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • uti
                                • 21 Jun 2010

                                ohh my gosh
                                comparing apple i4 with any android phone is acceptable
                                but wat is this crap nokia n8 n its crap outdated symbian os

                                all these daz i thot der r many isheeps on earth but there r more no of nokia n nuts
                                worth for nothing

                                  • s
                                  • smash
                                  • IrE
                                  • 21 Jun 2010

                                  LOL., 20 Jun 2010Videocalls in 2006? Haw haw no way mate. Nokia had videocal... moreyes we all know videocall is here forever, but what matters is how its done. iphone 4 its free video, just like skype.

                                    • J
                                    • John
                                    • vG0
                                    • 21 Jun 2010

                                    Agree with you Foley.

                                    If you want to sell something, convey things about the product that people would like to hear.

                                    That is what Mr Jobs is doing and he is doing it very well and people are being fooled to get the IPhone eventhough it is so heavily priced.

                                    I would like to conclude this by saying that, people who can afford and would like the world to look up at them and say 'Wow!! You have an IPhone' .. Those people should go ahead and get themselves the Iphone, however people who cannot afford or are feeling taht it is too expensive, then please chill out, get urself an alternate option, like maybe SE X10Mini/ or may be Nokia X6 or Nokia N8, depending on your budget.

                                    Have a nice day ahead.


                                      • F
                                      • Foley
                                      • uEA
                                      • 21 Jun 2010

                                      [deleted post]Typical Apple user or should I say Steve Jobs marketing victim?
                                      Don't blame you. I was once iPhone user and I was fooled by same rhetoric, till my friends open my eyes widely.
                                      Just try to read following lines and say that I am wrong.
                                      When Steve said that you do not need camera 100% of the cult followers scream "that's wright, we don't need camera on phone! If you want pictures take a DSLR"
                                      Just 1 y latter when Steve announced cam on "new revolutionary phone" same people unanimously scream in the ecstasy "that's new and revolutionary phone and that's exactly what we need".
                                      How else push someone to spent large amount of money for something 2 (or more) step behind the rest of the manufacturers? Simply! Just launch aggressive marketing campaign and twist the truth in the way they want to hear.
                                      As I said, don't blame you. Instead, try to Google or something like this.
                                      Compare and try to find out what you really need and what is best on the market today. Just a pic and videos from new iPhone4 and let's say N82.
                                      And you know what? That's 3 y ago launched phone. Feel free to be as much as critical to N82 in this comparison.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • q{S
                                        • 21 Jun 2010

                                        [deleted post]I've had the N95 since it came out and mine doesnt creak and yes its made of plastic but it has sustained 7 to 8 falls and still works well.