Apple iPhone 4

Apple iPhone 4

User opinions and reviews

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  • 20 Jun 2010

xxx, 20 Jun 2010just overclock your cpu & it should be faster. sorry y... moreWhy need to overclock iphone? its so FAST :D i understand why people want to overclock nokia phones because they are slow and laggy :)

    • G
    • GVS
    • ut3
    • 20 Jun 2010

    apple concept of releasing iphone in developing countries

    us=iphone --> india=***

    us=iphone 3g --> india=iphone

    us=iphone 3gs --> india=iphone 3g

    us=iphone 4 --> india=iphone 3gs

    us=new version of iphone --> india=iphone 4

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • 3Ir
      • 20 Jun 2010

      Sumit Saini, 20 Jun 2010Why all u guys saying it a crap ? It has many firsts in th... morewell,for your info. i should say except display and geyroscope we had all other features you have said for atleast 4 years on other not give wrong info about this is only another phone like every other phone out there with it's own - and + points.the era of introdusing a phone that takes down every other brand is over and no company can repeat the success of N95 and first Iphone even nokia and apple themselves 'cause they are going to make 2ghz and dualcore phones soon and they will outperform every other existing phone today in at most next 6 to 12 months so i think it's not wise to get excited about any phones out there yet,the competition is just started

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • nDT
        • 20 Jun 2010 my opinion.....ugh...i don't know....this phone looks stupid.....seriously..what's the point of it?

          • t
          • thepeat1
          • nBu
          • 20 Jun 2010

          Sumit Saini, 20 Jun 2010Why all u guys saying it a crap ? It has many firsts in th... moreOk here is an update for you.
          1. the res is 2* the res of the 3gs wich had a shitty low res anyway, not 4*.
          2.since when is a gyroscope nessecairy??? its cool to have it but its not really a big feature to have.
          3.thinnest smartphone ever.... couple of months ago 9.9 was the thinnest, just wait another couple of months...
          4.built for strengt? I know that iphones used to break all the time but thats a iphone problem. Ive thrown my samsung phone down from the first floor, its been in a fire for a few second, dropped it in water several times and it still works and the phone is all plastic.

          5.multitasking is not a new feature, ios4 advanced?...
          6.a4 chip is ok, hummingbird is faster wich is used in the galaxy s and the wave(wave costs 380 euro)

          7.HD 30fps is possible on both iphone 4 and samsung galaxy s.

            • x
            • xxx
            • k2n
            • 20 Jun 2010

            just overclock your cpu & it should be faster.
            sorry you can't because you have an apple product & everything is lock down.

              • x
              • xxx
              • k2n
              • 20 Jun 2010

              [deleted post]don't you iphone 3gs have the 600mhz cpu
              what are you talking about?

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • YQB
                • 20 Jun 2010

                [deleted post]May b u dnt know for symbian 600 mhz procesor n 256 mb ram i more than enough it snappy with these specs also bcoz os i light so nokia is not laggin in any spec .other than apple evry other company way bhind in marketin only,not in specs

                  • S
                  • Sumit Saini
                  • utx
                  • 20 Jun 2010

                  Why all u guys saying it a crap ?
                  It has many firsts in the industry.
                  1. 4 times more clear screen with 326 pixels per inch while all other brands use maximum of 165 per inch. it's screen resolution is 960x640 in d same size of 3.5 inch. 800:1 contrast ratio. uses IPS technology.
                  2. Gyroscope, much more precise movement. Gyroscope+Accelerometer= 6 axis motion sensing(first time on a phone).
                  3. Thinnest smartphone ever with 9.3 mm.
                  4. Stainless steel built outer cover for strength and which also works as a part of antenna system.
                  5. Multitasking with advanced iOS4, so u can run third party apps at d same time.
                  6. A4 chip, 1 GHz processor.
                  7. HD recording at 30 fps. tap to focus on both image and video.
                  So finally it's up to buyers that in how many phones they find all these features together.

                    • l
                    • luigi
                    • Lax
                    • 20 Jun 2010

                    I think it's been officially confirmed that the new Iphone 4gs will have 512mb of RAM, you should update your specifications GSMarena. Good Day!!

                      • S
                      • Sumit Saini
                      • utx
                      • 20 Jun 2010

                      tonmaior, 20 Jun 2010Please, what's the difference between screen resolution and... moreevery screen is made of very small lines which r called pixels. as much pixels u hv so much clear picture u would see. till now all phones use 165 pixels per inch but now iphone introduces 326 pixels per inch. it mean that much much much more clear screen. there is a fact than human eyes can distinguish up to 300 pixels per inch but iphone hv 326 pixels per inch. the size of screen is same as 3.5 inch but pixels r 4 times more. so picture will be so clear that could never be seen before.

                        • S
                        • Sumit
                        • utx
                        • 20 Jun 2010

                        [deleted post]will be launched in India in august or may be september(steve jobs said in his presentation, at end sept. will be available in 88 countries).

                          • 9
                          • 900% profit!!!
                          • uNV
                          • 20 Jun 2010

                          xxx, 20 Jun 2010the iphone 4 cost apple only $79 us dollars to manufacture ... moreOooMG... IPhone 4 takes only 79$ to make, and Apple sells it for 799$. So Apple have more than 900% of profit!!!

                            • J
                            • Jack
                            • up9
                            • 20 Jun 2010

                            Sorry the Site is theoatmeal dot com

                              • J
                              • Jack
                              • up9
                              • 20 Jun 2010

                              Hi hv been reading comments fr long nd I think it's upto a company hw it brings it's products nd hw they market it . So apple do hv a strategy which is working fr them we as consumers are free to take decisions so it's all upto us to choose the technology we want nd we need. I m not against apple, nokia or any company it's a free world and we all can make our choices. Apple do make phones which r stable nd hv nice touch screens.I came across a site oatmeal dot com at the top it's explained hw it's to own a apple product do see it's interesting nd some what true .

                                • u
                                • unknown
                                • 3Yi
                                • 20 Jun 2010

                                i think this phone has 512mb ram and 1gz processer

                                  • x
                                  • xxx
                                  • k2n
                                  • 20 Jun 2010

                                  Anonymous, 20 Jun 2010Liquidity is more important. I sold my 3 yrs old iphone2G ... morethe iphone 4 cost apple only $79 us dollars to manufacture so which means your payment of the iphone is overpriced.

                                    • L
                                    • LOL.
                                    • mh}
                                    • 20 Jun 2010

                                    Videocalls in 2006? Haw haw no way mate. Nokia had videocalls in around 2004 in their phones. Nokia also had bluetooth and 3g in 2003. and mp3 player and radio in 2001. So videocalls were around 2003. And Apple 7 years later.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • sm}
                                      • 20 Jun 2010

                                      phones have been releaed with 512 ram or more since last christmas by the way which shows the iphone lagging behind. 1 gz processors were in phones last autumn, video calling has been available on even entry level phones since 2006\2007 and over 3g too,not restricted bizarrely to wifi,and it certain won't revolutionise you life the way apple is trying to convince the fanboys. Most people you tried video calling over the years review of it would be....meh its ok

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • sm}
                                        • 20 Jun 2010

                                        its is fair to compare the iphone alone against the whole collective whole of the android phones since that essentially is what it is iphone os vs android os. There in lyes the downfall for iphone os, its only one phone which apple applies massive control and massive overpriceing on,which ends up as a semi high spec phone they over hyped and strategically market to get fanboys to empty their bank accounts.While the android is open source,countless companies battle for top android spot,meaning massive compettive drive. Android thus produces better,higher spec phones on a monthly basis and with competing companies eager to hit sales the prices are far more resonable,upgrades faster and no need to start saving very penny you have for next years so called 'new' iphone which steve jobs will demand you by because as he says 'its so cool' to own