Apple iPhone 4s

Apple iPhone 4s

User opinions and reviews

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  • D
  • AnonD-29839
  • nGZ
  • 25 Nov 2011

Pete Pistol, 25 Nov 2011well the blackberry is bigger than the iphone and more powe... moreWhat? The Blackberry is the more powerful handset? Is that a serious comment? I have had the iPhone and i now have a SGS2. My missus has the 9780 Bold and her sister has the new 9900. Errrrrr they do not even compare in terms of speed and power at all! They may be good as a business orientated phone, but to come on here and say that is ridiculous. Im not at an Apple fan, but that comment is insulting. You will get slated.

    • P
    • Pete Pistol
    • MVg
    • 25 Nov 2011

    well the blackberry is bigger than the iphone and more powerful than any mobile phone product, iphone does have a app for pumps though so it will boost the size more than blackberry but it not cheap and not many people have got the app

      • s
      • saqib ali
      • 7tE
      • 25 Nov 2011

      verry nic phone

        • k
        • kmlk
        • v{u
        • 25 Nov 2011

        is this phone support 4G

          • D
          • AnonD-29839
          • nGZ
          • 25 Nov 2011

          Anonymous, 24 Nov 2011Nah, don't buy the media hype. The video is only regarding ... moreHello mate. Completely agree with the Siri statement and i believe it is a good call from Apple to start it. Had Siri been on Android i wonder if the Android fans would have been talking about it as much. Probably! :)
          But it is just a simple case of "what suits you best". Poeple recognize in the UK that Man Utd are the creme de la crem of Football purely on the history and the titles that they have won etc etc But then Chelsea came along and started making some noise before dying down again. I see Android at the moment simply doing a "Chelsea" scenario. Hopefully (purely because i like Android) they keep going the way they are, keep improving etc etc. In a nutshell people, its actually a good thing that we are agruing about these phones these days, because like it or not, they are ALL great phones in comparison to what we used to have. Technology has come a massive long way over the years and its healthy competition that keeps us users happy.........and argumentative! :)

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • T{$
            • 25 Nov 2011

            Anonymous, 24 Nov 2011more expensive and less efficient, I prefer the samsung gal... morehot iphone 4s apps free download:

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • T{$
              • 25 Nov 2011

              hot iphone 4s apps free download:

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • ucx
                • 25 Nov 2011

                imo, iphone 4s is not worth the money. quality control is lousy. 50 out of 100 iphone 4s that comes out from their plants have defects. i'm waiting for the iphone 5. and if iphone 5 dissapoints me, i'll say goodbye to iphone permanently.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • JJs
                  • 25 Nov 2011

                  Anonymous, 24 Nov 2011more expensive and less efficient, I prefer the samsung gal... moreDo you know what efficiency is?
                  Have a look on Merriam Webster dictionary:

                  Definition of EFFICIENCY

                  : the quality or degree of being efficient
                  a : efficient operation
                  b (1) : effective operation as measured by a comparison of production with cost (as in energy, time, and money) (2) : the ratio of the useful energy delivered by a dynamic system to the energy supplied to it

                  It is a large piece of plastic meant to be a copy that does not get even close to Iphone efficiency.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • JJs
                    • 25 Nov 2011

                    [deleted post]It is cheap plastic copy that cannot be even compared software sucks and does not have access to beautiful Apple ecosystem

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • YHV
                      • 25 Nov 2011

                      Anonymous, 24 Nov 2011mate you said: I know one thing,once you try iPhone you ... moreif it was disaster how come they sold so many units then ??

                        • s
                        • sabi
                        • utp
                        • 25 Nov 2011

                        iphone 4gs best or samsung s 2 >>>>according to look and features , , ,,who is the best????????????????????????????????????????plz give me some information ??????????

                          • a
                          • and
                          • Kg@
                          • 25 Nov 2011

                          great review

                            • N
                            • NOTanonymous
                            • kRv
                            • 24 Nov 2011

                            Anonymous, 24 Nov 2011more expensive and less efficient, I prefer the samsung gal... moreAnd how is it less efficient? Got more features with a better battery life. and the OS doesn't lag after three months like android does. Trust me I would know, me and many other people including friends have had these same android problems; couldn't even answer calls because it lagged so much, won't turn off after some time, its just way slower. Why would someone want to buy a phone where the features don't work? Thats why I go with iPhone, had the iPod touch for years and the OS still works seamlessly. The iPhone is more than an iPod touch on steroids, it's basically a full upgrade on steroids. None of the people I know who have an iPhone have had serious problems. the dropped calls were only a select few people, the battery issue has been fixed already (which was also a select few). now on the other hand, i could write a book on the many problems the Samsungs already have. So you can go take your trolling business elsewhere. You've fooled no one and been exposed.

                              • D
                              • AnonD-10112
                              • Pcx
                              • 24 Nov 2011

                              sufi, 23 Nov 2011i want to buy phone but i m vry confuse which phone should ... moreiPhone 4S!

                                • k
                                • kaewoods
                                • fuv
                                • 24 Nov 2011

                                Great interface if you are a touch screen user. If you are an APPLE-HOLIC, this is a must get. Jailbreak not available yet. Apple is durable. Besides Siri, this is a well organised phone, not too much and not too less either. HAVING A PROBLEM WITH SIRI RECOGNITION? GO BACK TO SCHOOL.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • T3h
                                  • 24 Nov 2011

                                  more expensive and less efficient, I prefer the samsung galaxy note.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • 3Yb
                                    • 24 Nov 2011

                                    Anonymous, 24 Nov 2011Cullum , thanks for your post, please don't waste your tim... moreEven Callum respects a person's right to choose what is best for him, even though he disagrees with iPhone as that choice. For that, he earns my respect.

                                    You however, have proven that you are still locked in a cage, unlike Callum who is big enough to allow others their choice, even if it does not match with his opinion.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • 3Yb
                                      • 24 Nov 2011

                                      AnonD-29839, 24 Nov 2011Unfortunately i can not see youtube on here as i am at work... moreNah, don't buy the media hype. The video is only regarding Siri's military background history that's all.

                                      In any case, just as I think Siri is fantastic, I also don't agree with how media hypes it up no end. To me, its great technology, and Apple are smart to call it beta, as there is still more polishing to do, but what it does do, it does superbly well.

                                      Also, as far as common sense goes, it is far easier talking to you, as what I say to you is met with a response, regardless whether we agree or not. Unfortunately I cannot say the same for our friend iWhat or GS2 Fan, as he is a broken record, going round in circles.

                                      I have explained to him countless times, that I personally favour iPhone, but do not go around telling everyone that it is the best phone for them, only the best phone for ME, and I highlight the reasons why. Everyone should be able to choose whatever they like. Not into Android bashing myself, I prefer the positive, even tho I am guilty of it sometimes, in the heat of the moment.


                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • 95H
                                        • 24 Nov 2011

                                        AnonD-29839, 24 Nov 2011Mate, i am not saying the iPhone is not for you. I have nev... moreCullum , thanks for your post,
                                        please don't waste your time with this guy, he is locked in the cage of iphone, and can't see exciting world out there,
                                        His arguments is so weak, and funny is he is trying so hard to say he is not a big fan, but he is,

                                        He has found it hard to accept that 4S has been a total failur and just keep bringing up serri and camera which as you know better its all been done far better in many other phones, so 4S have nothing new or innovative to offer,
                                        people like me and you have moved on from this, and I feel so happy I did, and I genuinly mean that!

                                        I am out of the cage