Apple iPhone 5
- g
- giorat23
- 8xh
- 08 Sep 2013
Inday Pikiplak, 08 Sep 2013Yes i agree edgardo that the iphone5 is an absolutely shit.... moreHahaha.. any android wish had half of the power and smoothness that ONLY an iphone 5 reach, and all of that with a dual core cpu and 1gb of ram LOL!! Stop trolling in a IPHONE review and keep playing with your crap and shit android laggy Phone kid.
- D
- AnonD-56991
- 39x
- 08 Sep 2013
Yingyang, 08 Sep 2013Taking over? Haha. C'mon business men have laptops. You can... moreI'm not saying maybe businessmen are using phablets I'm telling you for a fact that it is very increasingly happening, because I'm guessing you've barely ever touched an Android device because the fact is they can do 80% of what a laptop can do and businessmen who aren't stuck in an office all day are seeing the benefit of a phablet that is small enough to fit in your pocket but big enough to comfortably see the screen.
- Y
- Yingyang
- t7X
- 08 Sep 2013
AnonD-56991, 08 Sep 2013Actually phablets like the Note are very quickly taking ove... moreTaking over? Haha. C'mon business men have laptops. You can see a few with tablets but. Mostly kids have tablets for gaming. Smoothness reliability durability and accuracy are just one of the few reasons why people still choose iphone. Can't argue with that.
- D
- AnonD-56991
- 39x
- 08 Sep 2013
Yingyang, 08 Sep 2013Yeah yeah whatever man. Ever since apple iphone appeared. T... moreActually phablets like the Note are very quickly taking over from iPhone because with iPhone you have to carry a phone and a tablet, But the last few years people in business are realising it's better to carry 1 device that can do everything they need.
- Y
- Yingyang
- t7X
- 08 Sep 2013
AnonD-56991, 08 Sep 2013Samsung makes phones so it's not their fault if Google can'... moreYeah yeah whatever man. Ever since apple iphone appeared. They have been criticized by many. But guess what? Still it turns out to be the best selling smartphone. You know why? Because it is simple. Easy to use speedy. Smooth PORTABLE "mobile" phone. Unlike your samsung phones. That keeps on putting gimmicky things inside it. And doesn't even use it really. In some battery purposes. It is so big that can't even fit in your pocket, what's the logic their? To have a better view while watching videos? So you really watch videos everyday with your phone?. No wonder business men still prefer iphone.
- D
- AnonD-56991
- 39x
- 08 Sep 2013
Yingyang, 08 Sep 2013Yeahyeah. Talking sh** about iphone. C'mon! It is still fa... moreSamsung makes phones so it's not their fault if Google can't make software that works flawlessly on every phone, And the Note 3 doesn't have that many more pixels than the iPhone's retina display because Apple were bragging about how their 326ppi screen is the most the Human eye can see when it turns out they just lying and it's actually somewhere around 400ppi which fits perfect with the Note 3s 380ppi.
And you can defend Apple all you want but the fact is if you want IOS a huge amount of people have to massively compromise because of what it can't do, When the fact is Android phones don't compromise and give you everything you want or might possibly need in the future because people don't know if tomorrow there might be something you want to do but can't if the phone can't do it.
- r
- riad
- uNV
- 08 Sep 2013
i think it's better s4,physically strong like that.everyuser are can relized that how good iphone.totally extra ordinary feather .so circumstance i say u can use it long time i also use.thank all of them.
- Y
- Yingyang
- t7X
- 08 Sep 2013
Yeahyeah. Talking sh** about iphone. C'mon! It is still faster than your quadcore snapuppy chipsets. Talking about the chipset. If you're phone has all of that features. Why are there still lags.? And talking about the screen. Do you really need that amount of pixels? And that kind of screens? Maybe if you have problems with your eyes you do. It's funny looking at people holding those huge phones. Phones should be portable. If you want those features on your screen. Why wouldn't you buy t.v instead or laptop. You should also need a bag for those phones anyways. So stop talking sh** about apple here. And realize that apple is their platform before they have achieved what they have achieved now.
- D
- AnonD-56991
- 39x
- 08 Sep 2013
alexcoreable, 08 Sep 2013It's like you gonna use it in a jungle for few days in orde... moreYou don't record 4K videos just to play back on your phone, you play it back on a 4k TV or you could even watch back on a cinema screen and hardly notice the pixels in it.
And you might call that overkill but a lot of people will use 4K and it's always better to have too much than always have not enough and be forced to compromise like you have to do with many iPhone features.
- I
- Inday Pikiplak
- v0q
- 08 Sep 2013
antonio escuadro, 07 Sep 2013Apple is total crap. Even chinese xiaomi has a full hd phon... moreYes i agree edgardo that the iphone5 is an absolutely shit. Yes u are correct the apple A5 and A6 chips are actually based on the cortex A5 chips of circa forgotten era. Even Anandtech recognizes it. Anand thought first that upcoming apple A7 would be somehow more modern, but it is still based on the cortex A5 A9 variant. Apple is known as crapple since everything is fake and obsolete technology. In asia, u wil fimd iphones every corner of the side street being sold as if candy bar, but no takers since smartphones from india and thailand are far superior at only a frqction of its price. Samsung, a mid level brand is popular since it offers the best bang for the buck. Sony is the most sought brand and the brand of the rich when it comes to android, aside from their blackberry. Apple is the common cellphone of the poor since as i said, its sold everywhere at dirt cheap prices, hence apple store are closing.
- a
- alexcoreable
- 08 Sep 2013
AnonD-56991, 07 Sep 20138 cores actually do make a difference because it uses 4 A15... moreIt's like you gonna use it in a jungle for few days in order for the phone to be so power saving and long lasting onn a single charge? Then use a smaller screen, HD screen is already enough, that's the part which is the most power hungry. It just doesn't make sense at all. Plus what's the use of playing a 4K video on a full HD screen and it takes up so much space. I'm not saying Samsung is bad, note 3 really impressed me, and I like the fact that Samsung always being so creative, I just think that Samsung is going way too far, anyway I'm a Samsung user, I just hope to see Samsung has something more practical in the future like multi window, not just blindly focus on improving the specs. =)
- S
- Shax
- fm5
- 08 Sep 2013
AnonD-56991, 07 Sep 20138 cores actually do make a difference because it uses 4 A15... moreYo dude...kindly buy the phone that fulfills all your needs...if u like note 3 so much, then please go ahead and buy seems like u dont like apple because they overpriced...i dont know why you are giving lecture on the iphone 5 comments page...y u bother opening iphone 5 page? Whether its 3gb or 4 gb ram, the fact is that samsung phones are not optimised with the android software...the hardware does not compliment with the software ... Dont tell me dat u need a quad core device wid processors clocked at 2,2 ghz (snapdragon 800) to make a phone run smoothly...iphone doesnt need a quad core chipset...!!! Please give your useful suggestions on pages for your favourite and cool android devices
- D
- AnonD-56991
- 39x
- 07 Sep 2013
AnonD-116257, 07 Sep 2013no more Samsung for me! i don't like the cheap build qualit... more8 cores actually do make a difference because it uses 4 A15 cores for most things and an extra 4 A6 cores to save power because when you not using the phone it switches to the low-power cores or if you just doing something simple like listening to music it can help save the battery a lot.
And you obviously have no idea how ram works if you think 3gb is too much because it means the Note 3 can handle things like 4K videos, do more things at once and the phone doesn't have to keep closing tasks so everything opens quicker.
- D
- AnonD-116257
- wHR
- 07 Sep 2013
no more Samsung for me! i don't like the cheap build quality and i think Samsung is focusing on something that is completely not practical, eg. octa core, 3GB RAM. you're not really gonna tell the difference between quad core and octa core, and most of the features on Samsung are impressive but not usable in daily life. one year later is Samsung going to release a 12-core phone with 4GB RAM? hey guys this is a phone, and it's all about the usability and durability, it's not about how extravaganza the phone is in terms of features and how great is the processor. and a 13mp camera is totally insane, no matter how good the camera is, its standard will always way below a proper camera or DSLR, a simple and basic camera will do a pretty good job on a mobile phone
- D
- AnonD-56991
- 39x
- 07 Sep 2013
Yingyang, 07 Sep 2013Intact they already released it. The 3 and the 3GS. But the... moreNo matter what materials you use big phones are always easier to break than things like the little tiny iPhone, Because even phones a quarter of the price of iPhone with the same little 3.5"-4" screens are almost as strong and reliable, So all Apple does is give expensive materials because it makes people who don't know any better think that it makes a better phone when it's actually just for show to give people something to brag about.
- D
- AnonD-56991
- 39x
- 07 Sep 2013
س , 07 Sep 2013I see Android phones at 1/3 of the price with the same spec... moreApple devices are only actually worth a fraction of what they charge, But just like designer clothes are often made in the same factory by the same people with the same materials you really just paying for the brand name, And with Apple they target those customers who have money to burn and want a device that's easy to use, But people are getting better at understanding smartphones so more and more of those people are going for Android and Windows Phone because the phones are a LOT better and do a LOT more and they willing to use them because the average person knows how to use them now.
- D
- AnonD-182062
- 07 Sep 2013
س , 07 Sep 2013I see Android phones at 1/3 of the price with the same spec... moreyeah true.
It's just the brand name that has given the luxury to offer at a premium price. Nothing more than that.
- &
- س 
- nGx
- 07 Sep 2013
I see Android phones at 1/3 of the price with the same specs here in UAE. What is so special?
- ?
- Anonymous
- SvC
- 07 Sep 2013
Umi, 07 Sep 2013Iphone 4s gets 6.7 ; 6.8 ratings and iphone 5 gets 5.6 ... moreIt's not better but there was an expectation. This means, that people thought they wuold get better o/s, redesidned look and feel to the phone. There was nothing really new introduced to the phone which is why the market does not think it's better, and that is why you see the lower rating. Personally I use iphone and galaxy phones but on my personal phone I switched to galaxy when the s2 came out. There was no comparing, iphone is miles behind.
- ?
- Anonymous
- SvC
- 07 Sep 2013
Really curious to see what old technology and features are going to be repackaged and sold as "cool and exciting NEW" features that the iphone brings. Let's face it, the Iphone was great and has built up a lot of momentum, momentum that has been carrying it for the past 2 years. I really hope Apple will come up with something brillian, otherwise there is no incentive to move from android.