Apple iPhone 5

Apple iPhone 5

User opinions and reviews

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  • Y
  • Yingyang
  • P@c
  • 31 Jul 2013

Tcool, 29 Jul 2013Cannot put many HD videos and MP3 songs to the limited memo... moreHey tcool. I heard that our beloved samsung s4 caught cheating on their bench marks. first im not that surprized. Because iphone5 is realy faster than samsung. Huh. Octa core my a$*

    • D
    • AnonD-77892
    • UNA
    • 31 Jul 2013

    Tcool, 29 Jul 2013Cannot put many HD videos and MP3 songs to the limited memo... morewow! no comment!

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • PGX
      • 31 Jul 2013

      AnonD-86508, 31 Jul 2013Does iphone5 has a good saving Battery? and is it better to... moreAlways check the buy guide before you commit your money

      It says wait for 5s if you can. iPhone have almost always same battery drain regardless of application installed, and long standby time.

        • D
        • AnonD-86508
        • Khs
        • 31 Jul 2013

        Does iphone5 has a good saving Battery? and is it better to get it than waiting for 5s? im gonna buy an used iphone5 this month. Its only cost about 500$ here. I wanna try ios because now I already have an Android tablet pc.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • PGX
          • 31 Jul 2013

          AnonD-8044, 31 Jul 2013When did ip5 go to 1.3GHZ?..i missed that. Apple haters ... moreThey have being top every year in terms of application quality and system performance.

          They release a redesign every 2 year consistently to follow the 2year telco plan. So not to upset customer of the previous generation.

          Every year you get an OS upgrade free regardless for at least 3 years

          Do not get confused by bashing fanboys:
          1. Specs
          2. Benchmarks
          3. Features.

          Because they can be faked and is pertaining only to a particular usage pattern.. and OS usage.

            • M
            • M Anderson
            • 98e
            • 31 Jul 2013

            Yingyang, 30 Jul 2013All of your complaints have solutions. Stop bashing iphone ... moreThe specs speak for themselves. S4 beats iPhone5 in every spec:

            - iPhone 5 still using 1.3 GHz dual-core processor? Come on. S4 has 2 quad-core processors (1.6 GHz for intensive processing, and 1.2 GHz for saving battery when not intensive).

            - S4 has twice the RAM.

            - S4 display has a higher resolution (~441 ppi vs 326 ppi)

            - S4 has 13MP camera, iPhone 5 has 8MP camera.

            - S4 has the Android stock browser and Chrome browser, much better than Safari.

            - S4 has Android, a superior operating system that is open, allows Java and Flash to run, and gives you access to many free services that you need to pay for if you use iOS.

            Samsung Galaxy S4 beats iPhone5 hands down.

              • D
              • AnonD-8044
              • nEs
              • 31 Jul 2013

              When did ip5 go to 1.3GHZ?..i missed that.

              Apple haters complain iPhone 5 have poor specs vs samsung galaxy s4. or note2.

              But when it comes to using application iphone5 is faster.. So whats the point of specs if it does not help in performance?

              Exactly whats been said for years.Iphone is consistently ,consistent consistently.

              Are Apple about to blow us away with something new this year or keep the same and disappoint us.They really need to up their game because this iphone has to last another year bringing it to Sept 2014 and by then SO much will have happened ,even new O/S out.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • syv
                • 30 Jul 2013

                previously i was an android fan.. recently switched from s3 to iphone 5 and seriously itx awsum jxt use bumper and front back protecter as the body is not relaible at all but otherwise phone ia great. screen size is ideal.. easily fitx in the pocket unlike s3.. apps are running without any lag. as my personal experience some apps lags on s3 like iron man etc but working fine on my iphone. nw m an ios fan :D

                  • W
                  • Wow..
                  • tRe
                  • 30 Jul 2013

                  Elen, 30 Jul 2013I have had my Apple iPhone 5 for 6 months. I haven't been r... moreIf you can manage to break iPhone... you should never buy android LOL..

                  You might break it at day one.

                  A simple google for the symptoms and ask around the apple support forum would already address your problem.

                    • b
                    • babynick
                    • thi
                    • 30 Jul 2013

                    does anyone have an idea when iphone 5s is going to be release on the market?? been thinking to buy iphone 4s or iphone 5..but if iphone 5s is going to release this yr ill wait for it..anyone has an idea?

                      • E
                      • Elen
                      • qxV
                      • 30 Jul 2013

                      I have had my Apple iPhone 5 for 6 months. I haven't been rough with it. Today my email froze. When I called support they told me I couldn't speak to a technician because I didn't have AppleCare. The phone is less than a year old and expensive. There is no reason why I should pay to get advice over the phone about what might be wrong. I am getting less and less happy with Apple as a company.

                        • Y
                        • Yingyang
                        • t7X
                        • 30 Jul 2013

                        AnonD-160071, 28 Jul 2013I've used the phone and it's all too sad and pathetic for a... moreLies!! I have a note 2. I like it but 119? Apps with no lags!! Lies!! I just opened 5 apps. And it lags as hell!! Stop posting things here that you said that you've tried. C'mon!! Troll!!

                          • Y
                          • Yingyang
                          • t7X
                          • 30 Jul 2013

                          Tcool, 29 Jul 2013Cannot put many HD videos and MP3 songs to the limited memo... moreAll of your complaints have solutions. Stop bashing iphone here boy. Iphone is faster than your samsung, that's it. It's easy to use unlike your samsung. And hey. Samsungs after sale service sucks! No value. After a couple of months. The phones price drops bigtime!

                            • S
                            • Stevefan
                            • Hkq
                            • 30 Jul 2013

                            Anonymous, 28 Jul 2013hey plz help me...what to check while buying used i5?how wo... moreiOS➡Heaven

                              • C
                              • Confused Developer
                              • PGX
                              • 30 Jul 2013

                              An Android Developer, 30 Jul 2013This phone plays the role of a top-tier flagship yet it has... moreYou cannot compare specs for iOS devices / Android devices.. Try develop apps for iOS for a change since you are a developer.

                              You will understand why.

                              See how you bash your head while you try to retain 10k records+images on a low end droid vs a iphone 3gs.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • K0s
                                • 30 Jul 2013

                                AnonD-137486, 29 Jul 2013Why everybody has bad perception on apple product? Iphon... moreis not bad reputation about apple products, is more about certain users, who like to troll or insult other people just because they use something different.

                                i know apple quality tends to be good, however since they become so massive it is merely logical and usual that a few units come with a defect or two, and i guess it was just apple luck that those units got to the hands of very picky users who love to make public anything related their apple products (a bad counter action of the evangelist commerce), thus giving a bad reputation to apple in the end.
                                now on the warranty regard, now most companies do that also.
                                on the price, well, if it was as cheap as a xiaomi, it wouldn't be seen as something worth having by many people, also the materials they use have different price due to manufacture process.

                                for a comment i would just encourage everyone to get the 64GB one, so they would have enough storage, for now, wait and see if they make a bigger one next year

                                  • A
                                  • An Android Developer
                                  • qLj
                                  • 30 Jul 2013

                                  This phone plays the role of a top-tier flagship yet it has the specs of a cheap Android. Makes me wonder why people bitch about Moto X's specs?

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • XuC
                                    • 29 Jul 2013

                                    AnonD-143482, 29 Jul 2013After 6 months of use I have got to say a phone I will not ... moreIOS can jailbreak same as we root on Android
                                    from there we can install Ifile which is File manager and much more's wow

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • HI8
                                      • 29 Jul 2013

                                      [deleted post]You've posted your opinion in a wrong forum.You should have written your opinion in samsung phone's forums.

                                        • F
                                        • FreeName
                                        • EwX
                                        • 29 Jul 2013

                                        iPhone 5 is use Apple A6 but architecture is use ARM Cortex A-15 Dual Core