Apple iPhone 5
- D
- AnonD-111344
- Lbi
- 05 Jul 2013
Well wht ive concluded is getting i5 we will be getting updates till next 2 year or more but as for htc one we never knw either it will be updated or not even if it will it wont get updates till next 2 year thts for sure !(ithink)
- D
- AnonD-154461
- 7j{
- 05 Jul 2013
The iOS 7 keypad is a ditto damn copy of Motorola Atrix keypad. No difference. There you go iOS. All stupidity. And some iOS devices will not get all the features of iOS 7. What logic! That means you have to have a iPhone 5 or an iPod touch 5g to avail all it's features! And airdrop works between iOS 7 devices only! Great! There you go again. You done all possible restrictions!
- S
- Sampple
- t7X
- 05 Jul 2013
Should i change my iPhone 5 to samsung galaxy s4? Ive just bought it. But. Ive heard that s4 is great too,
- M
- Marie
- 0Vh
- 05 Jul 2013
At first I bought iP5 - my first (and only) apple/smartphone device - then I read most of your comments. I have to admit I was terrified that I made the worst choice ever, after I read about all the potential faults of this phone. I even left the phone in the box for a week without opening it (pls, don't laugh at me). Finally, I started using it. It is just great. My device doesn't have any defect, my sister's neither. I am very happy with it. If only it had a FM radio (tiresome request, I know). But still it is the best user experience ever.
- c
- cjs
- 04 Jul 2013
hi u heard many times apple or samsung,or i5 or s4, i used both,but if u wants pure quality,realibily, smooth touch, nice headphone output,weightless, and very good resale value go for i5 without any hasitetion..and if u wants.. big screen, expandable memory, replacable battery, then only go for s4.. my choice is iphone 5... true smart phone is apple i5..
- D
- AnonD-129806
- mXy
- 04 Jul 2013
AnonD-111344, 04 Jul 2013Is it really important to jailbreak I phone 5 to get free p... moreWell ive had that problem for ages now,go to Android get fed up and go back to IOS..If it down to how much you can afford then Android wins and is more flexible...IOS gives you fuss free operation..
The best smartfone is still the one that suites your needs and budget..I have sgs2 and iphone 4s both older devices but somehow better than latest..My sgs2 has nice bright superamoled plus display and does most things s4 can do..Iphone 4s does most things 5 can do but with better build quality..
I am still a Nokia person at heart but W8 is still along way off IOS and Android. No O/S is perfect really you still have trade offs.
- R
- Ranbir kumae
- fCG
- 04 Jul 2013
iphone 5 working smoothly really fantastic phone is beautiful.and design ghazab.i like phone iphone u apple.
- m
- minions
- 04 Jul 2013
based on my experience just this morning, I had encountered some lag issues with ip5 when im playing minion rush though not a problem at all, probably it really happens to all phones. but compared with my old phone (xperia go) i highly recommend ip5 above all phones which are in the market.
- D
- AnonD-111344
- Lbs
- 04 Jul 2013
Is it really important to jailbreak I phone 5 to get free paid apps ? Cnt we just download i5 paid apps by getting it free frm sites (like android) rather thn jailbreaking it ?ive seen in my friends iphone 5 tht after jailbreaking it the phone sometimes restarts but ui works normal .
I wanna move from android to ios but dammit i cnt decide either to move or not ! Htc one ! Or i5 !
- T
- That P4u Guy
- 3Ax
- 04 Jul 2013
Great Phone dont get me wrong but the build quality was very poor compared to the iphone 4s i mean on the iphone 5 both colours the paint comes off and chips without the phone being dropped or anything people will claim this is just wear and tear but any other phone the paint does not come off. very dissapointed sold my iphone 5 and got a htc one for the decent build quality
- R
- Ranjit
- u10
- 04 Jul 2013
Does Iphone 5 supports CSFB function of LTE? CSFB is circuit switched fall back to UMTS(3G) or GSM(2G).
- j
- josh
- MVg
- 04 Jul 2013
best phone in the world. forget open source. you need a phone that works effortlessly without lag and looks absolutely class. this phone is designed with style and quality hardware. owned 4s and 5. never had any probs.
- D
- AnonD-147637
- jMI
- 04 Jul 2013
AnonD-129806, 03 Jul 2013To all other iphone users out there open up as many apps as... moreNo lag at all honestly. I only opened about 23 apps though, but I saw no slowing down in the last one I opened (which was a game called Metalstorm: Aces)
- D
- AnonD-137486
- KAd
- 04 Jul 2013
AnonD-111344, 04 Jul 2013Iphone 5 or HTC one ? all i want is a smartphone running sm... moreBefore selecting whether HTC or Iphone first decide android or IOS.HTC and Iphone5 both build quality is excellent in class.Regarding inbuilt memory you have to decide according to your wants and usage because its a one time investment.Think before you leap.PEACE :-)
- D
- AnonD-147637
- jMI
- 04 Jul 2013
It really depends on what you want. If you want the best apps (free and paid) with very little lag and a great overall camera then iPhone 5 is for you. If you want a iPhone lookalike with great customization options and most great apps with a great low-light camera with front speakers then HTC One is for you.
- D
- AnonD-111344
- 3AU
- 04 Jul 2013
Iphone 5 or HTC one ? all i want is a smartphone running smooth having games etc for free and apps also free ofcourse :) (full apps)
the only confusion is for same price im getting 32gb htc as of iphone 5 16gb :(
any help which to buy ?
- S
- Sed_Reza
- 7Dh
- 04 Jul 2013
I's so sorry for Apple, it's not creative and different anymore!
This iOS is just a copy of Android!
- b
- batista
- 3sE
- 04 Jul 2013
Nicknamess, 02 Jul 2013Cmon sir. The gs4 is just fast on the papers. But if you ju... moreIt is the best
- D
- AnonD-129806
- mXy
- 03 Jul 2013
To all other iphone users out there open up as many apps as you can then choose an app to play with,,,does it work fine with not one stutter or lag.??
- D
- AnonD-129806
- mXy
- 03 Jul 2013
Well i have it in front of me now and it has 84 open and just works fine,,also got 19 tabs open in Opera mini..Just does not bat an eyelid its just works silky smooth..