Apple iPhone 5
- K
- Konvicted krishna
- utd
- 12 Jun 2013
iPhone is best,never lags like android phones.
- a
- anonymous
- Y}R
- 12 Jun 2013
manss, 12 Jun 2013all technology first coming from apple.and others following... moreNot all android phones lag. Have you used every single android phone available to be able to conclude that android phones lag or are you copying what other people say?
- m
- manss
- mTW
- 12 Jun 2013
all technology first coming from apple.and others following that.iphone iam using since 2007 dec.first ipone 2g,2nd iphone 4,now iphone 5. android smartphones all some time laging and stuck,ugly very crazy
- m
- mana
- 12 Jun 2013
iphone, 11 Jun 2013it is your choice if you prefer s4 then by a s4 and dont co... moreI think I phone needs to do something out of the box as Samsung is killing it in the market. in terms of features, opparationg systems and not forgetting sales volumes.
- ?
- Anonymous
- HI8
- 12 Jun 2013
Anonymous, 11 Jun 2013It is official.. ioS 7 is terrible. A Frankenstystem of An... moreMaybe from Android and WP but not from that junk sumbian and blackberry OS.
- ?
- Anonymous
- fCZ
- 12 Jun 2013
Anonymous, 11 Jun 2013wrong again sir coz most htc are known for having battery l... moreAbsolutely correct.......purchased HTC one very very lousy battery backup....back to my old and reliable iPhone 5
- ?
- Anonymous
- 12 Jun 2013
Jolly, 11 Jun 2013Apple has launched new IOS7 and it look great but similar t... moreNo do not update and use as daily phone. You will be disappointed, as most apps will crash and the OS is not yet optimised thus lag, and you will be unable to downgrade back to 6.1.4 without risk bricking.
Plus the app store is only connected to US servers, if your apps are tied to other countries, you will not be able to update or use them.
Let the developers iron out the bugs then you can use.
- ?
- Anonymous
- w4C
- 12 Jun 2013
Anonymous, 11 Jun 2013wrong again sir coz most htc are known for having battery l... moreYour blanket statement is 100% wrong concerning htc phones.
As an htc desire owner my battery lasted 7-8 days when it was new and now 3 years later i still get 4-5 days with regular i've never had battery drain issues with new os releases like i did with my iphone3 (remember those?)
- D
- AnonD-8044
- nEk
- 12 Jun 2013
Jolly, 11 Jun 2013Apple has launched new IOS7 and it look great but similar t... moreAs far as I know you cannot downgrade so I would leave it for now..
- i
- iphone
- 3@k
- 11 Jun 2013
[deleted post]it is your choice if you prefer s4 then by a s4 and dont compare iphone IPHONE IS SIMPLY ONE !!! not like all droids htc samsung ...
- i
- iphone
- 3@k
- 11 Jun 2013
Jolly, 11 Jun 2013Apple has launched new IOS7 and it look great but similar t... moreit vill not apple always optimize their software for speed and stability and performanse :)
- J
- Jolly
- 11 Jun 2013
Apple has launched new IOS7 and it look great but similar to Android, I want to update to new version too but afraid my phone will work slow and stuck with new IOS, Does it cause to fone?
- ?
- Anonymous
- wMH
- 11 Jun 2013
Anu, 10 Jun 2013Worst.. Just 4 inch screen and 1.2 Duel core processor.. Ha... morewrong again sir coz most htc are known for having battery life problems..if your questioning about iphone battery life in terms of gaming and internet browsing then it will last even two days while your htc wont even last for a think again before you talk big of your crappy htc coz iphone will own every htc...
- ?
- Anonymous
- GT6
- 11 Jun 2013
It is official.. ioS 7 is terrible. A Frankenstystem of Android, Blackberry Symbian and WP8 all blended together.
What a waste of effort.
- p
- ps4
- a4X
- 11 Jun 2013
S4 is much better and more powerful with more sensors and more features , bigger display. 2 CPUs. the best GPU.
we have to say good bye apple.
- N
- Normal User
- Nqq
- 11 Jun 2013
It's true that the iphone processor and ram are less than HTC one and Samsung S4 ... But history said that applications and games which work on iphone 5, still working on iphone 3Gs with no real problems with the same OS, what about the first generation of samsung galaxy S ???
Comparing between apple and other brands is like comparing between small mercedes and bigger Chinese car !
- S
- Samsung
- t}2
- 10 Jun 2013
compare to Samsung S4...Iphone waste...
- S
- Samsung
- t}2
- 10 Jun 2013
compare to Samsung S4...Iphone waste...
- A
- Augustus
- uum
- 10 Jun 2013
Hi Guys all you are talking about quad core,ram & size of the screen.Thats not the things you have to check have to see whether it works to its specs.Thats where we come to apple iphones.In previous models they have been giving 800mhz processor & 256 ram but the things is it wont get slow even if apps runs in background.i tested that with more than 20 apps running in the background.still its have to understand its about their ios software.and most of you guys know that for movie editing apple pc is only used.
cause its about the pixel depth.No screen can compare to those apple products.there screen is the main thing thats y they have given the retina display which no one else has given in phones.
and the graphics its always outstanding they are using triple core graphics.and for battery try and see guys itself knows some technical details about battery.what about the apples R&D Department? think.the battery may be 1440 mah.there software dosent use up all the battery android you are using battery saver or some apps.but they are in built thats y i am saying try and see it iphone is not like any other products.they are not releasing every month a model.they dedicate they lifes to create the best one even if it takes a year or five.they try to give the best guys.the only thing that truly lacks is bluetooth it can only send from apple to apple.other than that.its the best.
- o
- omar
- NhA
- 10 Jun 2013
the incroyable phone in the world then apstore very good