Apple iPhone 5

Apple iPhone 5

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • KIA
  • 16 Jan 2013

AnonD-79437, 16 Jan 2013Exactly dud , thats the real point and the fact " opti... moreHahahaaa,,,, great one bro "HUNDRA CORE" hahahaaa
Cant stop :D

    • N
    • Naythan
    • tUe
    • 16 Jan 2013

    Well I will not hate this phone cause I just can't increase the size of the phones.

      • n
      • noobie
      • vxt
      • 16 Jan 2013

      just Got my I phone. Awesome phone. My battery works very well!

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • tue
        • 16 Jan 2013

        Just got mine be honest iphone 5 is fcking awesome..glad i bought it..

          • V
          • Vikas
          • uu@
          • 16 Jan 2013

          Iphone 5 king, 14 Jan 2013Sometimes that happens either keep on trying to on and off ... moreYou can also try switching airplane mode on and then off again , for me it solved the problem.

            • o
            • olimpio
            • ftK
            • 16 Jan 2013

            this phone must be great try to get it anyway

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • gyf
              • 16 Jan 2013

              Does it have sound when you shake it?

                • D
                • AnonD-96039
                • t7W
                • 16 Jan 2013

                hi everyone, my dad plan to buy me a new phone and that would be Iphone 5. this is my first time to use ios. can i sync my phone (iphone 5) to my netbook which is Asus ? and can i send file via bluetooth also? please i need answer please :(

                  • K
                  • KJZ
                  • 0kG
                  • 16 Jan 2013

                  Apple has the best quality of products and will always do! Samsung is cheap plastic and i hate it! I have samsung S3 and I cant type with it properly! While on the other hand iPhone has the best touch and more reliable while samsung always lags!

                    • r
                    • rahul
                    • Hkw
                    • 16 Jan 2013

                    Woaah! I just love this iPhone 5. I have used almost all os except IOS i have samsung galaxy tab, lumia 710 and i must say that android is just piece of shit with all rubbish stuff in marketplace while window have less and useful apps. Hopefully I'll get iPhone 5 soon

                      • a
                      • ahmed
                      • 63W
                      • 16 Jan 2013

                      heloo i used the both aos and the great ios about the battery its the same no big defrent ,, but the ios more stable . the androide only has a good thing not in the iphone the sharing .. in the androide u can share any thing to any application in ur device ,, also other thing in aos not in ios the contact details . in the aos if u want to call or sending mesege the aos give u many choices as whats app or chat on or any way to send mesege ,, also in the call if u want call aos give u many choiseing u can use viber or normal call ,, these only the big defrent between aos and ios ,, other hand the ios is mooooore better than aos ,, sorey for mestaking

                        • U
                        • User 20 two
                        • Hxe
                        • 16 Jan 2013

                        Aladdin_, 12 Jan 2013Warning DONT UPGRADE TO IOS 6.0.2... this is a warning t... moreThank u for telling us.. I was about to upgrade but now I didn't hopefully we will get a fix soon

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • 2@X
                          • 16 Jan 2013

                          law, 15 Jan 2013I agree with you. I already posted this around a week ag... moreI totally agree with you. Even though s3 has a quad-core processor it is sluggish. IPhone 5 with dual coreprocessor doesn't lag even when you are multitasking between 6-10 apps . I guess what made s3 so successful was just its popularity . People bought that phone due to Samsung's reputation. For me the best phone is iPhone 5 and the second best is HTC ONE X+ .

                            • D
                            • AnonD-79437
                            • iLH
                            • 16 Jan 2013

                            Anonymous, 15 Jan 2013Firstly, I always research phones extensively before upgrad... moreExactly dud , thats the real point and the fact " optimization " Apple policy is not big screen fast cpu etc Apple producting iphone with very stable frimware " operation saystem " iOS with little CPU .
                            What da hell Android octa , quad , i donnow what de hell is comming next a CPU with 100 core " hundra core " lol . With no real perfromence thats Suckssss

                              • I
                              • Inder
                              • 7um
                              • 16 Jan 2013

                              iPhone 5 battery sucks big time. I am a big apple fan, but now after spending so much on iph5 (950 $). I think I made a big mistake. Should have waited for next one or androids with 1080p with battery like 3100 mah ( may be note 3). Just can't realise that apple being such a big company, can't they just think that with same battery and a bigger screen the phone will run less. Totally disappointed on 5 after using 4,4s.I think I wasted a lot of money on apple. Had thy increased the battery to 2000 mah this would have been a better phone.

                                • l
                                • law
                                • xIh
                                • 15 Jan 2013

                                Anonymous, 15 Jan 2013Firstly, I always research phones extensively before upgrad... moreI agree with you.

                                I already posted this around a week ago, but I mentioned that I've never a smart phone prior to 3 weeks ago. I used the nokia x302 for the past 2 years. So all this os is new and news to me. During the past 3 months, I have extensively tested out IOS, through iphone 4 4s and 5's. I only have a few friends who own the iphone 5. I have a bunnnnnnnch of friends who own the s3. and a lot of friends who combined owned 4s or 4. To be perfectly honest, nothing impressed me at all abou the s3. Extremey disapointed, and shocked to hear that , the s3 outsold the 4s. Im not sure why. Nothing impressed me about it, from the second I felt that phone. That being said, I can understand why too.

                                Bell a local carrier for us, is literally giving the s3's away on 3 year contracts. You don't have to pay, but I guess thats the price samsung is paying to compete against the ip5 in our area. Anyways, as you know, I have no biased against any of these, as I said, Ive never used any other os's. I even had the chance to test the windows os, on my sisters phone. Out of all 3 major os's, for me its apple easily. LIke I said, I chose the x302 for simplicity, and I like things simple and easy to use. I had my sight set out for a iphone5 or a 5s, by the time I made my decision, 5s rumors, came out. I got a 4s for christmas, best christmas gift ever!. You guys can tell me, ios havent changed in the past 3 years. Android has probably evolved. That fine. But for me EVERYTHING IS NEW, and I like the quality of apple products and I love their os, because it's simple. I give props to the note 2. Credit given. It is a different and wondful phone. But I don't need such a big phone, as I am a male who traffles light. I have my phones in my jean pocket. the NOte 2 will not fit in my pocket. Sure I guess there are some restrictions, and that's their downside. Can't go wrong with the apple. Thanks for reading. Also why do you android users care so much about apple? you guys keep sayinig apple fan boy. I am confused. Am I a apple fanboy? I even said, all these 3 is new to me. But in the end I chose apple, because of simplicity.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • PG5
                                  • 15 Jan 2013

                                  Anonymous, 15 Jan 2013Google teamed up with the NSA to take on the Internet hacke... moreI think you did not see the proper implication of the video, listen to what the Prof says in the video. The poster of the comment is correct.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • v0q
                                    • 15 Jan 2013

                                    Anonymous, 15 Jan 2013Firstly, I always research phones extensively before upgrad... moreAgree android os is a big crap.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • f05
                                      • 15 Jan 2013

                                      AnonD-79206, 15 Jan 2013I have the iphone 5, and I can say that is no upgrade from ... moreI agee to an extent. I upgraded from a nokia n8. Great phone for what it was, no contest vs iphone. My wife had the iphone 4, and she reckons there isn't much difference, but then it's what you do with the phone that matters. Even if I had a 4s, i would still have taken the 5, purely because my contract allows me to get a new one for "free". I am a speed freak, so having a phone that can keep up with everything you can throw at it, is first prize. The performance is spectacular compared to any android or windows phone out there, except of course the new razr running on intel core.

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-79206
                                        • teu
                                        • 15 Jan 2013

                                        I have the iphone 5, and I can say that is no upgrade from the 4s, and I had the 4S! I dont see an significant improvement over the 4s, as the 4s was snappier anyway, I dont like the 5, because it puts all my applications in 4's box style, the only thing which works is the video, aesthetically this has very minor improvement over the 4S, and the 4S is 80% of Iphone 5, Games are not optimized for Iphone 5, and you may get the letter box effect, only a handful of games support iphone's 4 inch resolution, 85% doesnt, might as well wait till the next Iphone if you want to upgrade! I am planning to return it back to the store, which i paid $650