Apple iPhone 5
- ?
- Anonymous
- Mf5
- 30 Dec 2012
AnonD-79010, 29 Dec 2012If the rattling sound isn't a flaw, then why don't you here... moreThere is an update 6.02 that rectifies the wifi...
- ?
- Anonymous
- Mf5
- 30 Dec 2012
AnonD-92879, 30 Dec 2012My local weather still's it update..? Help me an... moreI'm no expert, but, your gps should pick up your location and set local weather. Check connections, and then search location to establish if your position/town is on the list. On weather you pres the "i" and the + to add...If not, you can download for free accuweather and set your location. I'm using both. Accuweather is also the default widget on gs3 phone on the homescreen.
- a
- apple&android fa
- y$f
- 30 Dec 2012
i borrowed this device from my uncle. it's smooth, do task-switching very fast. and also hold nice in my hand.
but hey, i played frontline commando but why the virtual button is hard to touch? i play this too on my galaxy wonder which not as smooth as iphone 5 but the touch responsiveness is better. can somebody help me :( :( :(
- D
- AnonD-92879
- U$0
- 30 Dec 2012
My local weather still's it update..? Help me any iOS experts....:-)
- ?
- Anonymous
- Mf5
- 30 Dec 2012
AnonD-79010, 29 Dec 2012If the rattling sound isn't a flaw, then why don't you here... moreThere are plenty of room in the samsung forums! Please go away to your own people!! If you don't like iphone, leave it. We will decide by ourselves if we want it or not. We don't need your advice....PLEASE go away!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- Mf5
- 30 Dec 2012
AnonD-79010, 29 Dec 2012"Weather widget on homescreen? You have to manually up... moreSmall detail also....gs3's icon on calendar? Its's just and icon! Iphone's icon is the day and date! Updated! Small, but it's the small detail that makes the difference....Strange the only thing you droid fans can do is be on iphone's page and try to degrade it. You will not find that on your samsung pages....o yes, I forget, the difference is there are so many pages/products....iphone just one page. HATERS ARE SECRET ADMIRERS! That you?
- ?
- Anonymous
- Mf5
- 30 Dec 2012
AnonD-79010, 29 Dec 2012Is that the best you can come up with? I know you have no o... moreAag no man! Mountain biking? I'm also in it. You listen to music that time! Then the battery will last longer than you can imagine to be on the bike! Otherwise you are very fit! Maybe you stay over for a week?? Close to a Lance Armstrong on a mountain bike!! Are you on steroids? You guys trying to degrade iphone are out of this world.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Mf5
- 30 Dec 2012
AnonD-79010, 29 Dec 2012"Weather widget on homescreen? You have to manually up... moreThen my Gs3 was a"factory" fault...mine had a small time on it when last updated, and you have to press the little icon to let it get back to the current time's conditions. It's on the homescreen!!I used it my's the way you droid fans are ignorant!! Use and decide. YOU never touched an iphone and now you're telling people your "expierences" on it...I used Gs3, and gave it's crap...and too big....jelly hean os!!! My iphone is still working.......
- D
- AnonD-79010
- 6w6
- 29 Dec 2012
Anonymous, 29 Dec 2012Words, specs.........please use the phone yourself, on a da... more"Weather widget on homescreen? You have to manually update it!"
Ummm... no you don't have to manual update it, it updates itself. Stop lying. :-/
- D
- AnonD-79010
- 6w6
- 29 Dec 2012
Anonymous, 29 Dec 2012If you go out and need to recharge in that time, it is a ve... moreIs that the best you can come up with? I know you have no other way to reply to what I said, because you know it proves with out a doubt that the iphone 5 is the inferior device when it come to battery life and just a bout everything else.
And you ask what I do out side for all that time? Hmmmm.... Let's see, mountain biking and listening to my music as I ride while running GPS record My ride or while I'm out hiking.
I don't know about any trees that I can plug my phone up to for a recharge while I'm out doing those things, but if you know of any, would you please let me know about it, I'd really like to see that?
- D
- AnonD-79010
- 6w6
- 29 Dec 2012
Anonymous, 29 Dec 2012Scratches out of the box agreed isn't ideal, but the rattli... moreIf the rattling sound isn't a flaw, then why don't you here the rattling on every iphone 5? Some rattle, and some don't.
And while were at it, my friend just noticed that the touch screen seem to be a bit unresponsive. I think that's a flaw. Or how about slow wi-fi and failure to connect? I guess those are just features and flaws?
- k
- kishan
- i%%
- 29 Dec 2012
hey guys thanx in advance....
I have purchased iphone 5 but doesnt knw how to jailbreak....
anybody can tell the best jailbreak for ios6...
and the website....
- D
- AnonD-79010
- 6w6
- 29 Dec 2012
Anonymous, 29 Dec 2012Those stated points are subjectively good or bad.. not a co... moreUmmmm..... Actually, smart stay is working great with me. The screen on my not never goes dim as long as I'm looking at it. And I see the icon appear from time to time to check if it detects a face. So either you haven't tried smart stay on the Galaxy Note 2 and Galaxy S3, or you're just on here telling lies. Which one is it?
- 2
- 2
- ajV
- 29 Dec 2012
jimmy, 29 Dec 2012hey guys, i have a question, when i play games like asphalt... moreWhen you press the home button while in the game/app , the game/app is minimize not close. To see what apps is minimize - double press home button, if you want to close them - after double press, touch and hold one of the apps that appear and the icon star shake with a minus sign on the left side up. press that minus sign and the app is close. That way you will save the battery life too. Respect!
- 2
- 2PAC
- ajV
- 29 Dec 2012
AnonD-92879, 29 Dec 2012Help me pls....I got my iphone5 today.i can't sign into app... moresign in from your ps not from your iPhone. If you do that you can check "no credit card".
- A
- Apple2014
- HI8
- 29 Dec 2012
AnonD-92879, 29 Dec 2012Help me pls....I got my iphone5 today.i can't sign into app... moreI signed up for free.Search the net to learn how to have a free Apple ID.
- D
- AnonD-92879
- rA2
- 29 Dec 2012
Help me pls....I got my iphone5 today.i can't sign into apps store..on sign up is it must to give credit card numb !? I don't have it . And there Is column to fill "iTunes gift card secret code"..on signup... What is that? Pls reply...
- S
- Sharu
- U{R
- 29 Dec 2012
iphone lover, 29 Dec 2012hy guys, i really love i5 but i have one question, does the... moreNo bro Iphone doesn't know about lag & slow I'm so happy to use iPhone 5 I love apple
- J
- Jonny
- 3xD
- 29 Dec 2012
jimmy, 29 Dec 2012hey guys, i have a question, when i play games like asphalt... moreYes, it does for all iOS devices.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 29 Dec 2012
jimmy, 29 Dec 2012hey guys, i have a question, when i play games like asphalt... moreGame is paused.. u can continue from there