Apple iPhone 5
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- AnonD-77845
- vaN
- 16 Dec 2012
simple but GOOD phone
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- Anonymous
- 16 Dec 2012
Anonymous, 16 Dec 2012we didn't condemn him.
I just want to let the fandroid... moreOh ok cool. The example of Steve Wozniak and the Samsung Chief Strategy Officer was merely to note that they are sort of influential in their respective world's and yet they both are freely using supposed 'rival' technology. Even tho Woz left Apple a long time back, his opinion is still asked by mainstream press regarding Apple and also tech.
Regarding your SGS3 comment, yup agreed. A lot of trolls know only to critique, and yet come up short when confronted. That is why they are called trolls, as originally trolls were creatures who weren't too bright, and hid under bridges to ambush people.
I prefer highlighting the positive, as it is the positive that pushes us forward.
Look what happens when people accentuate the positive, Jack Hollingsworth a famous professional photographer says that there's now almost no difference between using an iPhone and a DSLR. Check out his video:
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- Anonymous
- xIh
- 16 Dec 2012
2 weeks ago I responded to a troll. He claims the ip5 has no "wow" factors. I asked him to decribe the "wow" factors to me about the s3. I still didn't get a reponse. Please wow me. I will like to know what's so good about the Galaxy s3.
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- Anonymous
- xIh
- 16 Dec 2012
Anonymous, 16 Dec 2012Steve Wozniak is one of the founders of Apple, and a big Ap... morewe didn't condemn him.
I just want to let the fandroid know, that he's left apple in 1986, and we don't care what phone he uses.
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- Anonymous
- 16 Dec 2012
Anonymous, 16 Dec 2012Steve Wozniak left apple in 1986........ who the hell cares... moreSteve Wozniak is one of the founders of Apple, and a big Apple supporter. He queues up for iPhone at every launch. So in every aspect you can call him a big Apple fan too, yet he is perfectly open to using Android or whatever tech that catches his fancy. This shows a true lover of tech, not some fanboy trapped in a world of ones own making. That's my point, how much does Apple or Google pay the trolls here to fight these imaginary wars. Nothing. So why bother, just enjoy your tech, but more importantly, no need to condemn others for their choices if its different than yours.
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- Anonymous
- xIh
- 16 Dec 2012
Anonymous, 16 Dec 2012Boasting is one thing, but condemning others is the key iss... moreSteve Wozniak left apple in 1986........ who the hell cares what he uses...... it's just these non apple iphone users are coming here and trolling the living crap outta this place.
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- AnonD-77845
- vaN
- 16 Dec 2012
why this iphones forum many ANDtrolls
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- Anonymous
- 16 Dec 2012
Anonymous, 16 Dec 2012If Apple users had high specs they would be boasting about ... moreBoasting is one thing, but condemning others is the key issue. I do not like fanboyism of any sort, even if it is iOS fanboyism. The companies don't give a hoot about us, yet all these trolls down here are going to war with each other. Meanwhile, Steve Wozniak is enjoying iPhone and Android, and Samsung's Chief Strategy Officer uses iPhone, ipad and iMac at home. Ironic no? The trolls below give their money as defend to death, while the big shots above enjoy life and use whatever they like. Think about that.
Just buy what you like and enjoy, and let others enjoy their choices. It won't kill you.
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- Anonymous
- 39x
- 16 Dec 2012
Anonymous, 16 Dec 2012If Apple users had high specs they would be boasting about ... moreVery true, a lot of features on Windows Phone and Android might end up on iPhone in a few years so obviously Android users would want to brag about it and let iPhone users know about the amazing new features they can expect to get. But some of the regulars here act like if a feature isn't on iPhone then it's pointless having it and think no one should ever point out the problems and just accept whatever Apple gives them, and now after making that constructive comment one of them is getting ready to attack me.
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- Anonymous
- Nyj
- 16 Dec 2012
Mukesh Bagrecha, 15 Dec 2012My wi fi is not connecting to the Net .. am not able to upl... moreWow that is amazing for this unit.
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- Anonymous
- v}$
- 16 Dec 2012
I used to like this site, came here before I brought my first smart phone 3 years ago, now up for a new phone & came back to see what was good, but now GSMArena seems to be full of 'Android Trolls' that shoot down anything not Android. Its a shame that these small children do this but I now associate Android phones with Trolls, which wasn't the case before I came here 3 years ago, & because of this I brought my first iphone5 last week & the phone is a work of art & does everything I need. Thanks Trolls
- A
- Anonymous
- Y}R
- 16 Dec 2012
[deleted post]If Apple users had high specs they would be boasting about it as well.
- s
- shehzad
- gFB
- 16 Dec 2012
can any one tell me about apple iphone 5....
my Q is video calling is availabe on iphone 5 not mention in specification....
plz tell me if any one use this cell....thanks...
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- Anonymous
- xIh
- 15 Dec 2012
Anonymous, 15 Dec 2012Massive compromise is the price you pay if you want an Appl... moreas far as I know, no ip5 users are complaining. What are you talking about? A few threads below a ip5 user was complaining, but in the end he still satisfied with the product. Whats your point? oh right, you want to justify being able to complain about it, even though you don't use it. YOu just want to troll right?
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- Anonymous
- xIh
- 15 Dec 2012
Anonymous, 15 Dec 2012Lol except that despite all the hype, it seems Apple maps a... moreanything ios is better then android. This is not news to anyone.
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- Anonymous
- 39x
- 15 Dec 2012
Anonymous, 15 Dec 2012Lol except that despite all the hype, it seems Apple maps a... moreMassive compromise is the price you pay if you want an Apple product, and iPhone is mostly right for a lot of people but that doesn't mean people shouldn't complain when Apple offers a sub-par service on something.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 15 Dec 2012
Anonymous, 15 Dec 2012Apple can't live without the help of its enemy:
http://www... moreLol except that despite all the hype, it seems Apple maps and Google maps had barely any effect on iPhone sales, indicating only fanboys and haters placing importance on the issue.
Truth is, there are plenty of choices, and now with Google Maps, iPhone users get the best of both worlds anyway. Funny how Android users laugh at the people who actually get more stuff. Oh and by the way, Google says its iOS maps is better than on Android lol.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 15 Dec 2012
[deleted post]When screen stays the same, you criticise. Now the screen is thinner, fused in one layer, new unibody, different material that beat SGS3 in drop test, A6 chip with phenomenal performance and one of the highest rated GSMArena battery endurance ratings, and its for kids? Lol that's playa hater talk right there haha.
Android fanboys totally frustrated they simply don't know what hit them haha.
- M
- Mukesh Bagrecha
- vGw
- 15 Dec 2012
My wi fi is not connecting to the Net .. am not able to upload images or use watsup thru wifi... whereas on mobile network things work fine .. Can somebody help
- A
- Administrater
- utW
- 15 Dec 2012
Hi guyz
I'm gonna buy an apple iphone 5 next week
is it good enough to buy