Apple iPhone 5
- a
- apple police
- Rn6
- 30 Nov 2012
AnonD-56991, 30 Nov 2012Apparently they might be releasing the 5S in march, and you... more
You have a huge track record of making false and untruthful statements. IP5S is only speculated to come out in March. Just a bunch of random apple enthusiasts, writing articles. Just like they are "speculating" Apple might buy out AMD. Also how the hell is the s3 "Generations" ahead of the ip5 when their build quality is crap, screen cracks easily, phone crashes, often,lost literally every performance test to the ip5, it even loses to the ip5 in Camera testing and battery life. ?? I Don't get why you have to troll these untruthful statements.
S3 still does not have jelly bean 4.2 update. LOL. YOu want to know why Baracus ? This update was available in Asia S3's, but it caused the phone to die! To f in die! Generations ahead? Joke of a phone. The s3 is the biggest abomination to the planet. Samsung has lied to too many customers.
- J
- Jerome
- Rf7
- 30 Nov 2012
I really long for the day when I can come onto one of these forums and not be disgusted by all the foolish rumblings u ppl post on a daily basis. This forum, I'm sure was designed to give people the feel of what the handsets really are about but u have transformed it into the forum where u talk trash. Nobody can learn anything from none of the nonesense you people talk on here. Firstly, there's no perfect phone. There are very few high end phones that failed and you should just state your opinions, likes and dislikes and leave it there. Getting into Google's and Apple's business is not called for.
- D
- AnonD-56991
- 39x
- 30 Nov 2012
Lynt, 30 Nov 2012Very usefull indeed I'll w8 for 5s instead:)Apparently they might be releasing the 5S in march, and you have to ask yourself why they'd do that? Is it because so many people are disappointed with iPhone 5 because all it is is a little bit more screen and a little bit faster and if they release like normal in September the S4 would have already been out a few months, and since the S3 is like a generation ahead of iPhone 5 in what it does then it'll be made to look like the kind of phone they were using when Stone Henge was built.
- A
- Apple Police
- 7Cg
- 30 Nov 2012
MADHU(4484), 30 Nov 2012it's already unlocked or not?
just came out, and surpringly good price at 649 base model, which is the same price of a S3. Awesome deal. Best bang for your buck.
- D
- AnonD-56991
- 39x
- 30 Nov 2012
Anonymous, 30 Nov 2012Wrong question. Every app Android has, iPhone has and not j... moreWrong.
All the extra features Android has means there's a much more types of Apps, and Google has almost no restrictions so developers can make almost anything they want.
- M
- MADHU(4484)
- s8G
- 30 Nov 2012
it's already unlocked or not?
- L
- Lynt
- KgZ
- 30 Nov 2012
Very usefull indeed I'll w8 for 5s instead:)
- ?
- Anonymous
- 30 Nov 2012
monu, 30 Nov 2012it sport all anroid apps or notWrong question. Every app Android has, iPhone has and not just that, but a superior optimized version. On top of that, it will have two or three other versions providing choice. Easiest example is gaming, where iOS gets all the games.
- A
- Alexsend
- gKB
- 30 Nov 2012
Why so much hate about this phone? Everyone in the world who doesn't have it hate it. View the ratings...under 5! This phone deserve much better grades. Design 4,9 WTF? What does that tell you?
If you don't like it don't by it!
iPhone users don't hate Samsung and HTC, they just enjoy having their smartphone.
- D
- AnonD-18025
- FBv
- 30 Nov 2012
AnonD-83834, 30 Nov 2012i felt this is the real smartphone i have ever moreI don't think so.
- t
- tato
- 3sE
- 30 Nov 2012
Hey guys , please I was wondering if its possible to buy an iphone 5 on at&t or verizon at full retail price without a 2yr contract . Please I need an answer asap.
- m
- monu
- 2WY
- 30 Nov 2012
AnonD-83834, 30 Nov 2012i felt this is the real smartphone i have ever moreit sport all anroid apps or not
- D
- AnonD-77845
- Kg{
- 30 Nov 2012
AnonD-77892, 30 Nov 2012yes i have a 4s but i do not have a ip5. but you can google... morehmm it is true? the higher processor the faster drain or consume battery.. because processor was 1.2gig but the battery almost desame as 4s.. like s3 have quad core and battery drain quickly. i want to buy this phone up coming christmas im concern about battery
- D
- AnonD-83834
- 30 Nov 2012
i felt this is the real smartphone i have ever bought....all new features siri, panaroma, great camera, facebook integration, seamless browsing with great battery life.
- D
- AnonD-77892
- 30 Nov 2012
AnonD-77845, 30 Nov 2012ohh you say iphone 5 is better battery than 4s even had a s... moreyes i have a 4s but i do not have a ip5. but you can google it if you want!
- t
- taran
- X31
- 30 Nov 2012
great fone,but battery backup should be increased to 1800 mah
- D
- AnonD-77609
- tA$
- 30 Nov 2012
Apple Police, 30 Nov 2012My Friend... Google wants you guys to buy as much android p... moreBut Samsung historically has been good at providing SU
- D
- AnonD-56991
- 39x
- 30 Nov 2012
Apple Police, 30 Nov 2012My Friend... Google wants you guys to buy as much android p... more"And they will soon be exposed for who they really are"
Please give some more comments like that because I've been feeling a bit down lately and need cheering up, so next time tell us all about how evil Google is and how they've been responsible for all the bad that has befell the world.
- D
- AnonD-56991
- 39x
- 30 Nov 2012
Apple Police, 30 Nov 2012 moreHa Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha...
If 2 people agree something's wrong with Apple you automatically assume it's the same person doing it? So you think there's actually only a few people in the world who find problems with Apple devices and everyone else must think they perfect?
This really is a new level of Apple Fanboyism and I think it's just brilliant coming here just so I can see comments like that.
- A
- Apple Police
- 7Cg
- 30 Nov 2012
AnonD-56991, 30 Nov 2012Yet again you completely misinformed on almost everything A... moreMy Friend... Google wants you guys to buy as much android phones within the shortest amount of time. If you own a Galaxy s3, effective the date it was released in 2013, the device will not be able to be updated to the newest version when Google releases the new O.S. Google only allows your device to take any updates up to 1 calender year. This is by far the biggest B.S I've ever seen, and whoever's idea was this, needs to be thrown in Jail. Even the Iphone3gs can be updated to the ios6. Android is a failed copycat company, and they will soon be exposed for who they really are.
Apple police.