Apple iPhone 5

Apple iPhone 5

User opinions and reviews

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  • D
  • AnonD-77609
  • vfx
  • 26 Nov 2012

AnonD-78493, 25 Nov 2012dear 1st of all dont use slang. 2ndly i compared S2 with i... moreSome stupid people are still talking about dual core vs quad core. Even though it's dual core, it's just as fast as the A9-based quad core (S3/One X). And it's MUCH FASTER than your GS2.

    • a
    • apol
    • uSN
    • 26 Nov 2012

    Anonymous, 13 Sep 2012Top 5 Smart Phones for 2012 1.Nokia Lumia 920 2.Samsung... morebecause you cannot afford to buy, or your just close your mind about the new NEW phone in the world, ip5 best, it rocks.

      • T
      • Tcool
      • Nyj
      • 26 Nov 2012

      Anonymous, 25 Nov 2012 The iphone1 is basically the pioneer of all smart phone... moreIs this a short story?
      I don't have time to read all the contents of this comment. It's just too long and boring to read.
      Make it short and simple please.

        • D
        • AnonD-81786
        • 4ra
        • 26 Nov 2012

        Tremendous iphone from apple its so awesome

          • D
          • AnonD-18025
          • FBv
          • 26 Nov 2012

          AnonD-81734, 25 Nov 2012Which smartphone should I buy Samsung Galaxy Note 2,HTC One... moreIt depends on what you like to do with your phone aside from making calls.

            • D
            • AnonD-56991
            • 3aZ
            • 26 Nov 2012

            AnonD-81734, 25 Nov 2012Which smartphone should I buy Samsung Galaxy Note 2,HTC One... moreDepends what you want the phone to do because iPhone is very limited depending on what you doing, and I wouldn't waste your money on the HTC One X because it has very poor battery life and no external memory or replaceable battery so go for Galaxy S3 if you want something that size.

              • D
              • AnonD-81734
              • KIe
              • 25 Nov 2012

              Which smartphone should I buy Samsung Galaxy Note 2,HTC One X+ or Apple iPhone 5 please tell me I really need to know?

                • D
                • AnonD-56991
                • 3Jn
                • 25 Nov 2012

                Anonymous, 25 Nov 2012 The iphone1 is basically the pioneer of all smart phone... moreIt's easy to find things that are better and worse on both OS's but to me where Android wins and always will win is in choice and freedom. because Android brings everything IOS can do plus a lot more on top to whatever anyone in the world can afford, and to the poorer countries a lot of people don't have a computer or wired internet so Android connects people who are normally isolated to the rest of the world.
                But iPhone is simply something that if they stopped selling it tomorrow it would only really matter to people who miss having a product with an Apple logo on it. So overall yeah Apple did kickstart the modern Smartphone generation but Google have helped change the world.

                  • D
                  • AnonD-56991
                  • 3Jn
                  • 25 Nov 2012

                  AnonD-53946, 25 Nov 2012It is because the iOS software is so well written that it d... moreIOS isn't written better than Android it's just the fact it has to do a LOT less, so making Android look like it runs as fast as IOS is much, much harder to do, and if you try a S3 or Note 2 running Jellybean you'll see it's almost as fast and smooth even though they running on fairly old CPU architecture.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • Cxm
                    • 25 Nov 2012

                    Babyface, 24 Nov 2012Iphone 5 is a great phone but what i dont get why i be hear... more

                    The iphone1 is basically the pioneer of all smart phones. true it wasn't the first kind of it's phone, the badly terribly produced "PDA" was kind of it's first, however that ended up bad, and eventually kinda faded out on its own. Then came apple, who decided to see what they can do, with a phone, and bam instinct success. Their smartphone was the very first one to be extremely successful. Google decided to do the same thing and programed, the highly glitched android, who to this day, still have many problems, in fact jellybean 4.2 has more problems then the previous jellybean. THEN LG, SAMSUNG ETC ETC DECIDED TO MAKE THEIR OWN FLAT SCREEN KEYLESS PHONE THAT IS SOMEWHAT SIMILAR TO WHAT THE IPHONE DOES BUT ON A GLITCHED ANDROID OS. I guess for you, you definely should stick with android. To me, a phone is a phone. It's a not a computer to me. computer needs multi tasking. A phone shouldn't be multi tasking as in the past, phones barely mult tasked. That being said if thats what you want, then go for a android phone. Apple makes their products priortize important. How often is someone doing 2 things at once, on a phone??? The fandroid counter argument is, "MANY MANY MANY" for the sake of arguing, even though most of the time we are probably doing only one thing at once. It be nice for ip5 to have multi tasking, but to me its on of those things that is not necessary important. It's just fanroids continue to use the "IT CAN MULTI TASK" multi task = battery kill. Yes, it kills your battery.

                    Network sharing. There is network sharing on the iphone. Not sure what crack your smoking. The customzed main screen is a really cool feature, something I can also live without. You guys are really bickering about a really small thing, that is not realy important. if it means that much, then a stupid android phone and stay the hell away from this forum, as fandroids has already forced gsm arena into reviewing posts before it gets posted already.

                    A survey conducted to 4400 ip5 users, 92% say the new ios map is good. 3% had a problem with it, the rest said it was somewhat of a problem. But google map is now back on the ios6, so no point arguing about maps.

                    Anyways, you see tech reviews, of the ip5. Google it. Theres a reason why almost every ip5 review is such a high review. Because it functions well, they don't review stuff like that "widgets" and crap like that, as stuff like that doesn't determine, the quality, the usability and overall function of the phone. Also tech experts and program developers already know the ios is a superior and "mastered" os to the android as android is still having problems. I know 2 different friends who work as developers both, of them tell me, developers focus more on ios, becuase its easier, and in the end, the app runs much better on the ios vs android.

                    Now I'm going to make a comment based on android if android was created by apple. This is what haters will say if apple made the android.

                    "I'm sorry apple, but your new os is garbage. There are so many glitches, I keep dropping calls, and sometimes my phone power cycles. Something your old os never had a problem with. Also it's not as smooth, and the most important part, internet processing is slow. Another problem is your app library sucks now. What happened to all those cool apps and games you guys use to have? I know multi tasking is cool, but I think your new os, is killing the battery life, as my phone drains the battery quickly. Also your display is not as good as before. Doesn't look as nice! Bring back your retina!!! you are saying you have 1080hd screen, but it still not as good as the ios6! wth apple! also when the hell are you going to let me update to the jelly bean 4.2! I've been waiting for 2 months! wth! it's right there. let me update it! Also you allowing other companies to use your o.s, there is inconsistencies running your o.s.! wth does that phone can update to your latest version jelly bean by mine cant Bring back your old o.s, or else i'm going straight to Nokia lumia! "

                    this is what apple hater will probably say if apple made android. The ip5 right now is probably one of the best smart phones out there. tech reviews don't lie, even gsm arena gave it a good review. Better o.s, better quality build, better apps, better display then the s3. It really is. Also, in Canada, if you want an ip5, you have to wait 2 weeks. Demand is very high for this phone. It really is one of the best phones on the planet. There isn't really an equivalent android phone out there on the planet. Great phone. 2 thumbs up.

                    fandroids keep complaining about apple. How they say apple knows people will buy their stuff no matter what, and apple fan boys knows this too, that even if apple had all those features of the jelly bean, they wont buy their stuff because theres an apple logo on it. Same thing.

                      • D
                      • AnonD-53946
                      • UNU
                      • 25 Nov 2012

                      japz, 25 Nov 2012i don't think so if this phone is faster than on any other ... moreIt is because the iOS software is so well written that it doesn't need faster CPU or many cores to run faster. I am not a AppleFanBoy(I own a galaxy S2),but it is true. Android os is slightly downward and that's why it needs faster CPU and more cores to run smoother. In real life performance the iPhone 5 feels realy smooth than other androids. But androids are catching up faster and I am willing to see it running fore fluid than iPhone.

                        • j
                        • japz
                        • t7X
                        • 25 Nov 2012

                        i don't think so if this phone is faster than on any other phones because iphone 5 has a 1.2GHZ CPU...but the galaxy s3 has a Quad-core 1.4 GHz Cortex-A9 CPU..
                        however they always emphasized that iphone5 is faster when it comes to a processor...

                          • D
                          • AnonD-18025
                          • FBv
                          • 25 Nov 2012

                          There is no significant features from the previous iPhones.
                          No noticeable improvement.
                          The same boring menu only with bigger screen.

                            • i
                            • imo22
                            • Iab
                            • 25 Nov 2012

                            spitzz27, 25 Nov 2012there is more to say about some one else has commemted and ... morethe iphone 5 really for me looks the same as all the other iphones that has been released so far the features yes might be advanced but was expecting something more eye catching

                              • s
                              • spitzz27
                              • Iab
                              • 25 Nov 2012

                              AnonD-56991, 25 Nov 2012I read something and I expanded on it with my own opinion b... morethere is more to say about some one else has commemted and not so easy to raise your own opinion

                                • D
                                • AnonD-56991
                                • 39x
                                • 25 Nov 2012

                                Tcool, 25 Nov 2012I don't want to go deeper, I am just answering the wonderin... moreI read something and I expanded on it with my own opinion because that's how a forum works, so when you answer someone it doesn't mean you expect an answer from them, it just means you have something to say on the same subject.

                                  • V
                                  • Vulcan
                                  • fqk
                                  • 25 Nov 2012

                                  [deleted post]I agree

                                    • T
                                    • Talal Masood
                                    • 3Jx
                                    • 25 Nov 2012

                                    Babyface, 24 Nov 2012Iphone 5 is a great phone but what i dont get why i be hear... moreYou must be kidding me? Looks like you have used iPhone 1 and you are posting comments on the iPhone 5 page :D ... Whatever you said, is NOT TRUE. You do have multi-tasking, you do have search features, you do have the hotspot feature ... lol

                                      • T
                                      • Tcool
                                      • Nyj
                                      • 25 Nov 2012

                                      iSJ5, 25 Nov 2012I feel boring wit this OS now, nothing new again. BoringTrue

                                        • i
                                        • iSJ5
                                        • vfx
                                        • 25 Nov 2012

                                        I feel boring wit this OS now, nothing new again. Boring