Apple iPhone 5
- ?
- Anonymous
- RJ2
- 18 Nov 2012
[deleted post]Of course criticism is expected, but constructive criticism is preferred. Would you prefer I critique your approach or just come here and call you stupid? PG5Y was pointing out your very negative way of commenting and I agree with him. If I disrespect you and start blasting you in your house, would you be happy?
Think about what I am saying, and use it well. You are annoying many people here.
- b
- bellowthesky
- thu
- 18 Nov 2012
in my country it price was us$ 1257. coz no operator make contrac on it
- ?
- Anonymous
- XuX
- 18 Nov 2012
Anonymous, 17 Nov 2012I haven't laughed so hard in a long time after reading &quo... moreHa ha ha ha. You speak as if android is ahead... Even with taking two steps ahead its nowhere near iOS... Ha ha ha a person like u would never know how it does everything u need smoothly! XD
There are tons of features, useful features, unlike android which simply gives features for namesake useless all in all and to top it up it just experiments on users while introducing a new feature rather than pay the developers... Android are cheap to the core...
- ?
- Anonymous
- XuX
- 18 Nov 2012
[deleted post]I seriously think you are an android user and posing as a windows fan...!!!
- B
- BulldogSam
- 4Av
- 18 Nov 2012
Apple being said the biggest tech company in the world now, and it's true. You never realized why it becomes the biggest one because Mr Jobs attracted your interest so much that you cannot think of anything else but iproducts, even you know he was dipping his hands into your pocket and probably most of the iproduct users have to save money on everyday consumable goods just to give contribution to the company's coffer just like (scientology) cult.
- ?
- Anonymous
- PG5
- 18 Nov 2012
Anonymous, 17 Nov 2012Exactly. 1 year in high end technology like Smartphones and... moreEveryone is free to ignore this troll. For one thing he is just reading and ranting on paper.
Just hold an iPhone 4S and iPhone 5, and you can already feel the sheer improvement. The troll hasn't even held one that's why he doesn't realize how foolish his comments are its hilarious.
The iPhone 5 over iPhone 4 is like SGS3 over SGS2. Yet no iPhone fan calls the SGS3 just the same as SGS2. Reason? iPhone fans are not insane lol.
Android fanatics like Anonymous below are simply sore people who just cannot accept that people choose differently, and are simply intolerant. Most families have that one member who thinks he knows it all, and simply cannot accept different opinions. Check his phone, it's probably Android lol.
We used to be alone in this, but now even WP8 users admit Android fanboys are too much. They don't get any problems with iPhone users.
Check comment sections, Android users always attack negative points. Notice that WP8 and iOS users focus on their own OS. Android users always focus negatively on others.
- ?
- Anonymous
- PG5
- 18 Nov 2012
Anonymous, 17 Nov 2012Exactly. 1 year in high end technology like Smartphones and... moreLol love this myth cooked up by Android fanboys that somehow iPhone 5 is the same as iPhone 4S. Have you forgotten that Samsung fanboys laughed when iPhone 4S cracked in drop tests? The iPhone 5 fixed that and demolished SGS3 in drop tests. The new body is lighter yet tougher and survives torture tests by Android Authority.
Benchmarks also showed it beating almost every phone by Android, doubling performance over iPhone 4S. It also did this, adding LTE, yet improving battery life.
Truth is Android is scratching their heads on how Apple did this, so all fanboys can do is insult negatively, yet what Apple has done is EXACTLY what they expect to happen to Android phones.
Seriously, if the SGS4 became faster, lighter, yet improved battery life, and iPhone fans insulted it as being the same, wouldn't you just call them insane?
By the way, that's the conclusion I get: Andoid fanboys are insane lol.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 39x
- 17 Nov 2012
Anonymous, 17 Nov 2012It is the reason why phones are upgraded for better hardwar... moreExactly. 1 year in high end technology like Smartphones and PC's is exactly the same as 6 years in the motor industry because that's the time when each new generation gets released, and realistically the iPhone 5 apart from a few of it's components is about 18 months at least behind the competition, and Apple is the richest tech company so should be top of the tree but they actually a long way behind because people see new features and expect them but Apple is so determined to charge for absolutely everything they just don't get it if Apple can find a way to charge for something similar that everyone else gets for free.
- ?
- Anonymous
- sgn
- 17 Nov 2012
Anonymous, 17 Nov 2012Ever since 2007 iPhone was going to be killed as soon as (i... moreIt is the reason why phones are upgraded for better hardware specs. And in this field iPhone has been left in a catch up game. In this era of rapid development in technology, not being able to upgrade a device leaves its users envious and all they can do is deny and defend their outdated device. So, if you don't want better specs, why bother wasting your money buying iPhone 5 when you can keep your 4 or 4S?? Or better yet, why buy a more expensive iPhone 5 that offers less features and inferior specs than S3?
- ?
- Anonymous
- 39x
- 17 Nov 2012
Anonymous, 17 Nov 2012Too much speculation leads to lots of disappointment just l... moreAnd also if the 5S is physically different to iPhone 5 then that's almost like Apple admitting they got the iPhone 5 wrong because they offering absolutely nothing new, and all the rumours say they gonna release it in march which does prove they got the iPhone 5 wrong and have to seriously play catchup because when the S4 is released it's gonna make iPhone 5 look like VHS while Samsung is stepping into Blu-Ray.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 39x
- 17 Nov 2012
xman, 17 Nov 2012The next generation iphone will launch on march 2013 with n... moreThe next iPhone will most likely be the 5S which like every other S version will have nothing but a updated CPU, GPU & camera because it's cheap for Apple to just solder a few parts in directly replacing the old because they save possibly tens or hundreds of millions of Dollars just using the same components and production lines for 2 years.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 39x
- 17 Nov 2012
uki, 17 Nov 2012hi I think 5 will be better.You get an iPhone 5 you get a slightly bigger screen with black borders down the edge of any App that hasn't been updated, it'll be slightly faster and overall worse build quality and have to buy a lightning adapter to use any older accessories and all of the docks for anything up to 4S will be useless because of the different connector.
- ?
- Anonymous
- sgn
- 17 Nov 2012
xman, 17 Nov 2012The next generation iphone will launch on march 2013 with n... moreToo much speculation leads to lots of disappointment just like what happened to pre-iPhone 5 release.
- L
- Logan
- dWA
- 17 Nov 2012
Administrater, 17 Nov 2012hi guyz i'm gonna buy a iphone by december which will be ... more4s is better for me
- u
- uki
- uNV
- 17 Nov 2012
Administrater, 17 Nov 2012hi guyz i'm gonna buy a iphone by december which will be ... morehi I think 5 will be better.
- A
- Administrater
- utW
- 17 Nov 2012
hi guyz
i'm gonna buy a iphone by december
which will be better 5 or 4s
- ?
- Anonymous
- PG5
- 17 Nov 2012
Anonymous, 17 Nov 2012If Windows phone gets enough Apps I'll seriously consider g... moreAgreed. This is the best way, where you don't limit yourself. Negative commenting I'd a waste of time. Better to look at the good of platforms.
- ?
- Anonymous
- PG5
- 17 Nov 2012
[deleted post]Funny how you leave out that despite having smallest battery capacity, iPhone 5 is one of the highest rated battery life smartphones by GSMArena.
This is how Android fans constantly practice negative commenting. Thank goodness even WP8 fans now are also being attacked by you people and the world now knows how negative Android fans are.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 39x
- 17 Nov 2012
Anonymous, 17 Nov 2012Windows Phone is actually going to eat into Andros big time... moreIf Windows phone gets enough Apps I'll seriously consider getting one myself because it looks like it has potential, because i think brand loyalty is seriously dumb and I'll always go for what's best.
- J
- Jack
- UL{
- 17 Nov 2012
[deleted post]So stupid to say such thing! What matters is the performance, not the numbers! In fact Android phone manufacturers successfully blind their users with continuous battles in specs, not real performance