Apple iPhone 5

Apple iPhone 5

User opinions and reviews

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  • k
  • karl
  • t7P
  • 14 Nov 2012

iphone 5 user can u pls answer mg Q? is the black ip5 paint get scratch easily? or its been resolved already with the new batch? pls answer as im deciding which color to choose and im kinda leaning on the black but the paint job scares me(phone is not cheap so u know what im talking about)

    • m
    • mahesh
    • t}A
    • 14 Nov 2012

    Can we use the iphone 5 in india bought in USA directly (or) we have to unlock it ?

      • .
      • ....
      • XNt
      • 14 Nov 2012

      The feature they are adverterising " panaroma camera" is a joke Xperia P launched in july has the same feature only better ..

        • v
        • viraj
        • 2F6
        • 14 Nov 2012

        Anonymous, 13 Nov 2012 moreIs Apple User Friendly And Can Be Connected To Any Bluetooth Transfers Or Can Transfer File From One Phone To Another. If Yes Please let me know.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • Kx7
          • 14 Nov 2012

          Anonymous, 14 Nov 2012iPhone 5 looks like an incremental upgrade on paper, but on... moreAgree with you, u all will know iphone 5 is the best phone at the time u hold it on your hand. Again about screen size there is a lot of different opinion for every people. I feel comfortable enough with my iphone 4 screen, now on 5 is good enough. One thing that i ilke, i can still put my iphone 5 on my pocket with 1 other phone. Iphone 5 simply the best of everything that u can get on a smartphone.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • MVg
            • 14 Nov 2012

            I think the Android Fanboys need to chill out...

            Yes the S3 is a great phone, but looks cheap and the design is aweful apple stuck to what works and what people like the iphone 4,4s and 5 all look awesome...

            i never used an iphone before the 5 i have always had samsungs but the look of the s2 was so much nicer than the s3, hence i bought the iphone which i feel is much easier to use than the android phones and doesnt lack anything, The app store is 100% better although you pay for the apps you get the full Ad free app, not the half android apps full of ads,

            At the enmd of the day they are both phones and its personal opinion having used andropid and IOS i will deffinatly be sticking to IOS from now on as its a much easier to use system and much more reliable. also iphone looks 1000% better than the s3.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • IVW
              • 14 Nov 2012

              iPhone 5 looks like an incremental upgrade on paper, but once in your hand, only then you realise what a phenomenal upgrade it is. Best choice I ever made.

              This is simply put, the best smartphone out there, by being the ultimate package and combination of software, hardware, design, performance and efficiency. Coupled with the superb app store, it is second to none.

              There are phones that can beat iPhone on certain individual features, but never together, that's why you need an SGS3 for the screen, the Lumia for camera etc, but the single best package?.... iPhone 5. No contest.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • nx2
                • 14 Nov 2012

                When The iPhone Will Be Available in KSA?

                  • n
                  • neel
                  • vwe
                  • 14 Nov 2012

                  if you dont have an iphone you dont have an iphone! #iphoneforlife

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • 7Cg
                    • 14 Nov 2012

                    Anonymous, 14 Nov 2012As a company I actually respect Apple's marketing departmen... moreheres a fact.

                    Despite inferior specs, the iphone5 is still the fastest phone on the planet.

                    No joke. The specs aren't high, but it does everything faster then its top competitors.

                    How do I know this?

                    Youtube iphone5 speed tests vs xxx phone. It even beat the note 2.

                    Apps. Developers focus more on ios then android. Thus giving apple the edge, in fact I think they have a huge advantage on apps.

                    HOw do I know this?

                    I have 2 friends who are developers, 1 of them develops apps, the other develops games actually, and he even he said, his company focuses primarly on IOS, because reason 1. Easier to program. reason 2. Finished product is always good even if there is an android version of it.

                    Another reason

                    The retina display to some extent, is already an hd display. Beautiful display.

                    Quality of the phone.

                    Check out "drops tests" on iphone5. This phone can really last forever.

                    So stop accusing apple users of being uninformed. Maybe some of them are, I can equally say the same thing about android users, for buying a phone that has glitches, malware, and scammers.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • IWd
                      • 14 Nov 2012

                      Fender releases Stratocaster guitar for iOS.


                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • 4@@
                        • 14 Nov 2012

                        Anonymous, 14 Nov 2012As a company I actually respect Apple's marketing departmen... moreWho cares???

                        you should stand around the corner and question why people throw down 90K for a benz...because they can afford it!!

                          • B
                          • Born in the USA
                          • 4@@
                          • 14 Nov 2012

                          Anonymous, 13 Nov 2012You right, Android and especially Samsung massively outsell... moreits unbelievable that people like you had no interest in the iphone but manage to get your nose pick here. take bashing to your Ann Droid forum.

                          let the iphone be the iphone and Ann Droid be Ann Droid.

                            • B
                            • Botchok
                            • Mfx
                            • 14 Nov 2012

                            Hi guys! Jus a quick question. Has anyone experienced problem with mobile tethering using optus or a tpg sim in australia?

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • 39x
                              • 14 Nov 2012

                              Anonymous, 13 Nov 2012 moreAs a company I actually respect Apple's marketing department for what they've done because they've convinced people they better than they actually are, but the average Apple customer doesn't bother to find out the facts about the competition so sometimes it takes outsiders to give them the facts to make their own decisions.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • Rn6
                                • 13 Nov 2012

                                Anonymous, 13 Nov 2012Yeah if you just want to check Facebook, Twitter etc then I... moreWell its like asking someone this

                                Why would you but a BMW when you get just get the corolla. It's much cheaper and does the same thing. It drives it has 4 wheels why? Because people can afford it......

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • Rn6
                                  • 13 Nov 2012

                                  Anonymous, 13 Nov 2012Sadly most people don't know Samsung is the most prolific m... more

                                  to me, It felt like I just gave you uppercut to your throat. Apple is operating at different animal then Samsung or any electronic company in the world. They are right up there with Cocao cola right now, and was ranked as the 2nd fastest growing company on the planet behind Coca cola. Apple is fully aware there is competition. You may hate them, but don't over look them, and what their products have to offer. If apple is not for you, then it's not. Android is not for me, because of its choppiness, non stop adds, and inconsistency in their apps. But yes, apple will start to decline a little, but still. It is an amazing accomplishment to dethrone Microsoft. Anyways, if your just here to argue, I suggest you go away. theres no point. You can point out all the flaws you want, doesn't change a thing. Apple is doing fine right now. Is there an apple store near you? Go to it. The apple store in my local mall has 4 times its customers then the Samsung store. No joke.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • IVC
                                    • 13 Nov 2012

                                    It costs around $207 to $238 to create an iPhone 5, so by purchasing it we are actually feeding the company itself, not the quality of the phone. I think 4S is still better than iPhone 5, as it seems like there are more complaints with the latest iPhone.

                                    PS: I heard iPhone 5S is just around the corner - 4.5" screen this time?

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • 3Jn
                                      • 13 Nov 2012

                                      Anonymous, 13 Nov 2012I give credit were it's due. Some of the higher end androi... moreYeah if you just want to check Facebook, Twitter etc then IOS overall is unbeatable, but as soon as you want anything more the intelligent person thinks "What the Hell am i paying so much for?"
                                      And then they realise the only reason IOS seems so good is because they focus on the popular minority of features which makes things look good, but then when you looking for anything else you have a choice between an uncool Android or seriously compromising and carrying and iPad and Mac Book to make up for what your iPhone can't do.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • 3Jn
                                        • 13 Nov 2012

                                        Anonymous, 13 Nov 2012errrrrr..... everyone knows samsung is the biggest phone ma... moreSadly most people don't know Samsung is the most prolific manufacturer of devices and think because Apple is the richest they assume they sell the most devices, because most people only read the news headlines and when they see "Apple is the richest tech company" they don't read the rest of the article explaining why.