Apple iPhone 5
- d
- deep
- vI9
- 06 Nov 2012
got it somehow in india with warranty ,real shortage here in india ,people have started blackmarketing here ,selling devices 4000 inr above mrp ,i was lucky to get my 32 gb for 52500 ,but its awesome after 4s its leaps ahead ,loving it
- i
- iSJ5
- t7X
- 06 Nov 2012
btw apple is not for sale!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- 7tE
- 06 Nov 2012
[deleted post]That just shows poor insight in statistics... you are saying just because android outsells iphone it is better??!!
depending upon the number of user base China mobile is leading Vodafone, so then according to you and the blog it is better than Vodafone??!!
see there are a lot of buyers for cheap things...not saying that android is a total crap...but comes nowhere near the iOS experience...
and number of user is not the correct way to formulate it...
- ?
- Anonymous
- 7tE
- 06 Nov 2012
Kalyan, 06 Nov 2012First of all u just know about the technology u know that A... moreI believe Google has proved to be an awesome search engine, with its simplicity yet over the par usability, plus with splendid services as mail and maps...but its not the only one out there which cannot be done without...
talking bout YouTube, Google has bought it not created it, buying and selling happens a lot and we'll still see much more of it in future...
the point here is, its not absolutely necessary to depend upon them or say on Google...
- ?
- Anonymous
- 06 Nov 2012
Hey . Please I need some advice . I'm gonna get the iphone 5 in about 2weeks time . But I'm not sure if I should get the black or white phone. Any suggestions ?
- ?
- Anonymous
- 7Cg
- 06 Nov 2012
samsung lover, 06 Nov 2012Dude you are wrong they're just using a us version of sgs3 ... more
widley spread pixels???? dumbest comment ever.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 7Cg
- 06 Nov 2012
Anonymous, 06 Nov 2012He usually posts articles showing the honest negative parts... moreits nonsense because it has nothing to do with the iphone 5 itself. Like what does telling us Apple needs to apologize to Samsung have to do with the iphone5? nothing, and it will get removed by the mods. You fandroids are just trolling and going off topic. He's pretty much violating the 5th and 6th rule. repeadtedly bashing the brand.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 7Cg
- 06 Nov 2012
sanjeev, 06 Nov 2012can we use i pad mini as a cell phone like samsung tab2no you can't, because it's not a phone. It's one of the dumbest features available.
First off the phone feature is terrible. You can only hear you friend through the speaker. To talk back you also have to "yell" into the microphone in order to them to hear you on the other end. So it's pretty much useless, also everyone on the planet has a cell phone why the hell would they want to use it as a phone?
You don't believe me? TRY IT FOR YOURSELF. I had a friend that was using it as a phone! lol fail!
- ?
- Anonymous
- 06 Nov 2012
sanjeev, 06 Nov 2012can we use i pad mini as a cell phone like samsung tab2No... you can still place an internet call via skype... but not exactly like a cell phone...
- s
- sanjeev
- 06 Nov 2012
can we use i pad mini as a cell phone like samsung tab2
- ?
- Anonymous
- KIe
- 06 Nov 2012
Battery time is not good up to iphone 4g. see what about iphone 5.
- j
- jb
- 2CE
- 06 Nov 2012
iSJ5, 06 Nov 2012yeah! They jealous so much! thats why they hate apple so much!no, its because apple rip people off
- ?
- Anonymous
- 7Cg
- 06 Nov 2012
suck on it fandroids.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3Jn
- 06 Nov 2012
iSJ5, 06 Nov 2012fsgnt please get out you troll! you always posting stupid t... moreHe usually posts articles showing the honest negative parts of Apple so how is that nonsense? If people are given the facts to make up their own mind about Apple then that's a good thing, and you expecting people to only say positive things about Apple really is you talking complete nonsense because Apple users are controlled enough by Apple's constant restrictions without you trying to get rid of people because they are actually capable of seeing how Apple works.
- i
- iSJ5
- t7X
- 06 Nov 2012
Anonymous, 05 Nov 2012its because you fandroids keep using the "its too expe... moreyeah! They jealous so much! thats why they hate apple so much!
- i
- iSJ5
- t7X
- 06 Nov 2012
Anonymous, 06 Nov 2012I will not and will NEVER EVER buy it even i'm given a free... morefsgnt please get out you troll! you always posting stupid things against apple and you hate them so much! you always talking nonsense, you are trashtalker and you are so f!!! if you dont have anything good to say. dont say it!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- 06 Nov 2012
Anonymous, 06 Nov 2012I will not and will NEVER EVER buy it even i'm given a free... moreFreedom is just an illusion...which these fandroids keep on bragging...
jailed or not-jailed, u anyways can't use iOS apps on android and vise are already jailed to use that particular type of ecosystem once you decide to use it, isn't it???!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- 7tE
- 06 Nov 2012
Anonymous, 05 Nov 2012its because you fandroids keep using the "its too expe... moreMan, u re-read post is in favour of iphone... i don't even use stupid android after i got to experience iOS truly...