Apple iPhone 5

Apple iPhone 5

User opinions and reviews

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  • A
  • Akki
  • u7J
  • 04 Nov 2012

look at the apple logo...its bitten...hahaha

    • t
    • tokpam
    • t1$
    • 04 Nov 2012

    yao... @ fanboys n dose hu r buying ip5 coz its iphone....... dis so call nu design n os is soo similar to old ones dat i thot i5 was ip4... i had to luk closely to see da differnc.. dats a bummer... ip5 is still dual core which is deal breaker gor me n every1 of my frns... nothin nu... so boring.... sory guys .. truth is truth.. m a gamer n small screen sucks in gamin..

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • 7Cg
      • 04 Nov 2012

      Iphone 5 not as popular in INdia as in Western countries, however in their Indian debut, the iphone 5 pretty much sold outeverywere in India. We don't know how much they to sell, but hey, it was sold out.

      Now heres the problem, In ever heard the Galaxy note 2 being "sold out" at any magnitute. You fandoirds, don't mess with apple. In terms of overall numbers, any 1 model does not even touch the iphone 5, or the equivlanent compeitive device, (10 inch tablent, mini tablet) etc etc.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • 7Cg
        • 04 Nov 2012

        Anonymous, 04 Nov 2012If so happens that IOS is licensed to be used on other bran... morewrong.

        Windows os works fine on multiple plattforms. Windows os on the phones >>>>>>>> android. I expierence no problems, no issues, no glitches, little lag whatsoever on my sisters windows, phone.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • 7Cg
          • 04 Nov 2012

          Anonymous, 04 Nov 2012Here's your Apple stock chart for your convenience: http:/... moreawesome, thanks man.

          No one cares. btw... apple's current stock price, much higher then Samsung's stock price ever. It goes up and down, and look for the stocks to rise again, once the iphone 5 IS RELEASED INTO THE REMAINING 100 COUNTRIES IT WAS SCHEDULED TO BE RELEASED TOO.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • U@F
            • 04 Nov 2012

            Wht wld be nxt android version....? And wht wld b good iphone5 ot sg nonte2.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • 7Cg
              • 04 Nov 2012

              Anonymous, 03 Nov 2012Apple stock: BEFORE iPhone 5 launch = $706 per share AF... moreYour actually wrong sure. 706 bucks happen to be their highest ever. They maintained that for a while after the iphone5 was released. the 576 dollar stock happens to be how much it was just 2 days ago. The 700 dollars + happens to be shortly after the iphone5, so its really impossible for apple to maintain its 700 dollar per stock every day, unless they release a 3 new phones per month, which won't happen too. Stocks go up and down every day, so your actually over exaggerating.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • sgn
                • 04 Nov 2012

                Anonymous, 04 Nov 2012source please. Thank you. Here's your Apple stock chart for your convenience:

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • 7Cg
                  • 04 Nov 2012

                  Anonymous, 03 Nov 2012Apple stock: BEFORE iPhone 5 launch = $706 per share AF... moresource please. Thank you.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • sgn
                    • 04 Nov 2012

                    Anonymous, 04 Nov 2012And some phones on Jellybean are already almost as smooth a... moreIf so happens that IOS is licensed to be used on other brands, it will definitely show its true colors. It could be the laggiest, and crappiest OS ever. iFans do not even realize how sophisticated Android platform is.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • 956
                      • 04 Nov 2012

                      so nice device...... i will find only one issue....... hdset not support to video look in future.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • vaN
                        • 04 Nov 2012

                        loki, 03 Nov 2012xcuse me? iphone is the best in terms of battery? are u kid... moredid you see your lumia and bb phone and their baterry rating. they are low compare iphones

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • 39x
                          • 04 Nov 2012

                          Anonymous, 03 Nov 2012So those people here who had always been bragging of the ri... moreAnd some phones on Jellybean are already almost as smooth and fast as iPhone 5, so soon when we have Androids using the A15 processor and running 4.2 iPhone users will have nothing to brag about because they think a phone being slightly smoother and having slightly better battery life makes the iPhone better, but they ignore the fact a Smartphone is nothing without features and Android has had stuff for years that Apple will eventually copy off when they find a way to make money from them.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • sgn
                            • 03 Nov 2012

                            Anonymous, 03 Nov 2012Apple stock: BEFORE iPhone 5 launch = $706 per share AF... moreSo those people here who had always been bragging of the rise of the Apple stock must now be staying quiet. If they keep their money there, they must already lost lots of money.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • qKw
                              • 03 Nov 2012

                              Apple stock:

                              BEFORE iPhone 5 launch = $706 per share
                              AFTER iPhone 5 launch = $576 per share

                              The END is near...

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • 39x
                                • 03 Nov 2012

                                Anonymous, 03 Nov 2012Of course IOS would run smoother because it only takes care... moreExactly right.
                                Getting Android to run smooth and fast on hundreds of different devices that all have Multitasking, Widgets and any kind of customization is a serious challenge yet you got phones like the S3 running Jellybean that's almost as smooth and fast as iPhone 5 even though Samsung had nothing to do with creating Android.
                                But IOS is easy to make run smooth because it's just so basic, so I really applaud Google for making Android so complicated but still almost as fast as IOS that's hardly changed since 2006.
                                And any iPhone owner with even half a brain should see the achievement Android is.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • pFk
                                  • 03 Nov 2012

                                  Anonymous, 02 Nov 2012simply amazing,apple has done it again! Very well said!!!

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • Qy%
                                    • 03 Nov 2012

                                    louigi, 03 Nov 2012For starters can you please type in English as opposed to s... moreOf course IOS would run smoother because it only takes care of a single brand and that's the iPhone. Whereas Android has to be customized yet for every brand which is what they call skin and still has to be adopted to every phone model. So Android is a more complex and more sophisticated platform. But despite the vast brands and models it being integrated to, it is still fast and has less apps crashing compared to IOS.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • Qy%
                                      • 03 Nov 2012

                                      Apple stocks going down, down, down.... Market indication that it is near the end of its time. In just about 2 months, its down from over $700 each share to $576. Pathetic Apple stock holders.

                                        • a
                                        • ac
                                        • ib9
                                        • 03 Nov 2012

                                        from the looks of it...this time the competitor will catch up with iphone 5 sooner least by early or middle of next year..the improvement is not as wide as last time- ipad / android phone user