Apple iPhone 5
- l
- lol at loldude
- 7Cg
- 28 Oct 2012
LolDude, 27 Oct 2012compare the specs on S3 an Iphone5 and say tat again xD if ... moreNow thats the funny part
Despite the specs, the iphone performs faster loads faster, and does everthing "faster" then the S3. ip5 has won every speed test from loading a search through google, from how fast a picture taken through the camera. That's what I am Lol ing at right now. Obviously Samsung design is behind in apples design at the moment. No question about it. Even their ipad mini tablets are performing faster despite inferior specs.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 7Cg
- 28 Oct 2012
iSJ5, 28 Oct 2012embarrassing? can you please explain me how i embarrass my ... moredon't worry about these fandroids. They are the brain washed ones. THey are just jealous because they are stuck with crappy apps, their personal information being shared, and not able to afford a nice phone that is durable, that has more specs, but still not as fast, its hilarious, how they slam apple. It's funny. They brag about their androids like its a computer, hahahahahah hilarious. Multitasking, and a "big screen" are reasons why a certain phone's battery drains.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 7Cg
- 28 Oct 2012
Y'odel, 28 Oct 2012#5 in daily's bound to drop after a while. Also it just represents how many people per day are clicking and checking out the iphone 5 per day on this site. Its been out over a month now, check out the Galaxy s3 daily interest. How do you like em apples. 5th in interest. number 1 in units sold very soon.
- i
- iSJ5
- t7X
- 28 Oct 2012
lilly, 27 Oct 2012please will you stop spamming all over the iphone 5 opinion... moreembarrassing? can you please explain me how i embarrass my self and other iphone users with my comments? if you just only mad about my comments, well is not on your business! i'm applefan and user, that's why i'm here. i support this page till gsma ban me or if i'm tired, not because you only request! if you only live a single comments here by just criticising others, maybe you have a cirious problem lol, you can live comments here unless you not breaking the rules. PATHETIC!!!
- Y
- Y'odel
- i8k
- 28 Oct 2012
#5 in daily interest...
- L
- LolDude
- RJi
- 27 Oct 2012
waji, 27 Oct 2012Iphone rocks samsung s3 the specs on S3 an Iphone5 and say tat again xD if u can means tat u have problems
- l
- lilly
- 3J9
- 27 Oct 2012
iSJ5, 24 Oct 2012i just vote 10-10-10 so shut up!please will you stop spamming all over the iphone 5 opinions page with your comments and replies? your embarrassing your self and other iphone users
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0Tc
- 27 Oct 2012
its a good phone. but i was disappointed for the many faults , low memory ram, and poor maps :(
- ?
- Anonymous
- 27 Oct 2012
[deleted post]That's a good phone. Enjoy it. I myself am excited about WP8's prospects.
That being said, please keep things respectful and no trolling please.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 27 Oct 2012
An important article to read for the trolls. Internet gives anonymity but there are consequences. Be responsible.
- G
- Govind
- PM@
- 27 Oct 2012
This is excellent phone to use our business JOBS
really lucky to buy this phone.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 27 Oct 2012
[deleted post]Sorry despite 5 years you still do not understand Apple's design philosophy. Apple favors efficiency and performance combined with optimal battery life. That is how it blazes in benchmarks, beats rivals with much bigger batteries, yet using half the RAM sometimes.
Audi is currently pursuing the same philosophy in engineering, doing the same with its cars, increasing performance, yet using smaller and smaller engines.
- i
- iSJ5
- t7X
- 27 Oct 2012
[deleted post]why on earth you need a quad-core processor for a small pocket devices? your android is laggy, and need multi-cores. in your quad-core android its still lag right! accept it! while even a single core iOS still run smoother than your multi-core but still laggy lagdroid devices lolz!!!!
- i
- iSJ5
- t7X
- 27 Oct 2012
Anonymous, 27 Oct 2012SIR iSJ5 your friend didnt face any problem on is ios6?nope! but im still waiting for other updates.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 27 Oct 2012
Anonymous, 27 Oct 2012SIR iSJ5 can i ask about for iOS 6 for 4S, ioS 6 for 4s is... moreI am using iPhone 4S with iOS 6 and it runs perfectly. If you are worried, wait a bit more as iOS 6.1 is coming out soon.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 27 Oct 2012
To put things into perspective, the iPhone 3GS launched in June 2009 still runs the latest operating system iOS 6. This phone is one year OLDER than the Galaxy S which was launched in 2010. Not Galaxy S2, not Galaxy S3, the iPhone 3GS is one year older than the original Galaxy S, yet it still runs the latest version of iOS.
That is truly fantastic support for a device.
- i
- imran
- 7Dm
- 27 Oct 2012
Iphone 5 is really a great invention,, its almost two weeks and i am lovin it
- ?
- Anonymous
- Kg{
- 27 Oct 2012
SIR iSJ5 your friend didnt face any problem on is ios6?
- i
- iSJ5
- P@1
- 27 Oct 2012
iSJ5, 27 Oct 2012NO! but one of my friends using iOS6 on his iPhone 4S!nice english
- ?
- Anonymous
- 27 Oct 2012
[deleted post]Can you play Tekken vs Street Fighter?
Oops! Didn't think so.