Apple iPhone 5

Apple iPhone 5

User opinions and reviews

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  • i
  • ihatethemarkedfanati
  • 3TL
  • 26 Oct 2012

lawlee, 26 Oct 2012there were no problems until these apple haters came in, be... moreThat's why i said 'best for me' not for others, of course judging by reviews. I know the pros and cons you're saying, again it fits my needs.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • 7Cg
    • 26 Oct 2012

    you guys want to know why developers are not focusing on Android?

    It's much harder to program a program for android.

    Even after thats done, they don't know how the phone will run this program. For example, ABC app works fine, however the htc one might run this app better then the s3. It also depends on the phone. so it's inconsistent, and of course you don't expect the developers to make sure the app is flawless for all android phones. So it's useless.

    Another thing, my friend works as a programmer, he said, developers or high end ones will focus more on apple. So stop using the "apple fan boy" it's nothing to do with that. You get apple, you get access to the best applications on the planet. Even if that app is available on a an android phone, 95 % of the time, the apple version is superior. You guys complain about apple not having a micro sd card slot, that card is utterly useless, unless your storing photos, video's or music, cause more apps do not run off those memory cards.

    So yes, the IOS for now, will always have the upper on android based on applications. apps apps apps. If you don't care about apps, and if android phone makes you happy, go for it. I'm not making this up, this was straight up from my friend who is a app developer.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • 7Cg
      • 26 Oct 2012

      [deleted post]not as bad as android.

        • i
        • iSJ5
        • t7X
        • 26 Oct 2012

        [deleted post]Posting rules:

        -Please no foul language, be polite and use common sense
        -No expressions of hatred based on race/ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, disability, and religion
        -No bashing - deliberately and repeatedly bashing the same brand
        -No trolling - deliberately antagonizing other brand/model users

        so haters has no right here!

          • i
          • iSJ5
          • t7X
          • 26 Oct 2012

          [deleted post]apple haters still bad! oh my god lolz.........

            • i
            • iSJ5
            • t7X
            • 26 Oct 2012

            ihatethemarkedfanati, 25 Oct 2012Hey guys, couldn't you just write opinions and reviews what... morehummn! agree..........

              • l
              • lawlee
              • 7Cg
              • 26 Oct 2012

              ihatethemarkedfanati, 25 Oct 2012Hey guys, couldn't you just write opinions and reviews what... morethere were no problems until these apple haters came in, because they think they are entitled too because apple apparently back stabbed Samsung. Sooo I don't know. Also you've never even used the Lumin 920, I don't know how you can come to the conclusion it's the best phone. I usually let the pro's do the reviews, and ask for people for their oppinon. Ironcially, the s3 owners love their phone, and their ip5 owners also love their phones, however, it came down too, the s3 owners, actually had a little bit more complains, even though they try to keep it minimal, as they don't want to expose the s3 in anyway.

              As for windows phone, My sister is currently using the windows phone, it's awesome, it's very smooth, very smart, however, at this point, it still has inferior apps to Apple, and it sure as hell has inferior apps to android. My sister chose this phone because she does not plan to be a huge app user anyways, just a phone to check email, watch videos, surf the net, thats it. I'm also not a fan of the (blocky interface)

              Were IOs beats windows is superior applications, and ease of use at this point. Developers are more geared towards IOS. Lets put it this way, if your developing apps for IOS, your not the big boy developers, and just someone hoping to make it big by starting out with developing android apps. Pretty sad huh? Also the lumina 920 is like a brick. Size matters to me. I am currently using the x302, and right now its come down to windows phone or apple phone.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • Rn6
                • 26 Oct 2012

                paulc, 25 Oct 2012hmmmm, really? article from a leading operating service re... moremight want to, but no. Right now, your a big time developer if your developing apple apps. As long as there are 1000 phones running android, there will always be problems with an abc app running on android vs running on ios.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • 3Jn
                  • 26 Oct 2012

                  Anonymous, 25 Oct 2012 moreHaving the most internet traffic doesn't mean iPhone's the best just like billions of people are Religious but it's a simple fact there's no such thing as God. But people have all sorts of reasons to do certain things that have absolutely nothing to do with something being the best.

                    • i
                    • ihatethemarkedfanati
                    • 3TL
                    • 25 Oct 2012

                    Hey guys, couldn't you just write opinions and reviews what you like or dislike about it? It's just a handset, holy ..., it's not your loved nor your hated person.
                    No phone is the absolute best and can never be, eg. for me the best is Lumia 920, but sure as hell it's not the best for an Android type of guy nor for an Apple one, and i would not suggest it to either. Everybody can find his/her suitable gadget to buy easily just by gsmarena reviews, no need for these stupid bashings here.
                    Praising or offending a phone so hectically is sooooo disgusting!

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • Rn6
                      • 25 Oct 2012


                      more positive reviews. ip5 is owning s3 when it comes to internet traffic, already owning them and it only came out 4 weeks ago.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • Rn6
                        • 25 Oct 2012


                        specs can kiss butt. even with inferior specs as android fans are claiming still kicking any android phones ass.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • Nxn
                          • 25 Oct 2012

                          Anonymous, 25 Oct 2012iPhone 5 sales are worrying Android manufacturers. Seems th... morePreposterous! That's just your baseless personal opinion and in fact you must be the who panic. Just look at the current charts:

                            • p
                            • paulc
                            • nEL
                            • 25 Oct 2012

                            Anonymous, 25 Oct 2012well said buddy. Android users are the new brain washed on... morehmmmm, really?
                            article from a leading operating service review website:

                            Exactly six months ago, Eric Schmidt made a remark that in the near future, developers might want to focus on Android first, instead of iOS. While developers haven't moved to Android-first, iOS-later en masse, there's no denying that we're seeing more and more former iOS exclusives move towards Android.

                            the tide has turned i am afraid!!!

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • Rn6
                              • 25 Oct 2012

                              Anonymous, 25 Oct 2012Android brainwashing is the most systematic and fantastic. ... morewell said buddy. Android users are the new brain washed ones. Android users are not even aware that the apps available to them, are not even as close to being as good as ios apps.

                              Why is this?

                              Programmers or high end ones, are focused much more on ios, over android.

                                • p
                                • paulc
                                • nEL
                                • 25 Oct 2012

                                Anonymous, 25 Oct 2012iPhone 5 sales are worrying Android manufacturers. Seems th... morereally? in fact androids sells have increased proprtionally over apple! the fallout of RIM as made a splurge of new users to the android market and only slighty in the apple market. so your statement in nonsense

                                  • M
                                  • MdN
                                  • Mtr
                                  • 25 Oct 2012

                                  Anonymous, 25 Oct 2012Android brainwashing is the most systematic and fantastic. ... moreWow. I don't own an Apple or an Android and you people all look the same to me.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • tVw
                                    • 25 Oct 2012

                                    Anonymous, 25 Oct 2012 the positive reviews contin... moreYup, seriously, BGR is one of the most unbiased sites around, and also bash Apple for mistakes. So when they do a review, you read it carefully. The conclusion on the iPhone 5?

                                    "The iPhone 5 is undoubtedly the most impressive iPhone Apple has launched to date, but it’s also more than that: it separates Apple from its rivals by a wider margin than ever before. In terms of hardware quality and in terms of core software performance, THE NEW IPHONE HAS NO PEERS.

                                    Apple’s competition still offers a number of advantages over the iPhone in different areas, but the complete package the iPhone delivers — the end-to-end experience that results from hardware, software and services that are cohesive and elegant — IS IN A CLASS BY ITSELF."

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • Rn6
                                      • 25 Oct 2012


                                      the positive reviews continue to pour in. Wooooooooo