Apple iPhone 5
- m
- mody-Egypt
- fkI
- 21 Sep 2012
specially designed for people thew would like to waste their money !. sorry but its the truth.
- L
- Lolhaha
- t7X
- 21 Sep 2012
AnonD-71773, 21 Sep 2012Oh weL its been a good laugh...specially Lolhaha nd brynn. ... moreO yeah! Finally ur leaving this iphone 5 forum. Go back to ur sshit forum! Ur multitasking i7core2dualish doesn't need here.
- L
- Lolhaha
- t7X
- 21 Sep 2012
AnonD-71773, 21 Sep 2012Hahaha ur standing outside a fish store. Other phone compan... moreYes they would let u wait outside for 8days. Cos no one wants to buy their product. Lol
So lets say if u go inside a samsung store and buy an item, u'll be surprise ur the only one there. Cos nobody wants to buy samshit product. LOLHAHA
- K
- King
- 21 Sep 2012
Iphone 5 maps are dump it shows airport as farm... Nokia with its quality will beat iphone & samsung by the end of 2012..
- A
- Anti-Apple movement
- fnH
- 21 Sep 2012
Last year Apple copied Nokia's technology in their iphone screens now this year when Samsung didn't even infringe any patents it sues them!That,s seeing the speck in your friend's eye when you can't see the log in your own eye what hypocricy
- J
- Johan
- 4Lh
- 21 Sep 2012
I think it is hilarous people are so excited over a phone that literally offers nothing new to an already pre existing long standing market.
They make such a big deal about this product for what? The Apple logo. You fan people can take your iphones.. I of course appreciate the design of apple products, always have but I am not the type of person who purchases electronics for fashion statements.
Their computers are great for multimedia tasks but that is literally about it. Their phones are just lacking badly now and are pretty much far behind.
It is ironic Apple sued Samsung quote "They stole our shape." when Samsung has been far ahead regardless.
So what has apple done now? They just copied everyone by their definition, releasing a phone that literally is no better than any others. God who cares Apple your "shape" really...? Anyway Samsung has been killing it, they had phones with these specs 2 years ago.
Their phones are the best in my opinion, people simply buy the iphone because they don't know any better. Mainly just like their computers.
They either need it simply because of its restricted apps/software for some certain need of theirs or because they just want to follow the herd, this phone literally is a fashion accessory at this point in time for the most part.
I truly and utterly feel bad whoever stupidly waited in line for two days for this old phone.
Looking back at how many models of the iphone they have released in such a short span of time is quite pathetic, at least Samsung's phones have been very noticeable in comparison with one another development wise. The iphones are literally barely any different every time around.
Nothing special about this phone, so it should not be treated as such. When Apple releases a phone that is better than every phone on the market then I will care.
- D
- AnonD-70078
- m5f
- 21 Sep 2012
Apple probably lost all them phones themselves with there mapping problem hehehe
- t
- taimi
- KId
- 21 Sep 2012
mo, 21 Sep 2012never gonna upgrade to ios 6 with my 4sYes today I just got ios6 in my iphone4 so why u're nt getting it.
- r
- ronny
- P$u
- 21 Sep 2012
Iphone 5...
its just like a fare tale...
and nothing esle...smal screen and high tech...but SHIT..!! BUll SHIT..!! company...
SAMsunG are better and HTC much better..
they deviler more and more changes for customers to go further and upgrade their needs with more FREE APP'S..
and excess them and share them better...
most of people dont know whats the diffrence in IP 4S and IP5..
just buy it cos the other people got it..
just is proofed right by many other StorE'S..itslf..
- J
- Jaloug
- mIf
- 21 Sep 2012
The specs do not mention anything about the accessories such as
1. The type of charger (is it universal or voltage
related to the requirements from country to country).
2. Optional accessories for any other applications
- m
- mo
- n%n
- 21 Sep 2012
never gonna upgrade to ios 6 with my 4s
- ?
- Anonymous
- tZt
- 21 Sep 2012
The hardware is good but not the best like it should be.
- D
- AnonD-71773
- pKi
- 21 Sep 2012
Oh weL its been a good laugh...specially Lolhaha nd brynn. Killed time proper. I cant argue u both like apple till the end. Hope apple sort out the blunder they created and give their costumers what they want....a good working map, OS and multitasking.
Iphone is a good phone only problem is 'its to restricted' and as i said multitasking is worse.
Good luck guys.
-iLikeNote2 out!
- D
- AnonD-71773
- pKi
- 21 Sep 2012
Gregory , 21 Sep 2012OMG, this phone suxs. Yes it has a bigger screen, LTE, grea... moreHahaha ur standing outside a fish store. Other phone companies dont let costumer wait for 8 days outside.their store.
- T
- Turk
- BqN
- 21 Sep 2012
Pili tam bi komedi 1440 mili ampermi en az 2000 mili amper olmalıydı
Battery is bad and small power normal 2000 ma minumum i think
- S
- Sameer
- uvi
- 21 Sep 2012
Dont waste ur money on an iphone 5 just go for htc one x,
- A
- Anwha
- fwf
- 21 Sep 2012
Love the Samsung video....Well done Samsung show Apple you one of the tech giants!!!!!!!!!
Very funny video
- D
- AnonD-71773
- pKi
- 21 Sep 2012
Anonymous, 21 Sep 2012Stay in your ignorance, you do not know the technology behi... moreU migth eat ur words after dude. Weeks + 7 years to be exact.
- G
- Gregory
- 476
- 21 Sep 2012
OMG, this phone suxs. Yes it has a bigger screen, LTE, great camera, and its extremely thin, fast, and lite, but I just realized that I was standing on the wrong damn line for the past 8 days. I was wondering Y I was the only dum odd one. I feel so fooled and cheap! On my way to the store to grab me the iPhone 5. Hopefully its not sold out. ;)
- D
- AnonD-71773
- pKi
- 21 Sep 2012
AnonD-8044, 21 Sep 2012Serious jealousy is bad for your health buy yourself an iph... moreLol brynn...i wont buy an iphone now with the reviews im seeing. This is a free world and i can do whatever i want....not wanting an iphone 5 atm lol. Multitasking at its worst! Feel sorry for sucking u dry.
Feel free to post here ur reviews after u get ur iphone specially apple's map service.