Apple iPhone 5
- F
- Fanatic
- 7qx
- 21 Sep 2012
....m a frequent traveller on missions.
Is iphone 5 maps as reliable as google maps did ?
- ?
- Anonymous
- qmY
- 21 Sep 2012
sout_grapes, 20 Sep 2012Iphone 5 is crap. True apple fan use Mac. How many of you ... morei use Macbook + iPhone + PC. Hows that?
- ?
- Anonymous
- ttv
- 21 Sep 2012
samsung is going to sue for infringment of LTE4G technology against apple.when new technologies come in market apple just collect it .iphone is just collection of others technology.what a non sense it is going aganist samsung,lg,htc etc instead of Google ,because this is the AMERICAN people already aware of it in the should be ashamed yourself American apple.
- B
- Bird
- U{2
- 21 Sep 2012
IPhone 5 didn't meet the expectation there's no much difference between iPhone4s and iPhone5.. Only screen size and 4s will ios6 sooner or later .
- D
- AnonD-72606
- tt8
- 21 Sep 2012
Pandamonium, 20 Sep 2012I have an S3 and an iPhone 46 and both are not bad at all. ... moreI think S3 would be better. But it's my opinion.
- D
- AnonD-72610
- vaP
- 21 Sep 2012
Iphone 5 is only dual core with 1 Ghz.. I'm too disappointed
- D
- AnonD-72606
- tt8
- 21 Sep 2012
dragonboatingtaemo, 20 Sep 2012those who doesnt like iphone cant afford it... Is galaxy note 2 cheaper than iPhone 5? I think there will be no huge difference.
- D
- AnonD-72606
- tt8
- 21 Sep 2012
Dear it's quad core not dual core
- ?
- Anonymous
- P$q
- 21 Sep 2012
Since iPhone 5 is no suprise. If God allows me to live a little longer, I'll certainly wait for iPhone 10. At the moment I am still strugglering with Apple's first iPhone and pray it lives as long as I do. Thank you very much.
- D
- AnonD-71960
- iiY
- 21 Sep 2012
I just saw this and touched it.
I was dissapointed a little when I heard of its specs but I was still expecting its design
The screen ratio is really dissapointing me and even
its lighter weight makes cheap plastic crap looking..
I called it I-remote-controler
Finally I decided that I will definetely go for Note2
- ?
- Anonymous
- PPh
- 21 Sep 2012
AnonD-72535, 20 Sep 2012This Is a lowest Specefication For the Modren World.But We ... moredid you mean quad core?
- k
- karthik
- 7ty
- 21 Sep 2012
all specifications are so good..its looking so cute.and if u canupgrade the camera to 12 mp or more.its over rate for middle class .... ..
- D
- AnonD-8044
- nGp
- 21 Sep 2012
AnonD-32581, 21 Sep 2012I live n australia and as soon as it hits the shops will te... moreI am waiting on audio quality ,screen quality,cam and video recording quality,browser speed,,shot to shot time i can do 100 photos in 40 seconds on 4s.
- m
- mikael
- 6kx
- 21 Sep 2012
i am not a fanboy of anykind i concidered i5 as an option but not anymore ios6 is a disaster i prefer wm8 and android any time
i am depending on nfc nowadays its not there in the i5
i am travelling alot as for my company i need accurate maps not in the i5
i enjoy listening to radio programs not in the i5
l have lots of documents includes hd video so i need a large amount of storage not in i5 the max is un-upgradable 64gb where in many android and wp8 u can insert sd cards so i usualy take 2-4 64gb sdcards with me for presenting the documents
yes iphone "was" great but not anymore.
and for the people stating its only for rich people: for gods sake its only 700$ not a really expensive device
and also rich people use and advance with technology ios6 looks exactly as ios4 that i used before in my 3gs and i used 4s a row if icons is not innovation
look at nokia lumia 920 now thats innovation in matter of fact its a techno revoloution and android is the best os in my opinion if u say its laggy ill admit but ios is stable with no features its just a calling texting ipod touch..dont take my words seriously just my opinion and observation
- P
- Purity
- t7M
- 21 Sep 2012
I personally think the redesign is FANTASTIC but the price and hardware specifications were not despite this is their flagship phone. In S3, You'd get more what you paid for, just saying.
- D
- AnonD-32581
- 2CE
- 21 Sep 2012
AnonD-8044, 21 Sep 2012Someone on here must be from Australia and got one to repor... moreI live n australia and as soon as it hits the shops will test it, I do that with all phones even if im not going to purches them... to see if the hype is worth it...
- D
- AnonD-32581
- 2CE
- 21 Sep 2012
you iphone fans who get iphone get totally ripped off... there is nothing new in this phone, infact it is a step back in technolagy... and there apple maps just got jared...
- ?
- Anonymous
- u3x
- 21 Sep 2012
GalaxyS3 16 : iPhone5 0
Precious Vs Scrapy
- ?
- Anonymous
- 21 Sep 2012
AnonD-1481, 21 Sep 2012its a quad core not a duel...hes talkling about the canadian version lte
- z
- zydeco
- 21 Sep 2012
....galaxy S3 is still the best choice (just watch after this short period of i mania)
Galaxy S3 has some extra features like quad Core CPU,
NFC, larger display screen,
users replaceable battery,
64 gb expandable memory card support,
16gb/32gb/64 gb internal memory sizes for shoppers to choose at half the price of iphone 5.