Apple iPhone 5
- M
- MdN
- Mtr
- 20 Sep 2012
Ooops. Is Samsung going to get sued for this too?
- a
- alok
- sSN
- 20 Sep 2012
is there youtube or google map available in it or not
- ?
- Anonymous
- P$q
- 20 Sep 2012
I'll wait for iPhone 6 which will be out soon according to Jobs. Thank you all.
- D
- AnonD-8044
- nGp
- 20 Sep 2012
Anonymous, 19 Sep 2012yep, free apps/games, customization, lock-screen widgets, e... moreTHe only reason folk bashing android is to get you back from the bashing iphone5 has taken.You come on this forum bashing Apple that we took offence and give you some backk.
Iphone5 one week on still causing huge interest an amazing device to cause such huge interest,simply amazing..
Tim Cook meant dont steal our ideas or you will be punished ,,the fine was peanuts for Apple.
- 7
- 786
- jKZ
- 20 Sep 2012
the same boring phone same thing just a bigger screen trying to sue samsung because its way better has more features. android is the way to go, samsung galaxy s3 i hope to god will beat this phone and by far is better than this shit, innovation my ass and the best thing to happen to apple bullshit they say the same shit over and over again. just the name apple half the world doesnt even know why there getting it
- ?
- Anonymous
- 9yc
- 20 Sep 2012
AnonD-8044, 19 Sep 2012Some folk are always under bonnet of car or tinkering lower... moreenjoy your prius
- C
- CommonSense
- 20 Sep 2012
Just a common sense replay , i5 550e+ while HTC one x and s3 are about the same price of 500e , except the fact both of them are far better then i5 , sup with logics lol? As for ios ... I5 is limited as a bottle while android is open source .. I mean just check xda about one x there's a ton of mods, kernels, roms for s3 and 1x , as for speed and response idk about you guys but I doubt ios will be EVER faster then cynogen mod 10 ( tested it myself, its even faster then your fingers .. simply amazing .. + It's only leaked jelly bean rom, imagine what can you do with original when it gets out , not to mention what will devs do with their hacky hands lol ) btw as for batterry Im quiet sure ios can't last long as how much can one x on arhd rom ( screan time on , 6hrs here screan time for me atm with 57% left. Beat that.) Anyway i5 is a good device if you're looking for an avarege daily use device. Would be nice if i5 gets quadrant, 7.4k for me uv'd and oced :P.
- A
- AppleFoundTreasure
- Sk@
- 20 Sep 2012
Tim Cook said this about their prepared and co-operated by court victory.
" that its notable victory against Samsung in court on Friday was about 'values' and not about 'patents or money' "
Now we figuring out what was he mentioned by "values", it is numbers dude, numbers.
3 is allways bigger than 1, especially if you talking about billions of 3.
And now...$3b-in-damages-from-samsung-says-report/
Sure it isn't about money, it is about billions.
Lets remember 5 things what Apple won on court.
Pinch to zoom, Gallery functions, bounce back effect, Rounded design, a full screen phone.
Do you really thing all of these features founded by apple?
You so wrong then...
New order recipent:
Apple slavery!
- K
- Kelly
- f3R
- 19 Sep 2012
Immediately after the launch of iphone 5 all the hype that was upon S3 diminished altogether once and for all. This is definitely gonna be my phone when it come to South Africa. I'm currently using IPod touch & iPhone 4 and the new macbook pro 13 and IPad 3 WiFi. Iphone will forever be stylish and I like it when it is costly because it is simply not for everyone. lol
- K
- Keke
- f3R
- 19 Sep 2012
I'm the loyal fan of HTC and I have never used IPhone before but I must it looks beautiful and hopefully this might be my first IPhone. I'm aware that Iphone 4s costly roughly R9000.00 my worry is how much will IPhone 5 cost. I perceived some iPhone haters their deliberately detest it because they can't afford it. When Iphone 4s was launch they was great criticism about it. so it doesn't surprise anyone this year. Now cause IPhone 5 was recently launch people are saying IPhone 4s is better but they refuted it before. you guys are lame players. Apple its a global that command respect every where
- m
- mel
- P$6
- 19 Sep 2012
[deleted post]dude don't comment.. actually iPhone 5 sucks. if this world was full of tech savvy people then no one would have ever brought an iPhone 5.. tech savvy people will never buy iPhone 5 because they know whats inside this piece of garbage.. all non techies please don't comment on this reply because there is no point arguing with dumb people..
- ?
- Anonymous
- PG5
- 19 Sep 2012
Tr0ishenly, 19 Sep 2012exactly; you cannot use the LTE network if there's no nano ... moreEtisalat is rolling out LTE and will have nano-sims at the UAE iPhone 5 launch. What are you on about?
- D
- AnonD-8044
- nGp
- 19 Sep 2012
Folk complaining about nano sim its your carriers fault if they are not on the ball and have them in stock..
As to whether we need a smaller sim only apples engineers and future users of nano sim know why..Perhaps they need the space and since they all voted against EEPROM sim chip they had to go smaller design nano sim..
- D
- AnonD-8044
- nGp
- 19 Sep 2012
Some folk are always under bonnet of car or tinkering lowering suspension and so on...Some folk just want to get in the car and drive it,thats iphone.
- D
- AnonD-8044
- nGp
- 19 Sep 2012
Tr0ishenly, 19 Sep 2012exactly; you cannot use the LTE network if there's no nano ... moreApple wont do that so you will never buy Apple products...Apple test things over and over again till it just works thats their ethos..Thats why no flash it causes trouble so Jobs barred it from the fone..You buy iphone for simplicity and just works ,,its not meant for enthusiast hacker really thats Android and even better Meego.
- D
- AnonD-8044
- nGp
- 19 Sep 2012
Anonymous, 19 Sep 2012So u were just telling others to save there shsh blobs, but... moreYes just warning others i dont jailbreak.Have tried but can make things more complicated so went straight back.
- ?
- Anonymous
- vMe
- 19 Sep 2012
AnonD-8044, 19 Sep 2012Dont jailbreak so cant answer that..So u were just telling others to save there shsh blobs, but u don't jb?
- D
- AnonD-8044
- nGp
- 19 Sep 2012
I find the engineering and electronics more interesting than the smartfone i think..this link below to wikipedia shows how many folk is needed to bring something cloud based to the table unbelievable how much is needed..
- T
- Tr0ishenly
- 2Au
- 19 Sep 2012
Shams, 19 Sep 2012only can be used nano sim, it is not available now in uaeexactly; you cannot use the LTE network if there's no nano sim and you can use the services as well; so why apple brought this garbage in the market?
ishit fans are still blind to use the features of this phones that they cannot do anything on this phone without the itunes;
it cannot stand alone xD
poor apple; maybe i will be with you if in case you will share at the market that will provide better experience; xD xD xD xD
- D
- AnonD-8044
- nGp
- 19 Sep 2012
AnonD-36622, 19 Sep 2012Simplicity like clients coming to my store to buy a Data ca... moreDont jailbreak so cant answer that..