Apple iPhone 5

Apple iPhone 5

User opinions and reviews

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  • s
  • sijo
  • utN
  • 18 Sep 2012

I liked the specs. People speaks about small screen. But I think its dimensions and weight are perfect for daily use and fit the normal pocket size. SIII and 920 are biggies and heavier for the hand and pocket.

    • Z
    • Zzzzeyes
    • PF5
    • 18 Sep 2012

    Its so much prettier but apple has problem with its varities of iphone.. Android let users to choose what kind of android phone they like somehow iphone only release twice a year which is annoying... Im a iphone user and yeah, i can tell apple is a profit seeking company.. Even simple apps we have to pay while its free in android... Apple should make our life easier and economical...

      • T
      • They
      • utn
      • 18 Sep 2012

      Anonymous, 17 Sep 2012Apple is running out of ideas for this new iphone. They st... moreThat's for u my boy !!!! For ease in hands unlike note garbage or galaxy $3 !!
      iPhone 5 is gonna change the world and better mind your words

        • N
        • Nuwan
        • 3GG
        • 18 Sep 2012

        iphone5 = iphone4sXL ??????
        Lumia 920 is for me..........

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • Y25
          • 18 Sep 2012

          apple is just the new sony, it will be just another brand with nothing new... this phone proves it.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • vMe
            • 18 Sep 2012

            AnonD-72081, 18 Sep 2012the a6 processor have a dual- core 1.02ghz 1gb of ram but o... morewrong apple claims 1601 geekbench scores.. sgs3 gets up around 1800... even s3 running ics still outperforms the iphone5.. wait for jb up date.. things will look alot worse for the ip5

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • Sk@
              • 18 Sep 2012

              AnonD-72081, 18 Sep 2012the a6 processor have a dual- core 1.02ghz 1gb of ram but o... moreOf course 1601 bigger than 1723.

              Samsung Galaxy S III
              Samsung Exynos 4412 1400 MHz (4 cores) 1723

              Asus Nexus 7
              NVIDIA Tegra 3 T30L 1300 MHz (4 cores) 1610


              Meanwhile, Geekbench is not reliable benchmark.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • K2F
                • 18 Sep 2012

                MdN, 17 Sep 201250 Apple and Samsung fans in Serbia stopped by police from ... moreLOLL i laughed into tears regarding the comment lmaoo!~

                  • E
                  • Es Three
                  • fqU
                  • 18 Sep 2012

                  Samsung is a perfect example of a company that I must say, has gone from grass to grace! :-) And I'm very, very glad about that.

                  They now have a huge, full box of softwares and patent features to their credit: The Stylus for S Pen, Pop-Up-Play, Smart Stay, Smart Alert, S Beam, Direct Call, Best Photo, Tilt to Zoom, Palm Touch to Mute/Pause, Palm Swipe Capture, Turn Over to Mute, Shake to Update, to mention but a few; whereas Apple has barely Siri!

                  I grabbed my own box of the Galaxy S III on 5th September and I can swear to the fact that I haven't regretted buying it for one split second! :-P

                  Let's forget about the plastic body of course - it's rather disgraceful to Apple(I'm afraid) that a piece of cheap PLASTIC could offer more fun and features to its users than a so-called extraordinary piece of aluminum or glass or whatever.

                    • I
                    • Innovation? Appl
                    • Sk@
                    • 18 Sep 2012

                    AnonD-72075, 18 Sep 2012There is such a thing as "if it ain't broke don't fix ... moreMay you want to point on it but I know:
                    Copright = Copyright
                    I like using that way because of Apple!

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • K6m
                      • 18 Sep 2012

                      jason, 18 Sep 2012you are so right , then apple next iphone 5s now with wir... moreIt's nothing new. Wireless charging is already developed by Nokia. By the way, there is nothing inovaitive in iPhone. They just built a beautiful device, nothing else.

                        • D
                        • AnonD-72081
                        • kUw
                        • 18 Sep 2012

                        the a6 processor have a dual- core 1.02ghz 1gb of ram but outperforms the samsung galaxy siii and other latest quad core phones. check here for proof

                          • I
                          • Innovation? Apple?
                          • Sk@
                          • 18 Sep 2012

                          AnonD-72075, 18 Sep 2012There is such a thing as "if it ain't broke don't fix ... moreOf you course you don't know, because then you was a baby about 1-2 years old.

                          What innovated Apple actually?

                          MultiTouch = Was exists 42 years before iPhone (1965)
                          Pinch To zoom = Was exists about year of 2001.
                          Rounded/shaped Design = Was exists 4 years before iPhone
                          Metal Framed Design = Was exists 2 years before iPhone
                          Home screen menu = Was exists 10 years before iPhone
                          3D mobile games = Was exists 4 years before iPhone
                          AppCenter = Was exists before since WinMo 5
                          3D GPU Acceleration on mobile devices = Was exists before iPhone.

                          When apple found something, they suddenly ask patent for it, even for gallery!
                          But while they using something?
                          It is innovation.

                          Keep continuing...
                          Mobile video calling was already exists before iphone, even didn't supported by fourth iPhone.
                          Actually I was making video calls about 2004.
                          Where is innovation?
                          You were dealing with 64k GPRS while we using Hi-Speed 3G/UMTS.
                          Even bluetooth was useless till iPhone 4 came out..

                          When I was taking panaroma pictures about 2005, there was no iPhone,
                          Wait a minute... you just got it right?
                          What a shame...

                          When I was using my phone as navigation device about 2003 there wasn't iPhone...

                          When I was taking voice notes about 2003 there wasn't any iPhone...

                          When I was editing my photos on my phone, there wasn't iPhone.

                          When I was emailing, chatting with my friends, family, fells there wasn't any iPhone

                          When I was editing office documents about 2005 on phone there wasn't any iPhone

                          When I was watching HD videos on my phone, there wasn't any iPhone.

                          When I was printing my documents wireless there wasn't any iPhone.

                          When I was playing 3D games, there wasn't any iPhone...

                          I can tell more but I think it is enough...

                          All of these technologies were used by many companies without any patent war.
                          It was public...

                          What apple did?
                          Apple simplified all of these functions for iPhone...
                          Ta da...
                          All made by apple, if you can believe..

                          Don't tell me who steals from other, don't speak about innovation, don't start an argue about copright crap.
                          You'll lose...

                          Apple has created a brillant beauty toy for who has not enough capability and experience for using a smart device.
                          That is all innovation for you.

                          Do some research before saying something...
                          There is internet...
                          Unless you will be lose face.

                            • D
                            • Dhonzkie
                            • Kg$
                            • 18 Sep 2012

                            a couple of months the iPhone 5S release with 12 or 13mp like 4 to 4S..

                              • j
                              • jason
                              • Yhd
                              • 18 Sep 2012

                              Anonymous, 17 Sep 2012Apple is running out of ideas for this new iphone. They st... moreyou are so right , then apple next iphone 5s now with wireless charger .wow

                                • A
                                • AndroidKicksiOS
                                • Sk@
                                • 18 Sep 2012

                                _C4__, 17 Sep 2012Dear AndroidKicksiOS, Dude you are FANDROID and have no ... moreBeing Fandroid much better than being iBoi.

                                Android was exists before even iOS has been coded not announced, there was an opensource mobile linux project.
                                Goolge just bought and advanced it.

                                Using an iPhone means nothing, babies can use.
                                So simple thing what you talking about...
                                Because its jailed, because its locked!
                                What you can do with iPhone predefined, selected by Apple.
                                You can't across the line!

                                What the hell is passbook!
                                It is a wallet, that holds your coupons, tickets etc...
                                Which is already here, it is GoogleWallet.
                                How you can introduce it as a new thing...
                                it is same about Ultrafast wireless, funny isn't it?

                                Lets talk about what you can do with an Android Phone?
                                A few example how you can use your phone as:
                                1- Wireless Drive
                                2- Wireless Router.
                                3- Personal Computer.
                                4- network/security camera.
                                5- USB host
                                6- Wireless keyboard and mouse
                                7- MediaPlayer / MediaCenter
                                8- Wired or Wireless presentation without needed any software.

                                There are more more more...

                                You can customize your phone, you can access your phone without iTunes like crap etc...

                                Android belongs to people, which means you can develop an Android OS just at your home from core to whole system.
                                You don't need any certificate to develop an application for your Android device, it is opensource.
                                Thousands of people of Linux world can help you...


                                It is a war between ANDOIRD and iOS.
                                It is a war between Freedom and Slavery
                                It is a war about your future.

                                That is why Steve jobs hate Android, that is why he wanted to start a Thermo nuclear war.

                                Everyone knows Android has its own environment, ecosystem and didn't steal or copied anything from apple.
                                Inspiration is a matter of nature, even apple self inspired manythings from others sometimes directly steal.

                                It is Apple who steals from linux...

                                In short future we will see also Microsoft in Theatre.
                                Because Android is also threat for them, they can't rule anymore.
                                If Windows 8 RT or Phone won't succeed then you will know when.

                                And Samsung will also be in!
                                That is why they developing their own, because they also freaking...
                                Even Google is afraiding now because he can't control Android community.

                                You defending here your Apple's toy, good for you.
                                But I'm not defending Samsung or another company.

                                I AM DEFENDING LINUX HERE, WHICH IS FREEDOM.
                                That is why I'm not a Fandroid, I'm a Linux Fan.

                                Someone said here don't talk about siri.

                                SiRi is most dangerous thing for peoples privacy, rightnow it is harmless.
                                Very soon you will understand me.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • 4r3
                                  • 18 Sep 2012

                                  phone master, 17 Sep 2012yes ofcourse apple uses its popularity to gain fans while o... more+1 for you, yes! apple fans are blind, they never compare about the spec, what's a deal for upgrade and what's different between 4s and 5..

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-72075
                                    • j{X
                                    • 18 Sep 2012

                                    Anonymous, 17 Sep 2012Apple is running out of ideas for this new iphone. They st... moreThere is such a thing as "if it ain't broke don't fix it." The reason people run out of ideas is because they try to bring new ideas too soon. Your statement is clearly one of hatred and envy. Have you seen the sales of iPhones since the first one in 2007? Have you seen the performance of the phones and the innovation? Have you seen the fact that EVERY other smartphone maker is trying to make their products as close to Apple's as possible without copyright infringement? Don't say something if u don't know the facts. If Apple never started making smartphones or if they stop now, that's when people might start to run out of ideas. Check your facts! As big as Mercedes Benz is, if they started making smartphones that are no good they WON'T SELL! iPhones have been the top selling smartphones since the very first one! That means they beat Motorola, Nokia, Blackberry, Samsung, Sony Ericsson and ALL the other companies who focus mainly on cell phones! And you think all that happened because of their fan base? Dude seriously?!

                                      • a
                                      • azi
                                      • utH
                                      • 17 Sep 2012

                                      Anonymous, 17 Sep 2012Apple is running out of ideas for this new iphone. They st... moreApple is the one who first started the smartphone world..and u sayin them to leave the market? .. how childish of you.. other brands are surviving by copying wat apple does than innovate somethin new..

                                        • h
                                        • hvc ,v
                                        • Sgg
                                        • 17 Sep 2012

                                        MdN, 17 Sep 201250 Apple and Samsung fans in Serbia stopped by police from ... morelie