Apple iPhone 5
- ?
- Anonymous
- bCd
- 17 Sep 2012
While the iPhone 5 may still sell well due to the hype and Apples marketing wizardry, it is a technological disaster for 3 simple reasons 1) Samsung overtook Apple with the Galaxy S III launched in May, 4 months before iPhone 5 so they already have a lead in the market. 2) With iPhone 5 everyone was expecting Apple to charge way ahead of the Samsung flagship device or at least match it spec to spec. Even after coming 4 months late it still doesnt do that. 3) It would be very surprising if Samsung is not already working on the next Galaxy model which is sure to have even more impressive specs and additional features. 5) Considering that Apple releases products once a year, we can assume that the new device wont be there for at least another year. Its like a relay race where every model hands the baton to the next one. With Galaxy S III Samsung overtook Apple. We were thinking the iPhone 5 would make it a level playing field. But the gap only seems to be increasing.
- y
- yoyohoneysingh
- 2@d
- 17 Sep 2012
surely gonna buy this piece of gem
people can say whatever they want to but the truth is no matter hw much tough the competition is iphone is surely gonna won.
And yes premium things come at a pretty hefty price but thats why they are called premium.
- ?
- Anonymous
- JJs
- 17 Sep 2012
[deleted post]Following Apple's announcement earlier today that it took two million iPhone 5 pre-orders in the first 24 hours of availability, Piper Jaffray analyst Gene Munster has published a new research note predicting that Apple will achieve sales in the range of 6-10 million units for the opening weekend, with the mid-range number of 8 million units being used for modeling purposes. Munster bases his predictions on the strong pre-order numbers and comparisons to last year's performance for the iPhone 4S.
- M
- Mobilemaster
- Lax
- 17 Sep 2012
[deleted post]I agree with you, Android is freedom, it's a great OS, but don't say anything bad about Siri please, because Siri is awesome. I know it was NOT made by Apple, but it is used only in Apple products.
- P
- Petre
- 3RM
- 17 Sep 2012
CPU ???? gpu???
- M
- Mikejuliet
- 17 Sep 2012
Any new innovation with this new iphone 5, I was specting newthings, only cam is now 8 megapixels, but anytjing else, is the same shit, Im changing to another better smartphone
- p
- phone master
- 17 Sep 2012
ash, 17 Sep 2012full of waste of money.......cuz there si already galaxy s... moreyes ofcourse apple uses its popularity to gain fans while others like samsung or Htc use there amazing specs
- S
- Stark
- KAk
- 17 Sep 2012
Sgs3 can not be compard to the Iphone 5
But can samsung note 2 be compard???
- ?
- Anonymous
- Q{m
- 17 Sep 2012
Apple is running out of ideas for this new iphone. They still stick to the same design as the iphone 4 and 4s. They don't have any innovation no more. Apple should continue making the computer and leave the smartphone market. By the way it is going the next iphone will be the same design as the iphone 5 but with a 4.5" screen.
- T
- Tech
- X}s
- 17 Sep 2012
Guys, if you have the money and if you are a tech fan, do buy the apple 5, at the end of the day i dont want a plastic box in my hand...LOL
- o
- osho3mtech
- 17 Sep 2012
Patiently Waiting....
- D
- AnonD-69104
- g54
- 17 Sep 2012
"iPhone 5 :
1)Slimmer (7,6 vs 8,6)
2)Lighter (112g vs 134 g)
3) Better Design(Aluminium Glass Like A Jewelry vs Cheap Plastic Like A Bar Of Soap
4)Premium Feel( Not Some Cheap Product)
5)More Comfortable In Hand (One Hand Vs Two Hands)
6) Graphics (326ppi vs 306 ppi )(Crisper Text Apps And Images)
7) Security(Anytime Restore vs Permanant Software Damage 4Get Samsung Kies Not 100% Safe As iPhone because Android is Open Service Can Get Viruses )
8)Better Quality of Apps (Lifestyle entertainment social, gaming, Ca)
9)Better Quantity Of Apps(+700000)
10) Store (iTunes vs Who Again ??)
11)Better Game Center vs Gamehub (Multiplayer Between Games Available You can't even play doodle jump or flick kick between two samsung devices Nobody Even Uses Gamehub
12)Better Siri (Siri vs Svoice (Failed Copy Of Siri !!!)
13)Features : Cydia Vs Android Seriously SAMSUNG :D??!
14)iCloud vs SCloud (Easy Yo Know Who is The Winner At Least You Can Put Apps in Cloud And Share And Connect between Tablet (iPad ) And Smartphone iPhone .
15) iMessage Feature (Who Would resist a bbm on iPhone ?!
16) Passbook vs NFC I Call It A Draw
17) iOS6 ( Newer OS Compared To Last Year's ICS)
18)The Shared PhotoStream Feature Avoiding That Eh ? 19) No Viruses (Android ICS is a linux based server it can very likely get viruses while surfing the net 20) Facetime (#1 Mobile Video Service On any OS) Vs ??!! 21) Exclusivity of the Apps (Besides quality and quantity) Google Takes Way Longer To Have apps The Appstore Already has Like Instagram i.e.) 22) Even The Same Apps Don't Have The Same Features (Where is Arcade Mode On Flick kick and Multiplayer on doodle jump where is Manager mode in fifa 12??!) 23) Any Pants vs Cargo Pants I'll Stick With Any Pants . 24) Customer Service (All Your Questions Are Answered in 2 minutes online you don't need to send it to the company to fix it. 25) Customer Satisfaction : iPhone is #1 for Four Years Straight (JD) 26) Simplicity Of OS vs Unnecessary Features (Tilt To Zoom and Picture in picture Who Cares About The Spiral Design in Photos App And The More Homescreens The Hard it is To Access To You're App 26) iPhone Maps (Improved 3d Flyover Crrisper View) vs Same Old Google Maps
S3 is Better in What I Don't Get it Same Amount Of Rams Same Responsiveness Nfc Ok But Even That is Omitted By Passbook
26-0 Final Score You Just Got Owned Samsung :O
Don't Even Try Getting Close To Apple's iPhone 5 . iPhone 5 Will Be Phone Of The Year . Have You Ever Heard About SOLD OUT IN ONE HOUR . You Made A Fool Of Yourself With This Ad. iPhone 5 is the next big thing ." Thumbs up for iphone 5! Please Share !! :P
- D
- Dasgupta
- uv7
- 17 Sep 2012
Great phone ever
- I
- ILover
- Hkq
- 17 Sep 2012
AnonD-70611, 17 Sep 2012Wow! Look at the bra-eeeeet display! And the size; and the ... moreNo bro
Iphone 5 will cost around 47500 16gb In India.
- S
- Sunny
- KIh
- 17 Sep 2012
My friend SGS3 will not come galaxsy is cased by apple company
- t
- thida
- 693
- 17 Sep 2012
- ?
- Anonymous
- PG5
- 17 Sep 2012
[deleted post]No need to cut paste the specifications in comments, just click Specifications on the left. Reported for spamming.
- ?
- Anonymous
- PG5
- 17 Sep 2012
No point buying SGS3 now since SGS4 is coming out in 6 months. Better to get a Lumia 920 or Xperia TX as its brand new.
- M
- M.A.T.
- fXA
- 17 Sep 2012
Anonymous, 17 Sep 2012Google double standards and hypocrisy exposed by FOSS Paten... morecause amazon isnt a member in the open android thingy, smartazz!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- JJs
- 17 Sep 2012
Anonymous, 17 Sep 2012Where's the innovation, Apple? morein the two million units sold in 24 hours