Apple iPhone 5
- i
- iSJ5
- t7X
- 16 Sep 2012
Anonymous, 16 Sep 2012Missing features of the iphone 5: 1. No NFC 2. No Radio... moreare you paid to repeat all of this?
- A
- Asif
- uNV
- 16 Sep 2012
abhi, 16 Sep 2012when is it launchig in india??????????? Maybe 13 February it's launch in India!
- i
- iSJ5
- t7X
- 16 Sep 2012
AnonD-8044, 16 Sep 2012Even i agree Apple will not get away with this design for a... moreim just really disappoint for this new iphone and im expecting more, i expect apple will disable some restriction and add some wow, but no (read my comment in iphone 4s section), thats why i say all of that. we now idevices do not need much ram or cores right and i thought its just a marketting gimmick! but im still i love apple co.!
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0p5
- 16 Sep 2012
Johnson, 16 Sep 2012Going to upgrade from Galaxy S3 to iPhone 5 when it is avai... moreThat would be called DOWNgrade dear !! good luck
- d
- dipu
- utr
- 16 Sep 2012
thatss an Apple iPhone 5. The most amazing tecnology. Unbelieveble only 7.6 mm thicness... Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwww.
- T
- TanK
- 16 Sep 2012
I have a galaxy S3. While its the best phone I have ever used, I still find myself drawn towards the iPhone 5 and the aesthetic charisma that glows around it.
I will probably give negative reviews about it in my community just to make people feel disillusioned with apple n start selling it off and I may buy a pre-owned phone since price of iphone 5 in pakistan is going to be around 130k PKR.. which is more than monthly income of 90% of pakistanis, including me :D
- D
- AnonD-43315
- rJn
- 16 Sep 2012
The apple of the androidgen isnt very good with the samsung of the iosen navigation map wise apple is the best fruit but customization wise droid is yhe best robo of the copycat which is incorporated with yhe copy fools samsund while apple is the fruit which helped issac newton to discover gravity and iphone is the best device which features the gravity of love that can pull the crowd to its side and thank you reading the most longest sentense in english
- ?
- Anonymous
- uct
- 16 Sep 2012
Johnson, 16 Sep 2012Going to upgrade from Galaxy S3 to iPhone 5 when it is avai... moreThat's a down grade. haha!
- D
- AnonD-71871
- KiZ
- 16 Sep 2012
Cmon dude, ppl hate iphone because its spec, but imho as an android n ios user, no matter how "fast" you chip, how many "cores" your chip, how massive pixel on your camera, how "BIG" and "WIDE" your phone screen, how beautiful your screen, etc; iphone with ios is better, 1. Maybe some android phone like mine (sgs2) has better chip than my iphone4 BUT i feel its a little slow in my opinion; 2. My sgs2 has 8mpix cam n my iphone 4 has 5mpix cam, but its true, iphone cam better than sgs2; 3. My sgs2 has 4,3inch n iphone4 has 3,5inch screen, first its hard to type on my sgs2 bcause the screen is to wide, but on my iphone is nice n easy to type (thats why iphone5 make its screen just longer not wider), but maybe a little wider not a problem, but just a little, 4. Sgs2 claiming super amoled display is super beautiful screen with super beautiful colour, but i think, its beautiful of course, its colourfull of course BUT not natural, its like to much contrast, to much colour, not beautifull (for me), and for the last WHY you ppl who hates iphone SEE and COMMENT (with full of jealous and regret maybe) on this apple iphone 5 pages if ure not Interested at iphone at all? And make this "SUPER UGLY TALL PHONE" (haters opinion) be #1 HITS ON GSM ARENA (not just #1 hits, but more than two times than Beautifull galaxy s3) sorry for my bd english and my borring opinion
- J
- Johnson
- vjv
- 16 Sep 2012
Going to upgrade from Galaxy S3 to iPhone 5 when it is available in Singapore!
- a
- abhi
- KSg
- 16 Sep 2012
when is it launchig in india???????????
- ?
- Anonymous
- vMe
- 16 Sep 2012
AnonD-8044, 16 Sep 2012Even i agree Apple will not get away with this design for a... moreguess we will find out soon enough but its gunna take a hell of alot for me to part with what probably close to a thousand dollars cash
- ?
- Anonymous
- JJs
- 16 Sep 2012
Anonymous, 16 Sep 2012Missing features of the iphone 5: 1. No NFC 2. No Radio... moreNobody cares about those obsolete specs
- D
- AnonD-8044
- nGp
- 16 Sep 2012
will lee wanta, 16 Sep 2012yea, no wow factor even tim cook and his partners looked n... moreI know it defeats the purpose but would like a Note mini to fit my small hands and because of S-Pen,,it would nearly bring me back to S/E p900 days.
- ?
- Anonymous
- JJs
- 16 Sep 2012
will lee wanta, 16 Sep 2012yea, no wow factor even tim cook and his partners looked n... moreNeed big pockets
- ?
- Anonymous
- cNd
- 16 Sep 2012
Missing features of the iphone 5:
1. No NFC
2. No Radio (non data)
3. No Real Multi-Tasking (2 or 3 major apps running at the same time)
4. No SD Card Slot
5. No Burstshot (Camera feature)
6. No Best Photo (Camera feature)
7. No replaceable battery
8. No water, dust, and scratch resistant exterior 9. No Customizations
10. No HD Screen
11. No 3D Screen
12. No YouTube
13. No Google maps (replaced with inferior Apple maps with incomplete map data)
14. No Street View
15. No public transit support navigation
16. No Concurrent Voice and Data LTE Support
17. No widgets
18. No animated screen savers
19. No customizable homescreens
20. No micro USB port
21. No micro HDMI port
22. No Swype text input
23. No GPS antenna
24. No Bluetooth file transfer
25. No customizable ringtones 26. No quad core processor 27. No bigger screen
- .
- ... issues
- 7sH
- 16 Sep 2012
iphone 5 can't do voice and data at the same time which is a pity unless you get the GSM version.
- D
- AnonD-8044
- nGp
- 16 Sep 2012
Anonymous, 16 Sep 2012yes they do stay for years, part of the problem.
im not sa... moreEven i agree Apple will not get away with this design for a fourth time ie iphone6,,I have studied (or understand}what engineers went through to achieve what they did and it a miracle it all works..Getting that camera and all the mobile signals into that small space is difficult..They almost rebuilt the A6 chip themselves..
The screen is what i want to see its proper specification SRGB which in easy terms means its got CRT(cathode ray tube) quality .
I also want to check audio quality and see if the camera does have low light quality photos .Its using 2 F-Stops up so see how noisy photos are in real life.
- L
- Lakshay
- bJi
- 16 Sep 2012
Apple means quality....those who have used iPhone 4s will surely go for iPhone 5 ...Samsung copies from apple..Samsung can never beat Apple....
- ?
- Anonymous
- JJs
- 16 Sep 2012
MdN, 16 Sep 2012America has worst crime rates in the world, how is it based... moreBecause they enforce the law and keep the statistics, unlike other places where crime is worse and they do nothing about it.