Apple iPhone 5

Apple iPhone 5

User opinions and reviews

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  • s
  • smartbuy electroincs
  • LKp
  • 13 Sep 2012

apple vs the elite and now the iphone 4s will say to iphone5 i think they can beat you

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • 3TL
    • 13 Sep 2012

    Cobby, 12 Sep 2012Phil Schiller, Apple’s ( AAPL) senior vice president of wo... moreThere's a big conference of beer producers. At the
    end of the day, all of the presidents of all beer
    companies decide to have a drink in a bar. The president of 'Budweiser' orders a Bud, the
    president of 'Miller' orders a Miller Lite, Adolph
    Coors orders a Coors, and the list goes on. Then
    the waitress asks Arthur Guinness what he wants
    to drink, and much to everybody's amazement,
    Mr. Guinness orders a Coke! "Why don't you order a Guinness?" his colleagues
    ask. "Naah. If you guys won't drink beer, than neither
    will I."
    Do you think Motorola is a smartphone for Schiller?

      • P
      • Pablo
      • Q{k
      • 13 Sep 2012

      I wish they would put java on the iphones.

        • t
        • the CA
        • AL8
        • 13 Sep 2012

        I wish iPhone 5 beats Samsung Galaxy S!!!

          • R
          • Robc163
          • n56
          • 13 Sep 2012

          The Lumia 920 kicks the iPhone 5 ass actually to be fair I would say my lumia 710 is better so the iPhone 5 for me is a big letdown

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • Lbt
            • 13 Sep 2012

            Why iphone users pay money for so called new iphone models which they even cannot differentiate from old models?????All of them look same from iphone 4 onward???even iphone 5 is same shape only length is more due to display...

              • D
              • AnonD-23327
              • 3Y9
              • 13 Sep 2012

              nothing new apple is just fooling people same old design and battery life is terrible no new features even camera is same people who have 4s will not upgrade i guess, sure Samsung won the battle and nokia is on its way to win....

                • D
                • AnonD-1862
                • kiN
                • 13 Sep 2012

                I fail 5 :(

                  • i
                  • iceman
                  • vaQ
                  • 13 Sep 2012

                  ive been waitin for this phone but it seems i expect to much, it looks like xperia acro s is better than this phone! but still im gonna buy it :)

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • 2G}
                    • 13 Sep 2012

                    mkrocks, 12 Sep 2012Ok its a great phone but really the battery sucks No offe... moretry the Razr Maxx if you want serious battery life

                      • M
                      • Mystro#84
                      • fjM
                      • 13 Sep 2012

                      Anonymous, 12 Sep 2012Lol right on cue just as predicted, all the Samsung sheep a... moreLmfao couldn't hve put it beta myself

                        • t
                        • tay
                        • ucw
                        • 13 Sep 2012

                        that what iphone 5 can do.let ppl wait for 1 year and apple came out this rubbish.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • uHZ
                          • 13 Sep 2012

                          still no nfc?

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • 2G}
                            • 13 Sep 2012

                            cnour, 12 Sep 2012Android is the definition of lags...... Today is the fru... moreThat's because the Android boys will be out celebrating Apples launch of an outdated product!

                              • J
                              • Jack
                              • mHs
                              • 13 Sep 2012

                              After owning every iPhone and being disappointed when the 4S was announced and still buying it because my purchases were locked to iTunes, I thought the next thing will blow my mind but if you look at the specifications, these were features that should have been in the iPhone 4. The reality is, don't take my word for it, this phone will be Apples demise and it's unfortunate. Every one can comment about trying "android but then moving to iphone" or "iphone but then moving to android" and you won't know if it's true or not. I have in total £60 worth of purchases on iTunes. Android has 70% of market share, while Apple has less than 17% (August figures). 70% of the world can't be making bad decisions right? Brand loyalty cost me hefty. People who had iPhone 4 never bought iPhone 4S. The only people who bought iPhone 4s were people who had 3GS or people who never had an iPhone and you can ask anyone. The only people who want an iPhone are because they feel socially excluded if they don't have one. But the market share figures will tell you that it's cool to have an Android, not iPhone. I know that shouldn't affect whether you buy a phone, I just thought I'd point that out. In my opinion, Apple have been using all these gimmicks to dress up things in fancy words. iPhone 5 has the same evolution as the iPhone 4S did compared to iPhone 4. What did Apple followers say? The one after 4S will blow your mind. Now the 5 is announced, they say no no the NEXT iPhone will blow your mind. What really offended me was the profit margins. It's not a premium phone... you're only paying a premium. These phones cost around 140$ to make and Apple sell them for around 800$. Work out how much profit they're making. People keep using this term that iOS is "polished". I've been a LONG TERM user of iPhone and while at first it was, this line of thinking was eliminated with Androids ICS and the only ones who still deny/argue it are the ones who've never owned one. I've never owned one but I have tried it and I'm missing out on so many things. The battery life on the S2 and S3 is phenomenal. Me and my girlfriend went on a honeymoon together. She has way more friends than me and was texting and calling all day (she had the S2 and S3 with her) while my 4S only lasted 4 hours. Ask ANYONE with an iPhone. Some might say "because of apps". Well funny I should mention this. The average iPhone user has 50 apps while Android users have over 80. iPhones push system is more efficient than Androids but the way the iOS system is built, it kills the whole battery. Apple, rather than innovating or fine tuning their OS for battery efficiency, they claim that "battery technology hasn't improved". Yes that's true, but every other company make their applications and hardware make more EFFICIENT use of the battery, whereas Apple force the hardware requirements to spiral. Some will say that the iOS 6 can be installed on all previous generation iPhones. Windows XP can be installed on my 3.1 machine. But will it run though? Look on YouTube for people who updated their iPhone 3GS< to iOS6 and rendered their phone useless. I'm only mentioning this all because it's important to know that you will only get lies from Apple and empty promises. They don't care about the consumer, only profits. Whereas other manufacturers care about balancing profits with giving the user what they want. Hence why we wanted faster phones, we got quad core while Apple decided to put dual core. What the f? Anyway take this as my opinion of course, but the market share percentages are accurate, please Google them to verify. Sorry about the randomness, this box is very tiny. Hope I haven't made anyone fall asleep. Take care.

                                • i
                                • i sorry
                                • JLS
                                • 13 Sep 2012

                                Unfortunately Mobile failed too after all this time there is no memory card does not receive any Bluetooth device camera disappointing and there is no Java failed too

                                  • t
                                  • tan
                                  • kJq
                                  • 13 Sep 2012

                                  Not a Samsung or apple fan but as Samsung already said they will sue apple if iphpne5 comes with LTE functionality. Therefore get ready to see some trouble apple. Hope you loose this time.

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-71205
                                    • 6%g
                                    • 13 Sep 2012

                                    rst, 12 Sep 2012Am I right in saying that Nokia lumia 920 kicks the iPhone ... morethis is 2012 not 2000

                                      • m
                                      • mike
                                      • LB2
                                      • 13 Sep 2012

                                      This is a joke.
                                      It's just like my 4s
                                      Did apple think a slightly bigger screen size would fool people?

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-71205
                                        • 6%g
                                        • 13 Sep 2012

                                        yeah the size its too long, still love the 3,5" screen