Apple iPhone 5
- a
- assy
- HCh
- 06 Sep 2012
Still Not As Good Spec as the Galaxy S III, & Because its an apple iphone, you Pay for the Brand Name.
- ?
- Anonymous
- PBh
- 06 Sep 2012
Boss, 05 Sep 2012You Know how cheap is the quality of samsung,
you might ha... moreSeriously dude?
Obviously you don't see many phones on a regular basis. I'm a mobile phone reseller, and yes, iPhones come in with physical damage. More iPhones come in with cracks on the screen compared with any other brand for one. Even more that the "Cheap quality of Samsung". Also, I've seen iPhones freeze and you cannot turn it off or reset it with the home button + power button trick, iPhones that won't turn on at all, again not even with the home button + power button trick, and so many antenna problems. ie.- only 1-2 bars of signal in a full service area. Also the annoying problem with SOS only error. Both problems that could not be fixed by replacing the Sim Card.
Put that in your pipe and smoke it
- ?
- Anonymous
- PBh
- 06 Sep 2012
whatnow, 05 Sep 2012I can see Samsung fanboys here now panicking. I understand ... moreThis post gave me cancer.
Anyways, so I love the android OS and I have had iPhone in the past and iOS is very limited. I could have a 4S now, but I can't stand being tied down. Some people don't mind being tied down and don't mind spending $1000s on apps.
On the flipside, being so tied down does give Apple the chance to monitor their OS which helps keep faulty apps from being released. Keeping the phone flowing and unclogged. Also stops awesome apps like mp3 downloading and youtube downloaders as well. People who like to just use the phone and dont want to monitor it are fine to use iOS.
All being said, I'm sure the new iPhone is going to be good, but remember kids, iPhone is not the only smartphone out there. There are plenty of phones out that may or may not be better - depending on the user. For me, iPhone does not suit as I like to use my phone to its fullest potential.
- G
- Gizmo
- X3t
- 06 Sep 2012
If the specs I just saw is truer phone 5 is nothing special.Is this the best apple can come up with after 2years??
- C
- CheckIT
- Hxe
- 06 Sep 2012
Lolhaha, 06 Sep 2012What do u mean about LED notification light? I do have that... moreHe meant about the LED notification light infront of the phone which is usually seen on the BB phones and most android phones.
- L
- Lolhaha
- t7X
- 06 Sep 2012
AnonD-8044, 05 Sep 2012Yes higher battery and LED notification light and supefast ... moreWhat do u mean about LED notification light? I do have that. Is that when someone texted you, the flash on the back is flashing so it notifice u?
- D
- AnonD-32667
- fjt
- 06 Sep 2012
hhmmnn..., 05 Sep 2012wth!no GPU?? its only a stretch version of iphone4s.. same ... moreit has GPU, powerVR SGXMP... Series 5
- ?
- Anonymous
- 06 Sep 2012
[deleted post]Even the iPhone 4S has a quad core GPU. iPhone 5 will have better, some speculate it will be a quad core A6 chip.
- ?
- Anonymous
- tu6
- 06 Sep 2012
whatnow, 05 Sep 2012I can see Samsung fanboys here now panicking. I understand ... moreYup agreed Samsung fans are starting to panic. Used to be iPhone was the only rival in sight. Now they're being hammered from all sides, Nokia Lumia, Xperia TX all stealing it's thunder. They can't even downvote properly now, with Xperia TX and Lumia holding 9,9,9 averages compared to their 7.9 for SGS3 despite their being paid to vote and downvote rivals hahaha.
- A
- Anson Kiek
- j01
- 06 Sep 2012
It's simple why many people want comment here , because intead of Andriod phone most of phone use andriod Base nothing innovative here , then IOS /Windows is rare &might come out some special or hot topic as well , but i dun see any impressive of window UI ,which make thing floating & complicated only. Apple OS most simple & smooth OS so far.
no matter how strong the Andriod phone only rely on hardware & OS.
- ?
- Anonymous
- j01
- 06 Sep 2012
whatnow, 05 Sep 2012I can see Samsung fanboys here now panicking. I understand ... moredude , iphone jailbreak still can get a warranty if you restore back& Andriod root always get a problem then send to shop for replace, this is real&fact. as far as i known ,andriod never provide a stable OS until now.
Andriod = student in distinction ,everything do very well& arrange ,but make life so hard
IOS = Smart student , use the shortcut with simple UI
- ?
- Anonymous
- j01
- 06 Sep 2012
rj23, 05 Sep 2012if you call Samsung's, Sony's and LG's devices worse, then ... moreSamsung keep having the problem of firmware upgrade this is fact & the phone release too fast without any well prepare --> end users is the lab mise/mouse to know the problem.
- V
- Vishal
- 06 Sep 2012
Anonymous, 05 Sep 2012Apple need to put a 2gb Ram on the Iphone 5. LG & Samsu... moreI had Samsung Galaxy S i9000 and iPhone 3gs too
Samsung with 1 gb of ram stucks and the quality of touch was unparalleled with iPhone.
iPhone 4 s is unbeatable and cannot be compared with Samsung phones,
I think the guys who r commenting against iPhone had never experienced iPhone
iPhone is the best ever
- w
- whatnow
- 05 Sep 2012
rj23, 05 Sep 2012again, i used to own a 4S and yet, i didn't see anything be... moreI can see Samsung fanboys here now panicking. I understand how hard it is to contain envy while looking at other people playing with their iPhone 5. Why is an iPhone so expensive and yet sells millions? That's something only iPhone users can know. So if you hate the iPhone, it's just 3 things: 1) Samsung is paying you, 2) You never "experienced" an iPhone, 3) You can't afford an iPhone. So take your bitterness out of here and let iPhone enthusiasts enjoy getting excited over the next release.
- D
- AnonD-8044
- nGp
- 05 Sep 2012
Lolhaha, 05 Sep 2012I dont care about the looks, Im good with 4s design. What I... moreYes higher battery and LED notification light and supefast continuous autofocus in video recording.Xenon flash would bring it in line with Nokias efforts.
- h
- hhmmnn...
- Trj
- 05 Sep 2012
wth!no GPU?? its only a stretch version of iphone4s.. same crap! only they add 2 more cores to make it look faster.nothing new!..
- y
- yogi
- t}A
- 05 Sep 2012
According to price very bad comare to samsung and sony plz drop rate then sucessin hole world otherwise apple only use as a name
- D
- AnonD-70046
- Kxv
- 05 Sep 2012
Boss, 05 Sep 2012You Know how cheap is the quality of samsung, you might ha... moreYes it is. But your BMWX1 or X5 use almost all parts from MahindraXUV500, like engine (processor), display LCD, camera, etc and sell twice or three times,hahahaha...bad analogy i think. LOL
- n
- neutralman
- Kxv
- 05 Sep 2012
Boss, 05 Sep 2012You Know how cheap is the quality of samsung, you might ha... moreYes, it is. But your BMWX1 or X5 use almost all parts from MahindraXUV500-based part and sell twice or three times than XUV500 ,hahahaha...bad analogy i think. Lol.
- D
- AnonD-25163
- fuv
- 05 Sep 2012
Well I Have one... Its Super Fast
Its Hyper Light
Most Beautiful Screen
Super Processor
Amazing iOS 6
BUT... have you seen the price Man???? and compared to my HTC One (I love buying phones) iOS sucks compared to ANDROID and most of all, apart from Beauty NOTHING!!!
But Its OK you may buy it if you have the Job for it and cash for it