Apple iPhone 5
- A
- Android man
- mqM
- 12 Aug 2012
unfortunately this is all based on rumours so bit silly putting this on here. as it probably look nothing like this and have completely different specs.
- M
- Matt
- u0w
- 12 Aug 2012
iSJ5, 12 Aug 2012gs3 is NOT compairable on this new iphone its because its 1... moreI'm using iPhone 4 and my wife is using iPhone 4S, just because this phone has a good and cool design, so both my wife and I like it do much and we will have to accept it, but if we talk about camera, we will also have to accept it too... that it's a lot worse than Sumsung's. It's not even able to compare with Sony's. I hate to say this because I'm a big fan of iPhone, but I will have to say it. U r right. I don't see how we can compare Galaxy S3 with iPhone 3GS, for example Secondeary camera... :) galaxy S3 has 1.9 or 2 Megapixels camera and we can't compare with iPhone 3GS's because the phone doesn't even have front camera. Incomparable....... U r totally right...
- M
- Matt
- u0w
- 12 Aug 2012
oelge, 12 Aug 2012nothing to b proud of in this ithing totaly beaten by s3Great!!!
- i
- iSJ5
- t7X
- 12 Aug 2012
oelge, 12 Aug 2012nothing to b proud of in this ithing totaly beaten by s3gs3 is NOT compairable on this new iphone its because its 12MP gs3 is only 8MP iphone 5 is far better than gs3, you can compair iphone 3gs. vs. gs3 but not on this!
- i
- iSJ5
- t7X
- 12 Aug 2012
drosh, 12 Aug 2012design is not that good., iphone 4and 4s have better design.,rumor! But if you tink that the design is not good! We never jadge it. Its because its only picture so jadge it if you see it actually!
- o
- oelge
- fuw
- 12 Aug 2012
nothing to b proud of in this ithing totaly beaten by s3
- ?
- Anonymous
- IW1
- 12 Aug 2012
drosh, 12 Aug 2012design is not that good., iphone 4and 4s have better design.,I prefer the new design (if true). It will be unibody technology stainless steel. Same technology used on the MacBooks.
- d
- drosh
- uSM
- 12 Aug 2012
design is not that good., iphone 4and 4s have better design.,
- a
- alibaba
- a04
- 12 Aug 2012
Guys ....this is not the real iphone ...just take a look at the demension ....god it with 4S cant be the next iphone ....something not right ...i am sure the end of the days when the time comes all you will see a very diffrent design and demension ....
- c
- ce2pbrandals
- 6%v
- 12 Aug 2012
Oh please guys Apple inc is the real thief in here
Open that site and expand the "controversies"
All of the iPhone iPod and Mac technologies came from Nokia
iPhone is a joke indeed i'm not an android fan either just wanted to open your eyes guys !!
- i
- iSJ5
- t7X
- 12 Aug 2012
is there any one else that familiar to this news?
its about how to blend an iphone! Oh its another one. Just we wait!
try to visit just dont ignore!
- i
- iSJ5
- t7X
- 12 Aug 2012
in my country (russia) we never used a java anymore even in russian websites you cant incounter java platform for free! There allways an options what software you want ex.
windows, symbian, android, blackberry, meeGo etc. also including iAPPS (iOS apps) but where is the hell java? So its mean java is only history!
- i
- iSJ5
- t7X
- 12 Aug 2012
AnonD-63761, 12 Aug 2012Everyone saying java.. Bla bla bla.. iPhone 5 is a good pho... moreiOS has no real multitasking but u can open your recently open apps. In the background! Its like a freezing apps. But i tink apple will handle this essues! And about java. Java is dead ok!
- D
- AnonD-63761
- tet
- 12 Aug 2012
Everyone saying java.. Bla bla bla.. iPhone 5 is a good phone but anybody know that IOS don't have MULTITASKING and HOME SCREEN.. Multi sim support, AND INCOMPARABLE PRICE... Just buy a Jelly bean device.. Life will be better with google care..You need the hardware to be able to use FM-radio, so every app from appstore that stream "FM-radio" from the Internet will drain the battery! True filetransfer is between any devices, not only between idevices! iOS does definetly need antivirus app because there are many malicious malwares viruses for iOS even though Apple tries to hide/deny this! There is not more real dangerous malicious malwares viruses for Android and I have never heard/read about any Android user getting any dangerous malicious malwares viruses! Many webpages today use Java, and Adobe Flash 11, but iPhones can not even handle/visit these pages!
- A
- Ali Ghafari
- HIh
- 12 Aug 2012
I am sorry for Apple.
- M
- Max
- 9DM
- 12 Aug 2012
Different Phones,Different manufacturers for Different if im an iPhone fan my problem..Samsung,yours...dont be confusing each other here..let people spend(their OWN money) on the product they feel its good for them...PERIOD
- m
- mohsen
- JEi
- 12 Aug 2012
its fake .you cant say its iphone 5 no its not .apple dont said anything about iphone 5.and its fake
- b
- biancaleigh
- 7sa
- 12 Aug 2012
I was so excited for this but now not so much, it seems as though Apple are running out of ideas.
The 12mp camera is awesome but to me thats the only appealing thing as well as the new design.
- s
- sammy
- 4fL
- 12 Aug 2012
Iphone5 is gonna come out soon and when it does allllllll of u here r gonna be surprised and ur jaws will fall down and ur tongues will roll out... When a new iphone device comes out it literally exterminates every single device before it and 6 months after it, not even a year after it until another apple device comes out! Just sayin, only apple knows and apple always surprise us. And they hate rumors, they will put the device upside down if u guys r close to predicting what the iphones gonna be like