Apple iPhone 5
- D
- AnonD-306239
- 9xx
- 13 Dec 2014
whats the problem in an iPhone 5 and the good thing in an iPhone 5? i plan to buy this phone.
- ?
- Anonymous
- MHc
- 12 Dec 2014
AnonD-243518, 09 Dec 2014Hy guys how much time iphone 5 battery is taking to fully c... moredepends with a macbook pro i take 1hr30 min
- D
- AnonD-243518
- 6uf
- 09 Dec 2014
Hy guys how much time iphone 5 battery is taking to fully charge from 0 to 100%
- ?
- Anonymous
- uvG
- 09 Dec 2014
harish, 16 Oct 2014hey guys.. i heard that i phone 5 heats up alot is this tr... moreYes bro..its true
- s
- sire
- fsW
- 09 Dec 2014
I'm planning to get a used sprint contract iPhone 5. Ma friend in the states owned it n while visiting me here in Africa wanted to sell it to me. I made him call his sprint store to know if it can b unlock to pick any pay as u go sim. The response we got is it can b decoded but after decoding the signal will not b stable and may go off and on. I want to know if that premise is true or not. Need a response asap before I take any decision
- K
- KK
- fmg
- 08 Dec 2014
I am using iphone 5 but when i receive sms, the names of the senders do not appear unless i prefix the contact's number with the country code. Unfortunately i can not do that for the over 2,000 contacts i have. How do i solve this situation?
- D
- AnonD-322156
- rAf
- 07 Dec 2014
Anonymous, 07 Dec 2014am thinking of getting an i phone5 but i wanna if i can hav... moreApple AppStore is far better than google play.
AppStore has more applications than googleplay and all applications are well optimised.
- ?
- Anonymous
- j09
- 07 Dec 2014
am thinking of getting an i phone5 but i wanna if i can have the google play store one it
- c
- crabbyJack
- 4yC
- 05 Dec 2014
zee, 03 Dec 2014waht is the difference between iphone 5g and iphone 5s??? c... morethe difference between the iPhone 5 and iPhone 5 is the iPhone 5s has a a7 chip processer that is 64 bit tecnology and iphone 5s has a fingerprint scanner. Bassical the iphone 5s is newer, faster, and has more features
- E
- Eric
- nTR
- 04 Dec 2014
I just bought a pre owned iPhone 5 four days ago, I am experiencing problem regarding it's wi if connection to hotspot on my iPad mini 2, whenever I coonect it to the my iPad mini hotspot and then auto lock it because the screen was on for a long time, it also loses its connection with the hotspot, then when I unlock my iPad mini and go to settings of personal hotspot even when I didn't turned off the hotspot button which means the hotspot is continuously turned on even if it is locked, just clicked the personal hotspot button, then my iPhone 5 will be connected again to hotspot, but easily loses its connection if I am not usng the net, like browsing or chatting. I don't if the problem is the iPad mini2 or my iphone5
- A
- Afif
- 9EE
- 04 Dec 2014
My iphone 5 suddenly keep searching for signal, and couldn't found it... even when I plug out the sim card, change the sim card, it's keep searching... and it is took forever...
and then I give it back to the store... I've only use it for 2 months... and the phone was new
- z
- zee
- 03 Dec 2014
waht is the difference between iphone 5g and iphone 5s??? can any doby plzzz tell me?
in which is more best?
- ?
- Anonymous
- Uiw
- 03 Dec 2014
Sabjaali , 12 Nov 2014iPhone 5 battery backup is very bad, yes
- D
- AnonD-322156
- rAQ
- 02 Dec 2014
Johny mexca , 29 Nov 2014Please anyone tell me which phone to buy? Xperia Z2/iphone... moreIphone 5 is good ,Iphone is more consistent and polished than any android handset.
- v
- vishnu
- M}g
- 02 Dec 2014
i have ip5 its awesome phone
- ?
- Anonymous
- U{c
- 01 Dec 2014
Johny mexca , 29 Nov 2014Please anyone tell me which phone to buy?
Xperia Z2/iphone... moreU should compare i5s with z2
iPhone is best
- ?
- Anonymous
- t30
- 01 Dec 2014
Johny mexca , 29 Nov 2014Please anyone tell me which phone to buy? Xperia Z2/iphone... morefor me I chose iphone 5, Sony is over and bad software support!
- I
- iwp
- 01 Dec 2014
Johny mexca , 29 Nov 2014Please anyone tell me which phone to buy? Xperia Z2/iphone... moreiPhone 5 is better. It's the best brand.
- D
- AnonD-269963
- 8j0
- 30 Nov 2014
Johny mexca , 29 Nov 2014Please anyone tell me which phone to buy? Xperia Z2/iphone... morez2 is better in everything
- J
- Johny mexca
- Trk
- 29 Nov 2014
Please anyone tell me which phone to buy?
Xperia Z2/iphone5? Which is best please..