Apple iPhone 5s

Apple iPhone 5s

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • 043
  • 02 Sep 2017

Doggy, 30 Aug 2017My 5s died when it did upgrade a while back, I was texting ... moreSounds like it got stuck. Did you try to force restart it by holding the home- and power-Button for a few seconds?

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • 043
    • 02 Sep 2017

    AnonD-693925, 30 Aug 2017Please fairly used Samsung galaxy S6 and fairly used Apple ... moreAs much as I like 5s, the S6 is better because it's a newer generation.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • 043
      • 02 Sep 2017

      NikiDroid, 02 Sep 2017I am using iPhone 5s iOS 11 Public beta 8, received update ... moreBeta 9 is already released. And at that pace, I think there will be another 1 or 2 betas and the GM.

        I am using iPhone 5s iOS 11 Public beta 8, received update from Sep 1, 2017. So far I use it overall is good. There were some change in icon apps, like iCloud app (it renamed with Files now, and the shape is like file manager). There also new app name, Feedback. This Feedback app is a place for users report bug, problem, they found along using iOS 11 beta.
        Menu Settings also gets little change, has new name menu, named Shutdown, highlighted by blue text. In the assistive touch menu, there are 2 new extras: SOS and restart. They are good offer I think, so users can do restart their iPhone without pressing power on/off buton.

        Siri icon is changed too, looks beautiful. Works fine when I tried. First, I upgraded my iPhone from iOS 10.3.3 to iOS 11 Public beta because I got twice random shutdown when I was on the way by motorcycle. It shutdown itself and I should press and hold power on/off + home button together for more than 5 seconds to make the phone wake up.
        First version I get from iOS 11 Public beta was 4. It had many problems, like Contact got hang if I highlight one of name from Contacts, Siri didn't work everytime I told on my phone, screen rotation didn't work and Contact search menu didn't appear any suggestion name. But all of these problems had been removed in iOS 11 Public beta 5. After several days the ipdate of iOS 11 Public beta is keep up to date, given by Apple, beta 6, beta 7 and first September this year Public beta 8. I am so excited so far that Apple so support its iOS.

        Like I said before, overall the phone works very well, no problem found. Let's what the next update, would it be still iOS 11 beta or final iOS 11.
        If you would like to try iOS 11 Public beta, just go to Apple beta program website, sign in with your Apple ID, and click enrolled device from Safari, from there you will download Apple Beta Profile, installs it, after reboot, go to Settings, About, Update software, there will be new update appear. Download it and wait the phone finished booting.

          • R
          • Ramesh
          • utc
          • 01 Sep 2017

          Whether Gio sim will work or not (
          Voice Call)?

            iOS 11 Public beta is 8 version now. I am trying it in my iPhone. So far it is fine and works well. No problem that confuse users, but it may little lack, it is still OK to be used for daily.

              Doggy, 30 Aug 2017My 5s died when it did upgrade a while back, I was texting ... moreNo, my iPhone 5s works fine. From iOS 10.2, keep upgrade to iOS 11 Public beta from beta 4, beta 5, beta 6, beta 7 and today beta 8. So far works fine.

                • L
                • Little monster
                • XQH
                • 31 Aug 2017

                Doggy, 30 Aug 2017My 5s died when it did upgrade a while back, I was texting ... moreAt the time of upgrading all apps are in stage of upgrading themselves one by one in case of you the app which you was using still in upgrading stage and it don't work when it in stage of upgrading I tried to upgrade my instagram n by keeping app open after some time it gets close automatically by appearing black screen, 5s is now getting old day by day still best for this n coming next year
                Updates are for the all iPhone devices which have heavy configuration thus in your case the phone got miss some stage of its upgrading stuck somewhere after that your off phone that's worked and then your phone gets normal
                Idk it's right pr wrong bht I experienced it. Thank you

                  • D
                  • AnonD-693925
                  • f0F
                  • 30 Aug 2017

                  Please fairly used Samsung galaxy S6 and fairly used Apple iphone 5s which is better. Thanks for your help, i am still searching for a phone

                    AnonD-64830, 27 Aug 2017Hi Niki The shutdown issue is on ios 10.3.3 Hopefull... moreYes, it looks like iOS 10.3.3 issue. I am using iOS 11 Public beta 7 right so far no problem and no issue that makes me headache.

                      • D
                      • Doggy
                      • 83c
                      • 30 Aug 2017

                      My 5s died when it did upgrade a while back, I was texting and suddenly it went totally black? Nothing helped pushed buttons long time but phone was totally dead and it had been charged battery was over 90% left when it did this. It wouldn't even acknowledge my charger it was just dead! I waited a few days using my old phone during this time called support for my phone company who told me to get it repaired. I decided to try the charger one last time and suddenly it worked I could open my phone and push in pin for SIM card. Why it did this is s mystery so wondered if anyone else had similar problem? Since then my phone has worked just fine.

                        Morning today I receive new update iOS 11 Public beta 7. Have installed it, let's see what the improvements that it brings.

                          • D
                          • AnonD-695552
                          • fsT
                          • 28 Aug 2017

                          Cortese, 16 Jul 2017Sounds like one of maybe two things. If you did get lte dat... moreHow can the change be done? I mean from the cdma to the gsm.

                            KAir ngun, 27 Aug 2017You mean on the cover?Yes, there are writing written there. The name of model is like A1530, A...., etc. You also can see the model name inside Settings, About.

                              • K
                              • KAir ngun
                              • 5F{
                              • 27 Aug 2017

                              NikiDroid, 27 Aug 2017You can see the model number behind your iPhone, in the bac... moreYou mean on the cover?

                                • D
                                • AnonD-64830
                                • HKA
                                • 27 Aug 2017

                                NikiDroid, 26 Aug 2017I think the problem was iOS 10.3.2. When my phone in iOS 11... moreHi Niki

                                The shutdown issue is on ios 10.3.3

                                Hopefully the ios 11 arrives rapidly as my friend is having to buy another none apple phone as a lot of the time his phone ringer does not play when calls and texts come in and the battery is poorer since update too.

                                  [deleted post]Did you mean, you sold your iPhone, then someone bought that iPhone, and then one a day you bought your iPhone that had been used by that someone? He might be use his Apple ID when bought your phone, then when he sold it again, he forgot to sign out his Apple ID.

                                    kair ngun, 27 Aug 2017I am finding it very hard to locate my iPhone 5s' model num... moreYou can see the model number behind your iPhone, in the back casing.

                                      • k
                                      • kair ngun
                                      • 5F{
                                      • 27 Aug 2017

                                      NikiDroid, 26 Aug 2017I tested on my iPhone 5s, heavy use for gaming, battery las... moreI am finding it very hard to locate my iPhone 5s' model number. Where do I find it?

                                        So far iPhone 5s running iOS 11 Beta 6 is good, no problem that makes me mad. There little lag, just a little. Overall is good, typing is fast, but if many apps running, typing would not fast as fast without many apps running. No hang on Contacts, WiFi and 4G LTE network are good, audio also good (haven't try using earphone yet).