Apple iPhone 6

Apple iPhone 6

User opinions and reviews

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  • D
  • AnonD-305507
  • 0V{
  • 10 Sep 2014

Those are ridiculous spec for a 21st century phones maker.
You really have sand in eyes that other manufacturers left behind them long ago!!! Keep up with bad work...

    • D
    • AnonD-305503
    • C{n
    • 10 Sep 2014

    And to the guy saying you cant review a phone thats not even out yet, YES you can being apple never changes anything. i had an iPhone 5 and i knew what the iPhone 5S would be like before it was ever out, and guess what i was right, same lack luster phone as before but rebranded with useless features like a finger print scanner. otherwise the phone was pretty much the same in everyway but guess what the idiot teens and the people who dont undrestand any other phone will buy it. as an iPhone 4-5S user and android Galaxy S3-5 User My Androids Have Always Been Much Better Phones. However it was fun smashing a new iPhone 5S before switching to my Galaxy S5

      • D
      • AnonD-305277
      • T3L
      • 10 Sep 2014

      vigilans, 10 Sep 2014Where have i seen this kind of spec... oh yeah, in the LG n... morenexus 4 had 1.5ghz quad

        Where have i seen this kind of spec... oh yeah, in the LG nexus 4, 2 YEARS AGO. How much is the Nexus 4 now? Well, around 200-300euros. Eat that.

          • D
          • AnonD-305503
          • C{n
          • 10 Sep 2014

          First off good Job Apple New iPhone 6 coming out thats already 2 years outdated.
          Yes apple's OS is a very Fluid system and thats a fact thats hard to argue, however a 1.4GHz Dual core processor, come on apple thats just crap and you know it, and after looking at the full spacs of this chip and the Galaxy S5 chip the Galaxy 5 Chip is Far Better in every way possible (So all the people saying apples chip is better) your wrong. A 8MP Camera On the newest iPhone Pathetic. Good job not changing anything in almost 3 Years with the camera. ill stick with my 16MP Galaxy S5 Camera That Blows iPhones out of the water. iPhone has no water Resistance. Basically Said Putting The OS's Aside the iPhone Always Has And ALWAYS will be Worse than a Android Phone Released By Samsung Or HTC around the same time. iPhone May have good looks but why would i want a good looking phone that does everything worse than other phones, might as well have a fancy paperweight.

            • D
            • AnonD-305277
            • T3L
            • 10 Sep 2014

            Can someone telling me with out being biased why a lot of teens prefer Iphones? Instead of Androids?

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • 3I{
              • 10 Sep 2014

              Seriously, as somebody who own both iOS and Android devices, the majority of Samsung/HTC/whatever fanboys posting in here are an embarrassment and a joke.

              You're reviewing/rating a phone THAT ISNT EVEN OUT YET.

              Surely you know your opinion doesn't matter a bit, and the vast majority of people will just shrug at you, think "Meh, a bunch of teens with nerd-rage" and buy an iphone 6, making it outsell any other Samsung/HTC/ whatever device?

              There's nothing wrong with Android devices, I use them myself. But I prefer my iphone5s over them, just like most people. Nothing wrong with that either.

              But even if you can't accept that, AT LEAST don't sound like a complete moron, by rating a device that isn't out yet!

                • D
                • AnonD-305487
                • 4Nj
                • 10 Sep 2014

                *Die hard android fan*:"GALAXY S5 HAS BETTER SPECS!"

                *Die Hard Apple Fan*: "No!"

                The Galaxy S5 is a piece of crap, and the people who so deeply support it are also crap. On the other side of the spectrum we have the Apple fan who is biased completely to Apple and can't open his mind pass one phone or company.

                Apple has done an AMAZING job with making everything run wayyyyyy smoother than and Android producing company will ever be able to (Samsung, Nokia, HTC, etc...) Their CPUs are better at handling processes, their system can use RAM more efficiently, and the whole deal. Apple products look nicer, feel nicer and are just all around more luxurious. But they have a limited OS and people don't like them because of that.

                HTC has done an AMAZING job at countering Apple! They have made two phones in the past years that have been on par with Apple products. They have have a great feel, they have a good cameras and they look good! But they in a way COPIED Apple. Metal Unibody phone? Who did that b4 Apple? No one. Not bashing the company, but following suit of Apple.

                Samsung has been the company that has basically tried to steal Apple's throne from the beginning. They have produced MASSIVE screen sizes, put more pixels in their cameras, and their even trying to make a more unique Android OS. They have built in so many features that someone could NEVER use them all! And thats their problem. In their fight against Apple all they have done is boost screen size and Make their cameras better (which are still only on par with any other smartphone camera in 2014). The other added features are so pointless it makes me sick! One thing that SAMSUNG said (Not shit die hard fans was this "Apple has released a tsunami, and it is the iPhone 5. When they said this they had already released their flagship phone! If Samsung can realize that Apple produces great equipment than their fans should too.

                On last thing before I stop talking; Why do android fans always have to talk crap about Apple products? People bought Apple products because they wanted the Apple product. If they wanted to buy an android device they would have! So please android fans stop talking crap about Apple products. Apple Fans! Stop being so narrow minded! Some android producing phone companies build great products!

                Thanks for reading. I believe in Android + Apple EQUALITY

                  • C
                  • Cool
                  • KcP
                  • 10 Sep 2014

                  high prices low specifications good job Apple keep it up,other companies are working on 3gb ram , quad core and octa core processor, Apple is giving their users surprises with dual core processor and 1 gb Ram along with 8 Mp camera lolz

                    • D
                    • AnonD-135930
                    • 3bu
                    • 10 Sep 2014

                    Android Man, 10 Sep 2014but nothing has changed. oh yes the curve on the side. and ... moreAnd you S-Sheep would buy Note 4 just because you hate Apple. Note 4 is almost the same as the Note 3. I watched the whole presentation and the one in the middle said that Note 4 was just an updated Note 3, and the crowd was like WTF???

                      • D
                      • AnonD-305486
                      • j01
                      • 10 Sep 2014

                      SONY XPERIA SL is better :v

                        • K
                        • Kings
                        • IVN
                        • 10 Sep 2014

                        It has always been a battle between IOS vs ANDROID. The top 3 companies that comes to my mind is Apple,Samsung and Sony. Apple is the pioneer and founder who started the whole smartphone industry and revolutionize it. Then, came Samsung which tried to rival Apple.Sony was still catching up with the whole scene. My point is the company which has the best competitive advantage wins. As of this year, what these big 3 mobile companies have on plate looks completely promising.

                        The thing that set Apple apart was being able to innovate in the shortest time available. Apple have been monitoring its rival all the time. The feature that really made me feel that Apple Livestream Conference (9/9/2014) was a success in convincing its customer was the Ipay, Iwatch,Double domain pixellation and etc. I was blown away by some of the features. It makes Apple user feel premium, luxury and convenient at the same time. The health tracker was also a distinct feature that set it apart from Samsung Gear and Sony's Smartwatch 3. I really admire how much R&D effort Apple has put into the Iphone6.

                          • a
                          • a
                          • X{X
                          • 10 Sep 2014

                          Not water resistant? :D lol

                            • D
                            • AnonD-305469
                            • vGP
                            • 10 Sep 2014

                            I own MI-3 and can buy a new and better phone every year, it has better features than iPhone 6... Mentos khao...:)

                              • o
                              • okkkk
                              • Sqv
                              • 10 Sep 2014

                              AnonD-202799, 10 Sep 2014exactly that's my point also whats the use of 64-bit with 1... morelet me put it this way for u, if u have 32 bit, max ram u can use ise 3 gb no matter if u have 4gb or more, readable will be 3gb, BUT if u have 64 bit, its a lot more faster than 32 bit and u can use more ram, but it doesnt mean that u cant have 1 gb or 2 gb ram. process will be again more fastre than 32 bit with 3 gb ram

                                • O
                                • OGAR
                                • jiT
                                • 10 Sep 2014

                                Anonymous, 10 Sep 2014Do people even realise that they seriously lack knowledge! ... moreI did not see nothing great for Apple neither Samsung. You mention Samsung is having great ideas, like ....

                                Since the Galaxy and Note, nothing new has came out from them, is just the same picture, making a better old phone adding technology specs and that'is that is nothing new for me is just keep trying to sell phones, that not have real difference vs the old models.

                                  • f
                                  • fjop
                                  • T3L
                                  • 10 Sep 2014

                                  Samsung would have put 4gb ram in a 64bit processor because they dont want to let down their customers. Till now i dont see the use of a 64 bit processor only in laptops its good

                                    • A
                                    • Android Man
                                    • mqM
                                    • 10 Sep 2014

                                    but nothing has changed. oh yes the curve on the side. and the price. oh and the Name Iphone 6. big wow. Nothing other that is different. the i-sheep will buy it because its apple. wait a few months there will be a Iphone 6S, same again. but with a S on it. just innovate apple.

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-202799
                                      • PEW
                                      • 10 Sep 2014

                                      exactly that's my point also whats the use of 64-bit with 1gb ram?.... lol

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-175764
                                        • LcH
                                        • 10 Sep 2014

                                        If you want a real phone just buy a Xiaomi MI4, you can buy 2 phones for the price of a Iphone 6 16 GB.