Apple iPhone 6 Plus

Apple iPhone 6 Plus

User opinions and reviews

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  • J
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  • 14 Sep 2014

AnonD-47753, 14 Sep 2014I agreed with you. It worth less than $400.00 I hate apple ... moreI do aggree Apple do not think of middle economy consumers....People just dont pay for the Logo, think before you invest.....

    • J
    • Jumbo
    • XNt
    • 14 Sep 2014

    applebite, 13 Sep 2014I think iphone 6 plus is a good phone compared to samsung g... morewhy the Iphone"s are so expensive just because they have their own software. in fact anroids looks more smarter and more user friendly.
    Apple need to thing for the economy class too.

      • D
      • AnonD-307101
      • Mdi
      • 14 Sep 2014

      Actually the iPhone 6 Plus resolution is 1242x2208.
      There is a mistake on Apple site and everybody copies the specs without verifying. :)

        • i
        • iphone
        • Hkt
        • 14 Sep 2014

        How much mAH battery is this iPhone 6plus

        Can any one pls clarify

          • a
          • ajay prajapati
          • XMc
          • 14 Sep 2014

          i phone6+ is a ossum lattest piece.but it's price very high .so i think it's price must be low .than it should become touch at the sky in the world.

          wish u a luck of iphone6+ which person & apple compony.

            • D
            • AnonD-292530
            • iB4
            • 14 Sep 2014

            AnonD-47753, 14 Sep 2014I agreed with you. It worth less than $400.00 I hate apple ... moreI totally agree on this.

            Apple can build whatever low specs iphone as long as it wants but don't additionally laugh on ppl selling it for 1000 just for the brand name when other better spec phones sold 30% less.

            I believe many other phones users may consider iphone 6 plus with its low specs compared to others when the price is reasonable, not stupidly high to increase the company stock price!!!!!

              • D
              • AnonD-292530
              • iB4
              • 14 Sep 2014

              kim, 13 Sep 2014Oh please!! Haters stop acting up. I got an S5 but to my gr... moreWhat haters dumb!! apple users refuse to see facts and get stuck into Apple illusion of great quality and build up!!!

              Anyway, Samsung is an Apple copier Phone but others exist like LG and Sony.

              You know if other brands want to use same low specs as iphone 6 plus how much its phone will be faster???

              Ofcourse when using dual core is not like using 2.7 quad core, when using 2 gb ram not like 3gb ram

              The less specs may not lag like the higher specs one obviously coz higher specs resolution..etc need more power to work.

                • L
                • Lafin
                • 2U7
                • 14 Sep 2014

                Does the specs real?
                cause' Apple didn't released the ram size.

                  • D
                  • AnonD-108544
                  • Hkt
                  • 14 Sep 2014

                  First of all , Thank you Apple for hearing our feedbacks and suggestion and coming back with 4.7 & 5.5 inch screen sizes. Yet you could hav improved a little in the camera part.
                  People pls do nt compare apple with any other brand as wel as iOS with android especially,
                  I hav been using 4S for two years and its really great to use, I hav also used some Samsung and Nokia windows mob , even those are great in spec comparison as compared to 4S , they wil never compete iPhone .
                  Jus with 512mb it does a lot for me.
                  Post the realistic reasons to like or hate. iOS arch s designed in such a way that it can do al with less ram but the android with whatever the core of processor and even 3gb ram wil giv u wat it's capacity once u cross 3 months of usage,

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • IHv
                    • 14 Sep 2014

                    why only 8mp camera still and why no water certification?

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • fxM
                      • 14 Sep 2014

                      Hi all, don't waste the $ on this 'one bite apple' it just look like ipod nothing special.And the spec. is just far far behind compare to android phone. I think this phone is meant for China-Chinese ppl where they r blindly look for that logo. Like their dressing, put all 'branded' on the body and spoilt all the designer clothes.

                        • D
                        • AnonD-91447
                        • utt
                        • 14 Sep 2014

                        guys please dont compare apple with android phones...
                        apple just need these specs for a butter smooth apple os , android still lags on quad core... think people think... 3 gb z2 and note 3 are still laging sometimes... i have used 15 android phone till now, the best one i liked is HTC ONE M8(also m7 is good) , samsung phones are shit man heating and lagging after 3 or 4 months.. but apple 5s was my first ios phone... awsom phone, butter smooth in 64 bit architecture..

                          • D
                          • AnonD-8044
                          • nI3
                          • 14 Sep 2014

                          Dirk, 14 Sep 2014I have been with Samsung since the beginning. Build qualit... moreWell go and tell your story in sammy forums whats the point of posting in Apple forum are you backwards dim or stupid..As if anyone here cares about you buying another product ,,your only here because you feel threatened and to promote,promote.promote sammy when no-one here is buying sammy because its an Apple forum..

                          All your showing is desperation gasping your breath to beg folk not to buy an iPhone ,your wasting your breath folk will buy what they want with their money not what you say and only few thousand folk on GSMArena so your words go unnoticed in realm of things.

                          Oh i beg you from Dirk please don't buy iPhone i beg of you,,silly twonk folk will buy what they want..

                            • D
                            • AnonD-22824
                            • KFM
                            • 14 Sep 2014

                            Apple has launched a 4.7" galaxy Is3 & 5.5" galaxy I..note...2too along with a galaxy gear Iwatch in! apple great copycat innovation...

                              • w
                              • who you
                              • t7V
                              • 14 Sep 2014

                              whatever a fandroid says, they will never change the way I think about apple..i have read a lot of comments and blah blah blah..they cant beat the smoothness, flawless and no lags of IOS...yeah, so what if you have an external storage, it will stil lag even if the memory is not full..unlike apple, when you only have 10mb left, it will still run smoothly!! :D so peace ya'll!!

                                • D
                                • AnonD-123648
                                • r%P
                                • 14 Sep 2014

                                saif, 13 Sep 2014Hi all. iPhone is the best smart phone than all others mobi... moreHi saif, Iphone is the expensivest smart phone than other phones. Don't waste your money for a Logo (iphone or apple)

                                  • S
                                  • Shee
                                  • reK
                                  • 14 Sep 2014

                                  You can't say that Saif. You have absolutely no proof that is the truth. A huge percentage of people commenting on here are high school age or younger and have owned no other phone but the iPhone so they have absolutely nothing to compare it too but feel the should off their uninformed mouth based on nothing they have had experienced with. Just because something has "APPLE" stamped on it does not make it the best!!! I have the iPhone 5 - got it when it first came out two Septembers ago. I have had a love/hate relationship with it ever since. They are not perfect and definitely not the best. My hubby and son have the Samsung. Their phone does so much more them my iPhone does, takes better quality pics, has better sound quality, just about everything is better then my iPhone 5. So I have been chomping at the bit for the iPhone 6 to come out until.......I have been reading tons of reviews from techies and they all say - all it is - is a 2012 android!!!!! Now these are the experts people - not people in love with a brand name trying to impress their friends - real experts giving honest reviews of the iPhone 6 and 6 plus! That means it isn't even up to the current standards of the 2014 androids of today!!! Apple counts on people being in love with their name - yes, they count on that! They don't have to make good. No matter how much their customers yell and scream for things, Apple won't give it to us. People REALLY NEEDS TO UNDERSTAND APPLE IS NOT THE SAME COMPANY SINCE STEVE JOBS DIED!!! It just isn't! It not the Apple as we use to know it. It has gone seriously downhill. No way would Jobs release a 2012 android version. He would make sure it was as good as the best android out there. And iPhone 6 and the Plus no way remotely meets that goal. Get over the brand name people and truly go get the best phone and it's not Apple and boy am I bummed about that! But my husbands and sons Samsung are far superior phones to mine!!!! This is a true and honest statement I am saying to you.

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-47753
                                    • NwL
                                    • 14 Sep 2014

                                    AnonD-307045, 14 Sep 2014For price you pay this phone is pure shit. It's worth 400$ ... moreI agreed with you. It worth less than $400.00 I hate apple company. They don't think about some Africans less or under developing countries especially middle income earned if they can afford or not in terms of their prices of apple products.

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-307045
                                      • xqE
                                      • 14 Sep 2014

                                      For price you pay this phone is pure shit. It's worth 400$ not 800$

                                        • D
                                        • Dirk
                                        • mtZ
                                        • 14 Sep 2014

                                        Still not removable battery, still not removable SD card.

                                        The govt and NSA and TSA love you though,, they can turn on your phone even if its off and track you. When you don't want ANYONE knowing where you are or keep your data safe going thru airports. get a Galaxy of any flavour. But go ahead and pay big bucks for a LOGO> ahahahaha