Apple iPhone 6 Plus

Apple iPhone 6 Plus

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • MVg
  • 13 Sep 2014

RDD, 13 Sep 2014To everyone on here that comments about the iPhone 6's spec... morefirst off a7 is not one the most advanced, its fast coz of the pixels its pushing out (below 720p) any gpu pushing out lower resolution will perform better its a given and the apps it uses are optimised for that processor so it has less to do, the chip itself is not that fast its just optimised. look at it like this you wouldnt say an intel i3 running on an 720p monitor and running a really light OS thats linux based preforms better than a i7 on a 4k display and running windows, the i7 might run a bit slow coz its handling a lot more work, but its still proforming a hell of a lot better than the i3 would.

you are right magepixels are not everything but they increase zooming quality and sharpness, try taking a pic on an iphone and pinting it off and hanging it on your wall, cant be done. most flagships today have almost the same features but higher magepixels, so what does that say

more ram dosent effect battery unless your multitasking a lot which isnt as good as on iphone beacuse of the lack of ram, i'd rather have the ram there and know i have it when i need it even if it drains my battery faster (i know it will thats multitaking), than apple making the choice for me.

i have nothing against apple i used to have an iphone a couple actually but there not the best phone in the world in my opinion no matter how much apple tells you it is. i garentee you the note 4 or z3 will well out preform the iphone 6 plus in preformance. just wait for the benchmarks and see

    • ~
    • ~virus~
    • 7Xp
    • 13 Sep 2014

    Nisarg gujarat, 13 Sep 2014What's meaning of stand by time???? Reply plzzznot using your phone. just

      • 6
      • 617
      • XNt
      • 13 Sep 2014

      Iphone 4S was the last innovation from Apple. Its still a very good phone considering the competition when it was launched. However, since then it seems Apple is trying to chase & compete with Android & other OS phones. Iphone5, 5S & now 6 is just being launched because it is supposed annually. 5C was a big disaster that Apple may want to forget. There's nothing much to talk about in Iphone6 & 6 Plus to spend that money. Apple seems to be on the verge of becoming next Sony

        • R
        • Ritz
        • KAe
        • 13 Sep 2014

        Nisarg gujarat, 13 Sep 2014What's meaning of stand by time???? Reply plzzzSeriously?

          • D
          • AnonD-71959
          • 33j
          • 13 Sep 2014

          AnonD-71150, 13 Sep 2014again..i will say it..for those android neeee... moreFollowing your way of thinking, than why they put a dual core processor on it? They can use single core, and 512MB or even 256MB of RAM will even make things lasts muuuch more and that battery. Ah? So actually, there IS a need in upgrade, and NUMBERS MEANS something. Of course, OS optimization is a half of the deal, but don't bug me with bullshit like Apple don't need more powerful CPU/GPU/RAM and that numbers are just for Android. You like the brand? All right keep it, but don't bullshit people. Latests Androids are blazing fast and don't lag a damn pixel. Everybody compares 2-3 years old outdated androids and say that they lag.

            • E
            • Ehab
            • 3xL
            • 13 Sep 2014

            Nisarg gujarat, 13 Sep 2014What's meaning of stand by time???? Reply plzzzit means the time which is ur mobile is on but not used ( no use condition )

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • dUx
              • 13 Sep 2014

              AnonD-306684, 13 Sep 2014hahaha steve jobs once said "nobody will buy that"... moreI think the sales figures will speak for themselves.

                • R
                • RG
                • nxC
                • 13 Sep 2014

                Nisarg gujarat, 13 Sep 2014What's meaning of stand by time???? Reply plzzzbasically the phones battery life when 'locked' or 'inactive'- when you're not actually using the phone and its just sitting in your pocket but still switched on e.t.c

                  • d
                  • dharm
                  • wdR
                  • 13 Sep 2014

                  Nisarg gujarat, 13 Sep 2014What's meaning of stand by time???? Reply plzzzstand by time is the time taken by the mobile battery to finish it's charge completely when mobile is not used for any task at all ,not even for calling.if u left ur phone in a closed room and not use it at all, the time taken by the mobile battery to discharge completely is called stand by time......

                    • d
                    • djlebronqwerty
                    • pi2
                    • 13 Sep 2014

                    Anonymous, 13 Sep 20142G RAM? Are you sure?yeahhh ...

                      • P
                      • Peskeric
                      • CDF
                      • 13 Sep 2014

                      RDD, 13 Sep 2014To everyone on here that comments about the iPhone 6's spec... moreGuys as I said before, Phones are like women you never get to find all be qualities you're looking for in one. They all have different qualities,.
                      Apple 🍎 has it's goodness and no one should crucify them for trying. Nobody knew the mobile 📱 industry would evolve this first.
                      The biggest heartbreaking for Apple is limitations for applications and luck of support for file transfer via Bluetooth. Everything is iTunes based.
                      No integration with third party Apps and services.
                      People need to stay tuned to news and their favorite fm radio 📻 stations.
                      Luck of memory card slot on a 16&32GB versions. And also you for the charger, you forget yours then you're in trouble.

                      Finally, Apple has recycled the hardware and charge consumers more everytime, at times it better to follow what consumers want. Life changes every single minute, Apple 🍎 needs to change with times as well.

                        • N
                        • Nisarg gujarat
                        • sSG
                        • 13 Sep 2014

                        What's meaning of stand by time???? Reply plzzz

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • iif
                          • 13 Sep 2014

                          2G RAM? Are you sure?

                            • A
                            • Anon
                            • y$i
                            • 13 Sep 2014

                            iphone is Always not free like Android or BB. song not free,Apl not free, Game not Free ...... Disgusting

                              • N
                              • Najm Mosleh
                              • mDf
                              • 13 Sep 2014

                              Why most companies attack iPhone 6 plus ,especially Samsung ???
                              if it is weak ,you don't need to attack it.But I know the reason, ((It is the sales for Note 4 not specifications for iPhone 6 plus...Samsung will lost its mind if this phone will success .

                                • D
                                • AnonD-292530
                                • iB4
                                • 13 Sep 2014

                                RDD, 13 Sep 2014To everyone on here that comments about the iPhone 6's spec... moreNo matter how u gonna turn it around, iphone 6 plus specs are awful. Apple technicians must had done a better job! So after 1 2 years from now when Apple apply 16MP on their iphone while others get to 32MP maybe, then Apple phone structure would be appropriate for the changes!!!

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-292530
                                  • iB4
                                  • 13 Sep 2014

                                  LG G3 Best Smartphone for both specs and price.
                                  Awful Specs for iPhone 6 plus, disappointed!

                                    • R
                                    • RDD
                                    • 3Y7
                                    • 13 Sep 2014

                                    To everyone on here that comments about the iPhone 6's specs being outdated: please educate yourself.

                                    If you think that number of cores and clock speed are what's important then please explain to me why Apple's one-year-old dual core 1.3ghz A7 is still the fastest/most advanced mobile processor on the market.

                                    If you think camera quality equates to megapixel count then you shouldn't even be on these forums.

                                    And finally, if you don't understand Apple's decision of only including 1gb (possibly 2 on the plus?) of ram, then you don't understand the architectural differences between iOS and android, and battery life for that matter

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-71150
                                      • mE7
                                      • 13 Sep 2014

                                      brusk, 13 Sep 2014Iphone bluetooth is useless, it cant transfer files! Shame!it can share files with other iphones...its something:)

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-71150
                                        • mE7
                                        • 13 Sep 2014

                                        Anonymous, 13 Sep 2014Apple welcome to 2012!! Camera still 8mp, Screen size incre... moreyes lumia 920/925 will wipe the floor with any 13mpx/16mpx shit with its 2 years old 8.7mpx sensor...soo there is no good reason why you need that much mpx on a phone