Apple iPhone 6s
- A
- Anonymous
- 05 May 2016
iPhone has been the best. I've use s7 and s7 edge but they both are not as good as iphone 6s
- A
- Ahmad
- 05 May 2016
I used every single iphone and this ones really the best edition 3D touch is a very handy feature and allows to perform a number of diffeent tasks. I will recomend you to buy iphone 6s over samsung galaxy s7. However the battery timing is not so good but u can improve it by changing the setting such as lowering the brightness and using the low power mode. An slim case is also made which gives u a small back up for a maximum of 4 hours its very handy and doesnt seem like a power bank
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3qe
- 05 May 2016
Anonymous, 03 Apr 2016I recommend to buy iPhone or if you want android buy HTC, N... moreYou got it right!
But you forgot Moto ;)
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3qe
- 05 May 2016
Zie, 10 Apr 2016I dont really get it if people say iphone is overpriced
My... moreMainstream flagships are always overpriced. Apple is a mainstream company, they know people will buy their products no matter the price, simply because they can call themselves an owner of an Apple device.
Mainstream... :/
- B
- Bruce
- s2U
- 05 May 2016
vansh26, 03 May 2016iPhone 6s is best samsung phones are worst i have used sam... moreI have used Samsung phones for years and they do not lock up. Also, Samsung uses Gorilla glass and their screens do not crack as easily as Apple screens crack and that's a fact, not my opinion.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3qe
- 04 May 2016
Anonymous, 16 Apr 2016The iPhone 6s is still Pretty fast. In Antutu (which ist th... moreGeneralization going on!
Samsung = Android but Android ≠ Samsung!
Android does improve a lot, Samsung doesn't!
- v
- vansh26
- Xu4
- 03 May 2016
iPhone 6s is best samsung phones are worst i have used samsung s6 edge and s7 edge it hangs a lot go for iPhone 6s easy to use and remember it's a brand
- I
- Imran farooq
- 0mp
- 03 May 2016
Keep clam and used I Phone 6-S I always appreciate I Phone it’s very reliable secure from everywhere.
- J
- Jayalal
- mIe
- 03 May 2016
I am a one who uses Samsung for last 3 years started with Young Pro, then to Grand, later to S5 and finally to S7 Edge in last month then sold the same retaining S5 still in hand. Now I am wondering which phone to buy, probably the answer left being 6s.
In my opinion android phones are easy to use, more user friendly even though people comments with stopping & slowing and etc....etc..... but in actual society now the trend is to judge your status by the phone you are using and not based on the price of the phone.
I experienced this in when I am selling my S7 edge, which is more costlier than the basic 6s phone, but people use to call it me is a Samsung my friend etc..... etc.....
So for some reasons, with the popularity, size, features, weight and appearance wise 6s seems to be far in front with the other phones, more importantly when you are using it (for calling etc.) others recognizing it by the eaten apple mark which gives you a more proud of your phone.
Finally these are not the comments for marketing or any underestimating any brand or make of smartphones, but it is the trap which I have fallen into now, which will lead me to a I phone 6s surely because the expected 7s even seems to me a bigger phone with the size which will be a selection criteria for many users who will not love to prefer due to its size. - Honestly these are comments from the desperations I have about selecting a so called dream phone..............cheers... bye...
- R
- Rajan
- Hkt
- 02 May 2016
AnonD-527609, 28 Apr 2016Hi , planning on buying a new phone. stuck between the 6... moreBoth are superb phone but Samsung come with very expensive rate but after few they reduce 15000 Rs but iPhone resale value is good
- G
- Gunn
- g83
- 01 May 2016
I just got the iPhone other day after using Android flagships (HTC and Samsung) for many years and I was really satisfied. Since company bought phone and I could chose my new brand, I was - What the heck, gimme iPhone ;).
I never liked iPhone (don't know why, maybe because it was too pricey and out of my budget) , but now I can see what many people see in it.
So, If u are kind of person that likes themes, customization, watch movies/listen to music stored on your phone - iPhone is not the phone for you and u won't like it because it is not basically USB stick. But if u need the phone for work, mostly surfing, mails, etc and are a security freak ;), this is phone for u.
I like apple cloud better than google cloud, and user gui works for me better on iPhone. And I was surprised how good iPhone screen looks. Yes I know, full HD Amoled looks somewhat better, but not by a mile.
Overall, I do think that Samsung S7 is a bit better but if considered that Samsung needed to install waaay better (more buffed) hardware in its phone just to be slightly better than iPhone - witch phone is really the winner?
Both phones are great but u can't judge if u didn't own both Android and IOS flagships.
- ?
- Anonymous
- KiY
- 01 May 2016
younas, 28 Apr 2016i have samsung note 5 but i confuse i keep it or exchange w... moreIt is the nature of human that never satisfied with what he/she has now
- D
- Dezzie
- Hq4
- 01 May 2016
jayjay, 30 Apr 2016can you help me guys.. im planing to buy iphone.. but.. wha... moreHonestly, it would be better to get an iPhone 6 or 6s. The iPhone SE is considered a cheap option and is more like an upgrade from the iPhone 5s.So if you wanted to update your iPhone 5s but wasn't sure if it was worth it then you can just go to the iPhone SE. If you want things like 3D touch(Iphone6s) and Bigger screen and stuff like that then Iphone 6 and 6s would be better. Hope that helps! :)
- N
- Neutral
- KIg
- 01 May 2016
jayjay, 30 Apr 2016can you help me guys.. im planing to buy iphone.. but.. wha... moreGo for iphone 6s because it has bigger screen,faster touch id then iphone se,5mp front camera over iphone se's 1.2 mp camera and offcourse it offers 3d touch . . Go for iphone 6s for sure
- j
- jayjay
- mVA
- 30 Apr 2016
can you help me guys.. im planing to buy iphone.. but.. what is the greatest one 6s or SE.. becuase i heard a news that 6s is more easily to break down.. so im thingking for SE?? thanks for comments..
- D
- AnonD-343359
- Yem
- 30 Apr 2016
Rax zaman, 30 Apr 2016if you like ios then go for iphone, but you will be restric... morewith this truth people is still going with IOS. I don't understand. They love to be restricted i think.
- D
- AnonD-439997
- 649
- 30 Apr 2016
aj, 30 Apr 2016You wont be able to use bluetooth or s beam or nfc to shar... moreyou can view flash videos on iPhone and you can download after market apps and download torrents, search before you talk
- ?
- Anonymous
- in{
- 30 Apr 2016
I've used S7 Edge & iPhone 6s both & based on experience I can say for sure that S7 Edge is great device but the BEST is iPhone 6s. As a matter of fact very less % of people uses all the features which Samsung is offering but when it comes to daily tasks iPhone does it fluidly. My personal preference is iPhone 6s any day.
- R
- Rax zaman
- amu
- 30 Apr 2016
Anonymous, 23 Apr 2016Currently i am using galaxy s6 . . . I want to switch to io... moreif you like ios then go for iphone, but you will be restricted for basically everything..
- a
- aj
- X{9
- 30 Apr 2016
Anonymous, 29 Apr 2016I have been a android user from start i have never used iph... moreYou wont be able to use bluetooth or s beam or nfc to share data like songs and other files, You wont be able to use flash like for some websites, so flash videos wont play on iphone, you can not use micro sd card, so stuck with the default memory in the phone, you can not download torrent, n can not download after market apps and also you can not use 2 sim cards as there is no dual sim model. now make a decision if you still need iphone or not. Good luck.