Apple iPhone 6s

Apple iPhone 6s

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • r$r
  • 17 Nov 2015

Behnam, 16 Nov 2015Mercedes is the best automobile, yet it's not the best-sell... moreThe problem with your line of thinking is that apple is mercedes and on top of that they sell millions lol shut up and buy an iphone lol

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • r$r
    • 17 Nov 2015

    Behnam, 16 Nov 2015It's true that people sleeping outside apple stores do so o... moreIf any android manufacturer ever experience the success of the iphone line they would also not be able to satisphy the demand, it is simply too many phones apple sell. But android manufacturer dont ever have to face that problem bc they simply dont sell as well as apple devices

      • D
      • AnonD-1825
      • p77
      • 16 Nov 2015

      Behnam, 16 Nov 2015It's true that people sleeping outside apple stores do so o... moreWhy you are so insecure? I hope someday some android company make the device which makes their users happy like we iOS users are.

      You are another android boy who talking to walls, you are in wrong place and all what you are trying to do is pointless and won't change anything. You are just wasting your time.

        • L
        • Lex79
        • LhP
        • 16 Nov 2015

        Behnam, 16 Nov 2015First, may I ask you to mind your language? I must remind y... moreNo, you cannot ask me to mind my language, firstly because my language is in no way excessive. Secondly, because you spout the kind of nonsense you have been, then you can expect to be called on it. And if ones words reflect ones character as you say, then you would be well served by better considering your words more carefully before you type them.

        Apple management can try what ever marketing ploys they think of to increase sales, it's up to the public and the individual as to whether to go along with such methods. Apple are by no means the only company to employ such behaviour, it's called business, agree with those methods or don't, but ultimately the only insult to human dignity is assuming people cannot make that choice themselves.

          • B
          • Behnam
          • gxZ
          • 16 Nov 2015

          Lex79, 16 Nov 2015your comments are ridiculous! first you say people choos... moreIt's true that people sleeping outside apple stores do so out of their free will, but don't you think that when iphone managers can very easily avoid that by simply applying a pre-sell plan with free shipping (but they don't), they're somehow making them to do so?! So, you can't say "they are not forced to do so in any way". When iphone managers can stop this nonsense by providing the apple stores with enough number of iphones in proper time (but I repeat they never do), that means they want people and they make them do so. And I dare say once again: that surely is an insult to human dignity and nobody can deny that.

            • B
            • Behnam
            • gxZ
            • 16 Nov 2015

            Lex79, 16 Nov 2015your comments are ridiculous! first you say people choos... moreFirst, may I ask you to mind your language? I must remind you that one's words shows one's character and the environment s/he has been growing in.
            second, it's true that people sleeping outside apple stores do so out of their free will, but don't you think that when iphone managers can very easily avoid that by simply applying a pre-sell plan with free shipping (but they don't), they're somehow making them to do so?! So, you can't say "they are not forced to do so in any way". When iphone managers can stop this nonsense by providing the apple stores with enough number of iphones in proper time (but I repeat they never do), that means they want people and they make them do so.

              Behnam, 16 Nov 2015Mercedes is the best automobile, yet it's not the best-sell... moreBuy a Sony Z series phone and stick to their page, isn't your act of posting opinion on IPhone pages which you hate the most is insult to your human dignity.

                Behnam, 16 Nov 2015Mercedes is the best automobile, yet it's not the best-sell... moreStrange thing: You guys are not much happy with the phone you have purchased, rather you are more are angry, frustrated by the IPhone purchased by Apple lovers. You don't like Apple phones still you are in their pages. Grow up guys be happy with your purchases don't get frustrated by what other people buy.

                  • L
                  • Lex79
                  • LhP
                  • 16 Nov 2015

                  Behnam, 16 Nov 2015Mercedes is the best automobile, yet it's not the best-sell... moreyour comments are ridiculous!

                  first you say people choosing to spend the night outside of an Apple store is an insult to human dignity, even though they are choosing to be there of their own free will and are not forced to do so in any way!

                  And now you say that certain people do not deserve certain smartphones??? and who may I ask is the one deciding who deserves

                  Very silly and juvenile comments indeed!

                    • B
                    • Behnam
                    • gxZ
                    • 16 Nov 2015

                    Parbinder Singh, 16 Nov 2015Z3 was launched in 2014, do you find any Z3 in the market o... moreMercedes is the best automobile, yet it's not the best-seller. Adidas sports goods are of the best quality, but they're not best-seller either. So, you can't say Sony series Z are not good phones just because they are not best-seller!!! Some goods are special (but not necessarily best-seller) and not everybody deserves having one.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • LhP
                      • 16 Nov 2015

                      Behnam, 16 Nov 2015Yeah, "iphone is not so cheap". But the people who spend th... morenobody 'has' to spend the night in front of any Apple store!

                      whilst we can question the sanity of those that choose to, the fact that they do indeed choose to makes your 'insult to human dignity' line sound a bit extreme really.

                        • B
                        • Behnam
                        • gxZ
                        • 16 Nov 2015

                        Parbinder Singh, 16 Nov 2015"Everyone buys IPhone and shows off". IPhone is n... moreYeah, "iphone is not so cheap". But the people who spend the night in front of the stores to have one are. Why doesn't iphone managers plan a pre-sell demand along with free shipping (like all other brands do) so that people do not have to sleep in front of the store doors like BEEP. That's an insult to human dignity.

                          • B
                          • Behnam
                          • gxZ
                          • 16 Nov 2015

                          AnonD-125316, 16 Nov 2015Piracy is against the law, and installing cracked apps on a... more"The are a lot of security holes in android" ... yeah, you're right. Now, may I ask your opinion about leaked photos of celebrities in your so-called secure icloud? As far as I remember, iphone designers were always so sure of security of icloud, but it turned out just the opposite, my pal.

                            • L
                            • Lex79
                            • nw}
                            • 16 Nov 2015

                            AnonD-1825, 16 Nov 2015"This is just something the Android world cannot offer or m... moreAnd they would want to because.............???????

                              • D
                              • AnonD-125316
                              • dQK
                              • 16 Nov 2015

                              Piracy is against the law, and installing cracked apps on an Android phone is not something to be proud of...
                              I'm an android user of 4 years. Android is like a virtual machine running on overpowered hardware, thus it lacks efficiency of hardware utilization. Android's compiler before ART used to be dalvik which is the most stupid compiler ever build for smartphones, however there changes on sheet isn't what you expect to see from ART. The are a lot of security holes in android, it's apps are memory hungry, even companies like samsung and sony make it more inefficient. Android phones usually get overheated, because they rush their phones out without mastering the design, thus proper ventilation is not provided.

                                • D
                                • AnonD-1825
                                • p77
                                • 16 Nov 2015

                                Lex79, 16 Nov 2015Correct. I, like you have traditionally been an Android use... more"This is just something the Android world cannot offer or match. Those people anu97awesome speaks of, the one's that bought an iPhone and yet look on at the Z5 Premium in envy"

                                Don't believe him, that's a lie

                                Just like you said, every iPhone 6s user can sell their 6s and buy z5 premium right away if they really want.

                                  anu97awesome, 16 Nov 2015Try z5 premium chrome. Ur friends get absolutely jealous wh... more"Everyone buys IPhone and shows off". IPhone is not so cheap my brother.

                                    • L
                                    • Lex79
                                    • gL@
                                    • 16 Nov 2015

                                    Parbinder Singh, 16 Nov 2015Z3 was launched in 2014, do you find any Z3 in the market o... moreCorrect. I, like you have traditionally been an Android user, and though I am quite heavily invested in that eco system, I have decided to switch to IOS.

                                    I did this mainly because I switch my devices quite frequently, but due to the value degradation that takes place with Android devices, I was frequently losing money. As the owner now of an iPhone 6S 128gb, I know that I could (if I wanted) to sell this phone at any time over the next year or so and still recoup much of my investment.

                                    However as it is an iPhone, I could also choose to keep this device for as long as the next 4 years (not likely knowing me, but still), safe in the knowledge that it will continue to be supported both software and hardware wise by Apple.

                                    This is just something the Android world cannot offer or match. Those people anu97awesome speaks of, the one's that bought an iPhone and yet look on at the Z5 Premium in envy, will likely get the last laugh when 1. the Z5P stops getting updates past android 6.0 and 2. loses probably as much as 40% of it's value within the next year alone.

                                    Also once owners of the Z5P get past the gimmicky and pointless 4k screen, they will quickly come the stark realisation that they could have saved themselves a significant amount of money by simply getting the Z5.

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-436971
                                      • gxm
                                      • 16 Nov 2015

                                      IPhone gives headache and nightmares to all Android Phone Users.Because iPhone is premium and its not easy to afford iPhone..that's the biggest challenge..

                                        anu97awesome, 16 Nov 2015Try z5 premium chrome. Ur friends get absolutely jealous wh... moreZ3 was launched in 2014, do you find any Z3 in the market or friends. I have heard similar comments about Z3 at the time of launch. No one buys it now not even second hand, leave apart the update issues.
                                        IPhone 5S launched in 2013 but still you can see people buying 5S and the same phone was updated to the latest OS.
                                        So you can see the difference in respect of demand and premium feel.
                                        I am a hard core Android User since Note 2, 3 and now using Note 4 as a Primary and IPhone 5S as secondary, but at present I am planning to make the IPhone as my primary. Support and update services are awesome.