Apple iPhone 6s

Apple iPhone 6s

User opinions and reviews

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  • D
  • AnonD-1825
  • p77
  • 03 Nov 2015

seriously, 03 Nov 2015Well apple fans wont accept anything u say android fans. B... more"Well apple fans wont accept anything u say android fans."

And why should they? Why would you care what others think? :D if someone say to you that new hit movie is bad, so do you believe him or do you have your own taste and see if if you like it?

"Becoz after spending so much money on something u cant even accept that ur thing is not that much worthy."

I bought 6s, first day i thought that exact thing, now after three weeks this phone is more than worth of its price. Also if what you said would be true, people wouldn't buy another iPhone, they would buy something else, and yet most of iPhone upgrades their iPhones to newer iPhones.

    • D
    • AnonD-455531
    • PTG
    • 03 Nov 2015

    NVD, 03 Nov 2015While the pricing is steep and the nature is restrictive, a... morecomparing with only M8? is this your 1st time here in gsmarena? lols.

      • s
      • seriously
      • Q}4
      • 03 Nov 2015

      okay then tell in what manner 3d touch is different from hovering touch in functionality

        • s
        • sultan
        • BLf
        • 03 Nov 2015

        rijas, 02 Nov 2015hello..i want buy buy a new i phone. can any one suggest me... morehello if you need more ram and if you are camera fans or selfie fans then go for iphone 6s but
        if you want more battery life and don't expend so much money then go for iphone 6 ,

          • D
          • AnonD-145360
          • t}I
          • 03 Nov 2015

          shown , 03 Nov 2015Please tell me can i buy iphone 6s ? which phone its best s... moreJust forget about Sony. You need to decide between ios or Android. Sony phones are getting wrost day by day. Then have serious heating issues. Comparing camera performance between iphone and samsung then samsung wins the battle.

            AnonD-1825, 02 Nov 2015"Compare the steps and accuracy while finding contacts, of ... moreThanks Duel, Spotlight Search is helpful and accuracy is very good in case of vocal commands.

              • D
              • AnonD-145360
              • t}I
              • 03 Nov 2015

              Before buying I phone please consider these facts about iphone. I have used iphone 6 for 1 month and these are my experience with it.
              Ios is pretty stable os as compared to Android. But there are so many restrictions. You can't download files like music video directly to the phone. You can't download apps which is more than 100mb via your mobile data from the app store. For more that 100mb apps you have to connect to the wifi. The wifi Hotspot range is very low compared to Android devices. These are some cons of iphone. So before buying plz consider these. Please don't be biased to apple. And spend your money wisely. I have already sold my iPhone after using it for one month and currently using galaxy note 4.

                • N
                • NVD
                • X{}
                • 03 Nov 2015

                While the pricing is steep and the nature is restrictive, apple gets so much else right! The phone won't get as warm as android devices and the overall feeling of it makes you think that apple has spent a LOT on perfecting things.

                I use M8 and iPhone so I see the day to day difference. The iPhone has the BEST standby on any phone. Period.

                Camera may not be the best but its very easy to use. I take a lot of pictures of my nephews running around and most times the iPhone produces the best shots.

                iTunes is a pain ONLY if you want it to be. You can easily copy files directly to the apps you want and since I use iTunes to manage my music, my phone is always up to date.

                The iPhone will NEVER get slow. It'll run apps as good as it did the first day it got released. I've used M8 for quite a bit. It went from being the best android smartphone to being a battery draining slow overheating device even after a fresh setup.

                Finally, EVERY app on the appstore feels MUCH more premium compared to android. Admit it, even windows phone store apps feel much more solid and premium compared to android. If you cannot admit this much, then you are google sheep.

                All my opinions are based on using M8 and iPhone side by side and I can tell you that whether you buy an android device or iOS device, the iOS device will be in MUCH better condition(OS and update wise) after a year or more.

                IF you've got the money, the iPhone is worth it.

                  • s
                  • shown
                  • PVe
                  • 03 Nov 2015

                  Please tell me can i buy iphone 6s ? which phone its best sony, iphone or samsung ? Which phone its best camera result iphone , sony , or samsung & also for gaming and friendly using ? iphone 6s its fast phone ? and graphics also ?

                    • s
                    • seriously
                    • Nxg
                    • 03 Nov 2015

                    Well apple fans wont accept anything u say android fans.
                    Becoz after spending so much money on something u cant even accept that ur thing is not that much worthy.
                    I have an alienware now i dont want to accept that it is inferior to asus rog or msi or razor blade.
                    Same concept applies here too.

                      • C
                      • Clit
                      • K25
                      • 02 Nov 2015

                      I just wandering, How is much these mobile into the phone. I'm kinda likening the color, and through it for the design will be the best! Congratz for win the good and extra best today. I will buying the phone... Yehey! Being to the most pretty best ang to the best of all....

                        • D
                        • AnonD-1825
                        • p77
                        • 02 Nov 2015

                        Parbinder Singh, 02 Nov 2015Compare the steps and accuracy while finding contacts, of A... more"Compare the steps and accuracy while finding contacts, of Android dialer with T9 and spotlight search. "

                        Same amount of steps and same accuracy?

                        If you need T9, just search T9 from appstore, for example i think iCaller is answer for your question.

                        Yes buy Apple TV it's easily worth of it's price

                          AnonD-1825, 02 Nov 2015"Is there any way to find the required contact from the Dia... moreCompare the steps and accuracy while finding contacts, of Android dialer with T9 and spotlight search. Is it really a tough job to include T9 search in dialer app or it will also be an innovative feature by Apple in coming future.
                          Apple TV costs around 14000, in India so you are suggesting 2 things, first buy an overpriced IPhone and then buy overpriced Apple TV and carry the same with you everywhere for a feature which is freely available in Androids even the cheap ones.

                            • D
                            • AnonD-1825
                            • p77
                            • 02 Nov 2015

                            AnonD-53316, 02 Nov 2015Dear IPhone Users, Following are the things which stop me... more"Is there any way to find the required contact from the Dialer App speedily without opening Contacts and typing in the search section, if you had above 800 contacts."

                            You can use the regular Spotlight search from everywhere you want (swipe down from around center of the screen)

                            "Is there any way to show a slide show on a smart TV if urgently required.(Not interested to buy Apple TV for this small task)
                            Is Screen mirroring possible in Iphone to show drawings, reports, emails, documents on a big screen.
                            How do you see your movies, videos in a smart TV without the help of any third party hardware."

                            Just buy Apple tv, its cheap device and it does those things great, now with apple tv4 i would expect the old version price will drop even more. I bought Apple tv year ago and can't understand why i didnt bought it earlier. Now im going the buy the new version.

                              AnonD-431336, 02 Nov are talking to the wall...the fans do as t... moreThanks for the reply, till now I was thinking that my comment was invisible. Seriously this is strange. Being a fan is a good thing but one should not be a blind fan. If a phone does not helps you in the things you need it's not good for you and if it helps you in your tasks it's good. But it is not a ground to make one superior to other.

                                • D
                                • AnonD-431336
                                • rKT
                                • 02 Nov 2015

                       are talking to the wall...the fans do as they are told to by Apple and if something cannot be done by an iphone then it's deemed an unnecessary thing.After a few years Apple uses the same concept and suddenly it's called cutting edge technology or innovation finger print sensor.

                                  AnonD-461852, 02 Nov 2015i have iphone 6s but i have forget my password phone and no... moreI can help. Give it back to genuine owner!!!!

                                    • W
                                    • Waqas
                                    • ITW
                                    • 02 Nov 2015

                                    AnonD-461852, 02 Nov 2015i have iphone 6s but i have forget my password phone and no... moreRestore your iphone from itunes

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-461852
                                      • 0ZJ
                                      • 02 Nov 2015

                                      i have iphone 6s but i have forget my password phone and now i cant use,any tell me how i can risove this problem plz.......

                                        • a
                                        • alehandro5511
                                        • 0ZJ
                                        • 02 Nov 2015

                                        i have iphone 6s but i have forget my password of my phone and now i cant use,any tell me how i can duing plzzzz?