Apple iPhone 6s

Apple iPhone 6s

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • HjB
  • 27 Sep 2015

Anonymous, 26 Sep 2015if you truly have a issue with apple don't buy their produc... moreDude. This is where we allowed to express opinion. I don't buy iphone. The only people wasting time is Apple fans. Why line up in front of Apple stores for a week just to buy a phone? Obsession.

    • P
    • Pankaj
    • utx
    • 27 Sep 2015

    Anonymous, 26 Sep 2015Apple to have copied the antenna band design from HTC and t... moreAre you sure???

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • Yct
      • 26 Sep 2015

      Anonymous, 26 Sep 2015I agree with the research firm. Apple rip off customer reck... moreif you truly have a issue with apple don't buy their products then. Your wasting your stupid time by telling us this.

        • D
        • AnonD-416152
        • JFm
        • 26 Sep 2015

        AnonD-1825, 26 Sep 2015If you need to charge your device twice a day you should th... moreApple used processors with higher frequencies than Samsung and Qualcomm, and one core Apple can do more operations at a specified interval. Samsung and qualcom is not pushing high frequencies, but increases the number of cores. So, together, Samsung's 8 cores eat Apple's 2 because Samsung can almost double (almost as low frequencies) up to do the surgery in the same period. The advantage of separate nuclei is energy efficiency. That is, if you write the message, activated by one core, if you watch the video, activates two cores, if you edit video, activated 6 cores if you play Modern Combat 5 is activated all 8. While the iPhone for most items must use both cores . Because most of the iPhone's ewe pulls a charger with you. Are you still ridiculous battery size (on phone from 1000 usd )

          • D
          • AnonD-1825
          • p77
          • 26 Sep 2015

          AnonD-416152, 26 Sep 2015BATTERY ONLY 1700m. HAS charge your phone twice a day, and ... moreIf you need to charge your device twice a day you should think that maybe you use it too much. With normal use iPhone 6s should last a day easily

            • D
            • AnonD-322352
            • KZ8
            • 26 Sep 2015

            [deleted post]k.

              • D
              • AnonD-416152
              • JFm
              • 26 Sep 2015

              [deleted post]BATTERY ONLY 1700m. HAS charge your phone twice a day, and probably three times a day, and make sure to carry a charger, and if you forget to empty your phone, then nothing does not mean the camera of 12 megapixels, A9 processor and touchid . FOR THIS AND THAT I waste money

                • k
                • k
                • XPJ
                • 26 Sep 2015

                Really amazing seeing how people are waiting for the phone with umbrellas in Sydney.

                  • D
                  • AnonD-444952
                  • IAr
                  • 26 Sep 2015

                  I usually compare the iPhones to the samsung phones but since Apple has always had better phones maybe it is time to find a better phone to compare Apple to...

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • HjB
                    • 26 Sep 2015

                    AnonD-1825, 26 Sep 2015"20% profit should be enough." Clearly you doesn't know ... moreThe price of a smartphone like iphone 6s and samsung s6 really cost just around $200-$300. And of course you need to add the packaging, advertising, research and development, and tons of other aspects that Samsung and Apple recoup by keeping that price tag as high as possible.

                    Could Samsung and Apple price more aggressively? Absolutely. But considering their reputation, they really have no real need to, as they have a highly established reputation and no shortage of consumers lining up to pick up what they have to offer. But hey, in the end they really ripping us off. They could put lower price in the first place but the know there are many people wanting their phone so they put it as high as possible.

                    They sell their $200-$300 phone for $600-$700. That 70% profit is crazy. The odd thing is company like Samsung don't even bother when they have to lower the price a few months later because GS6 was originally supposed to be price as low as $500. Iphone too for that matter.

                      go on make battery test !!!

                        • m
                        • myhv
                        • ni3
                        • 26 Sep 2015

                        It's funny how OPO is still better in every respect, while being more than a year old now and costing only a fraction.

                          • D
                          • AnonD-322352
                          • KZ8
                          • 26 Sep 2015

                          Pear, 26 Sep 2015It is not. Single Core wise, the iphone 6s scores marginall... more"Single Core wise, the iphone 6s scores marginally better than Note 5 or S6, but multicore wise the Note 5/S6 destroys the iphone."

                          Lolwut? You are seriously misinformed. Compare these scores yourself, mate...

                          Oh, and the Apple A9 is also capable of editing 4k videos. The more you know!

                          "What matters is the OS..."

                          Yeah, I do agree with that. Many people might choose Android because they like to tinker and tweak their devices, while some choose iOS because it's simple and fluid. And it's fine that way!

                            • D
                            • AnonD-353530
                            • mEA
                            • 26 Sep 2015

                            Blackberry Passport user posting here! Warning: my opinions might hurt the feelings of certain fanboys, so I you are one of them this is your last chance to skip this reply.

                            I am not a fanboy. I don't worship anyone. But it's straightforward that you have no clue about how business works. In theory you are right. But there are many variables you didn't consider: R&D costs, distribution channels, advertising, services costs(warranty, defective units, spare parts, various stores, etc) and so on. Why do they make it so cheap? Because they only produce 2 models :normal and plus - this translates in a highly optimised process and cost reduction (unlike samsung which has 5546586585555 model of phones).

                            Also not that the strength of a chain equals with the strength of weak link.

                            Have a nice day :)

                              • D
                              • AnonD-1825
                              • p77
                              • 26 Sep 2015

                              Anonymous, 26 Sep 2015I agree with the research firm. Apple rip off customer reck... more"20% profit should be enough."

                              Clearly you doesn't know anything about business or running business. 20% doesn't make any sense. if you look the profits of galaxy s6 note 5 etc. They are almost same that iPhone has.

                              Sure i agree with you 20% profit should be enough for every companies and i want to buy 70" tv with third of the current prices, but it just doesn't happen. Companies need to make money to run business.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • HjB
                                • 26 Sep 2015

                                Anonymouses, 26 Sep 2015According to a teardown report from research firm IHS, the ... moreI agree with the research firm. Apple rip off customer recklessly. 20% profit should be enough. I think they trying to make money to pay for the expensive new spaceship-shaped Apple campus.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • T6r
                                  • 26 Sep 2015

                                  AAA, 26 Sep 2015Galaxy s6 is only a copy of iphone 6 design What a differe... moreApple to have copied the antenna band design from HTC and the Finger print scanner idea from Motorola!!!!

                                    • P
                                    • Pear
                                    • snZ
                                    • 26 Sep 2015

                                    AnonD-1825, 26 Sep 2015I choose the videos which i find and the results are always... moreIt is not. Single Core wise, the iphone 6s scores marginally better than Note 5 or S6, but multicore wise the Note 5/S6 destroys the iphone.

                                    Also, on a human level, it's getting to the stage where the 1-2 milliseconds speed difference don't really matter. What matters is the OS, something at which Apple is good for a certain category (older people, children, people who prefer branding over technology), whereas flagship Android is more for those with personality and enjoyment for technology and flexibility, etc.

                                      • g
                                      • giop
                                      • r9d
                                      • 26 Sep 2015

                                      Pro: 5mp front camera
                                      Cons: wtf no GPU.

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-1825
                                        • p77
                                        • 26 Sep 2015

                                        Pear, 26 Sep 2015You seriously need to stop campaigning and pick and choose ... moreI choose the videos which i find and the results are always same, i can paste like 5 more videos with same results, iPhone 6s is superior in speed, the bigger the app the better iPhone 6s is doing compared to those android devices because 6s superior chip