Apple iPhone 6s
- D
- AnonD-1825
- p77
- 22 Sep 2015
Anonymous, 22 Sep 2015Until a video on YouTube emerges I will put that down to so... moreReviews are already out and the device is super fast
"Exporting an HD video was THREE TIMES as fast, scrolling through Facebook and Web pages was smoother and jumping between tons of open apps felt noticeably quicker."
So no hoax there, true performance boost
- D
- AnonD-443526
- n53
- 22 Sep 2015
OS is not the problem, and there's no point in arguing about android and ios since we all know that android is much more flexible than ios, has more apps and so on, im not an expert, and its all about personal preference but i still prefer android since it has more to offer even simple things like widgets, s pen and so on... really shows flexibilty of android u know...
- A
- Amy
- vx$
- 22 Sep 2015
I mean to say iphone 6s ....
Will A1633 work on all bands in india? or A1700?
- D
- AnonD-439890
- t1$
- 22 Sep 2015
AnonD-338356, 22 Sep 2015I really want to buy an Iphone but, I'm concerned about its... moreI'm an iPhone 6 owner and if you believe me, it delivers a superb user experience. I have been using this since the last 11 months and it rarely froze on me. App crashes are ocassional. The camera has always been iPhone's forte and this one doesn't disappoint either. The 6S should have an even better camera performance. The only flip side can be the smaller batter, though we need to wait and test.
- b
- bini
- gCh
- 22 Sep 2015
benchmark confirmed:
2 gigs of ram 3 core processor:
Single core - 2400 Multicore 4800
- D
- AnonD-439890
- t1$
- 22 Sep 2015
Ale, 22 Sep 2015Those figures (if correct) are in line with Apple's reporte... moreChances are the figures aren't entirely accurate, can be someone's imagination or just a PR stance. But then again, the iPhone 6 delivered pretty solid scores and Infact triumphed all Android flagships in single-threaded performance, so these figures can be likely. Apple once again shows how you need to optimise your hardware and software to deliver exceptional performance.
- D
- AnonD-439890
- t1$
- 22 Sep 2015
Anonymous, 22 Sep 2015Until a video on YouTube emerges I will put that down to so... moreI admit with you, it may be a hoax, but then Apple did claim an overall 70% improvement in performance to the A8. The single-thread of the A8 is pretty stellar, so it can be possible that the A9 does deliver such performance. I agree with you that battery life is going to be poor, but then iPhones never had good batter life. All that needs to be see is how Apple has optimised the hardware and software so as to get more out of the battery.
- A
- Ale
- gL@
- 22 Sep 2015
AnonD-338356, 22 Sep 2015I really want to buy an Iphone but, I'm concerned about its... moreMy personal experience with iPhone's (I have owned a 4S, 5, 5S and 6) is that they have great standby power usage, I would often find my iPhone 6 would lose 1% or maybe 2% over night.
However when actually being used they are not any better than their Android equivalents (never used Windows phone so can't comment on that), neither are they any worse mind in this regard, especially considering the current crop of Android flagships have shown inferior battery performance when compared to their predecessors.
Put it this way I sold my iPhone 6 to buy a Galaxy S6, biggest mistake I ever made, the S6 has the worst battery life of any smartphone I have ever used (even the Nexus 5). In turn I sold the Galaxy S6 to get a G4, which whilst not great by any means, is more in line with standard expectations on battery performance (the G4 would be my recommendation for best current Android flagship).
I have now sold the G4 in order to help my purchase of an iPhone 6S, remains to be seen what kind of battery life that will deliver.
- A
- Ale
- gL@
- 22 Sep 2015
Anonymous, 22 Sep 2015Until a video on YouTube emerges I will put that down to so... moreApple has been right on the money in the past when claiming improved performance of their latest SOC's over their predecessors. I would say this figure corresponds quite nicely to the 70% CPU increase claimed by Apple.
Agree with you on the battery issue mind, we'll have to see if the supposedly more efficient OS and SOC are enough to offset the increased RAM (although I'll bet the A9 uses DDR4 which is more energy efficient over DDR3) and decreased battery capacity.
My gut feeling is no, and Apple is aware of this so has created the 'Low Power Mode' within IOS9 to try to balance things out. I have a 6S reserved at my local Apple store for Friday, so as you say, we'll see.
- A
- Ale
- gL@
- 22 Sep 2015
AnonD-439890, 22 Sep 2015First iPhone 6S has already been shipped to a lucky custome... moreThose figures (if correct) are in line with Apple's reported 70% CPU performance increase versus the A8. And that single core score is seriously impressive (as is the multi-core score when you consider that the A9 is thought to be dual core).
Still waiting for specific details regarding the A9 though, such as what is the GPU model? does it use DDR4 ram? what are the operating frequencies? etc.
- A
- Andrewjas
- ij4
- 22 Sep 2015
Never judge a book with cover , let get first and use it
- ?
- Anonymous
- myK
- 22 Sep 2015
AnonD-439890, 22 Sep 2015First iPhone 6S has already been shipped to a lucky custome... moreUntil a video on YouTube emerges I will put that down to somebody's lies. Just like the so called SD 820 supposedly being tested and hitting a score of 7000 on multitask. We will see on Friday when YouTube gets flooded with benchmarks and comparisons. My guess is it won't be much faster than iPhone 6 with a worse Battery life due to the extra ram. As the phones got more powerful this year with more ram and better performance not one of this year's new flagship phone had more juice when it comes to Battery power than the previous flagship phones of last year. Think about that...
- D
- Don
- m5x
- 22 Sep 2015
DenisXD, 14 Sep 2015classy? lol. How about restricted as hell? You can't even c... moreApple leave you with options but android don't e.g no update for old device even though it was flagship. No update if you really want new android os the you have to buy new device, were as apple give you option you can update to your old device or buy new one upto you.
- W
- Wicky
- r@s
- 22 Sep 2015
AnonD-338356, 22 Sep 2015I really want to buy an Iphone but, I'm concerned about its... moreI have 6 plus and battery life is killer
- ?
- Anonymous
- HjB
- 22 Sep 2015
Anonymous, 22 Sep 2015cant still be talkin about this after 7 years surely I know right. It never existed in iphone since forever. Why ask about it now?
- ?
- Anonymous
- g5b
- 22 Sep 2015
yoyo, 22 Sep 2015card slot ? memory card slot ? cant still be talkin about this after 7 years surely
- y
- yoyo
- Rx9
- 22 Sep 2015
Anonymous, 22 Sep 2015What do you mean it doesn't have a sim card?card slot ? memory card slot ?
- ?
- Anonymous
- tue
- 22 Sep 2015
yoyo, 22 Sep 2015wonder why no people complaining that iphone dont have sim ... moreWhat do you mean it doesn't have a sim card?
- y
- yoyo
- Rx9
- 22 Sep 2015
wonder why no people complaining that iphone dont have sim card and removable battery? why so silent about this issue ? apple fan boy here.
- D
- AnonD-439890
- M4f
- 22 Sep 2015
AnonD-338356, 22 Sep 2015I really want to buy an Iphone but, I'm concerned about its... moreGo for the 6S, I have the 6 and I get a battery backup of almost 16-18 hours with moderate use.