Apple iPhone 6s
- ?
- Anonymous
- NwW
- 16 Mar 2022
My battery is my powerbank, literally!!
- A
- Anonymous
- Lf0
- 11 Mar 2022
HP, 19 Jan 2022Please is it save to buy an iphone 6s right now? Trust me dont buy it it is good at many thing but for the battery it doesnt least even 5 hours without using it
- ?
- Anonymous
- ptC
- 11 Mar 2022
HP, 19 Jan 2022Please is it save to buy an iphone 6s right now? It's most likely on its final year of updates but if you can get one for €50 then sure, get one.
- A
- Anonymous
- Lf0
- 11 Mar 2022
HP, 19 Jan 2022Please is it save to buy an iphone 6s right now? Trust me dont buy it it is good at many thing but for the battery it doesnt least even 5 hours without using it
- ?
- Anonymous
- SnA
- 11 Mar 2022
yna, 10 Mar 2022may i know what's a nohon battery?Li - ion. Lithium ion.
- X
- LCj
- 10 Mar 2022
HP, 19 Jan 2022Please is it save to buy an iphone 6s right now? Nope, R.I.P 25th September 2015 - ???
- y
- yna
- P@c
- 10 Mar 2022
Anonymous, 06 Jan 2022I use this iphone with "Nohon" battery and i don&... moremay i know what's a nohon battery?
- G
- Gmoneyforreal
- qce
- 07 Mar 2022
Im a 100 percent Google Pixel or Samsung Android man but I bought one of these for 50 dollars just because the simple fact that it is STILL getting security and software updates all these years later! Google Pixel phones give you 4 years and finally Samsung has stopped being so greedy and are supporting there phones (even the A series) for 4 years. I sincerely love Android and its partially because I am used to it and its a very affordable option but i have to say, the Iphone 6s the best phone ever made so far. People may argue that but the fact is no phone has ever had so much support. This also shows that Apple are not as greedy as other companies. They should have stopped support YEARS AGO for that phone. It even has a 4k30fps camera. I guess what im getting at is I cant wait for mine to arrive and Apple hit a absolute home run!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3SI
- 26 Jan 2022
HP, 19 Jan 2022Please is it save to buy an iphone 6s right now? If you can get it below 50$, sure. It‘s cheap, gives the full iPhone experience, and comes with a headphone jack. It‘s also one of the easiest iPhones to repair (I get panic attacks when I think about the TouchID wire on the iPhone 5s). It‘s the best iPhone they have made in my opinion.
The people saying stuff like you should at least get a XR or whatever because of software support: App support will not immediately end, iOS 12 is still rather usable today (iOS 10 is not though). Even if that happens, you are probably getting another 2 years of necessary app support, maybe 3. And by then, the price of the newer models (like XR) will have dropped so you will be able to again spend only 50$ but for a XR.
- S
- Sabir
- 20 Jan 2022
call on videw does not give voice
- D
- Dylan
- j4w
- 19 Jan 2022
HP, 19 Jan 2022Please is it save to buy an iphone 6s right now? No, it is a phone that came out several years ago and I doubt that it will have support for two or three more years, I recommend that you go (if you are short of money) an Iphone 8, Xr and if you have a little more money (400) an 11 or a SE (second gen) since these will last you many more years and you will have support and updates.
- l
- lynx4251
- 7$f
- 19 Jan 2022
HP, 19 Jan 2022Please is it save to buy an iphone 6s right now? No it is not worth buying the Iphone 6s because it won't get any updates anymore I would recommend buying an Iphone XS or Iphone 13
- H
- HP
- Nug
- 19 Jan 2022
Please is it save to buy an iphone 6s right now?
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3SI
- 16 Jan 2022
Lywgamer, 14 Jan 2022Maybe will buy an lg G8 thinq but lg does not make phone an... moreIn this day and age I think it is safe to recommend an iPhone over a LG. They are like the most extreme contrast in terms of support.
- L
- Lywgamer
- fIV
- 14 Jan 2022
Anonymous, 07 Jan 2022This was a reply to someone recommending an LG phoneMaybe will buy an lg G8 thinq but lg does not make phone anymore so in few year later need to buy new phone again unlike android quick discountinued update iphone can last 7year or at least 5year maybe longest is 10year which is more worth it
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3SI
- 07 Jan 2022
Anonymous, 05 Jan 2022What does that have to do with apple?This was a reply to someone recommending an LG phone
- ?
- Anonymous
- mV{
- 06 Jan 2022
Anonymous, 22 Dec 2021dont buy this iphone it has bad battery and its laggier i r... moreI use this iphone with "Nohon" battery and i don't have any problems with this battery. 2 days without charging
- ?
- Anonymous
- 7JM
- 05 Jan 2022
Anonymous, 02 Jan 2022LG is deadWhat does that have to do with apple?
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3SI
- 02 Jan 2022
Ozi, 29 Dec 2021Bro I recommend you lg q92 but Motorola is also goodLG is dead