Apple iPhone 7

Apple iPhone 7

User opinions and reviews

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  • J
  • Joe
  • xCC
  • 29 Mar 2022

Battery is given already for the iphone… for me it’s alright… i always have my 20000mAh powerbank…. Nice phone

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • cSk
    • 27 Mar 2022

    Just want to say delusional apple fanboys and girls are no different than delusional android fanboys and girls.
    Truth is different people have different preferences, wants or needs.
    Some are willing to deal with the battery on the iPhone for the extended OS and security updates while others are willing to deal with androids instability and fractured OS in trade of the freedom to do on their phone what they want.
    Neither os is perfect and the products have issues, but we like what we like

      In short a iPhone 7 is a fine device in 2022.
      The question is asked frequently. When will apple stop supporting the iPhone 7? And the truth is, we just don’t know. And we won’t know until apple tells us.
      I suspect (and this is only my opinion) that with each new SOC apple develops they become more and more powerful, the SOC in the iPhone 6s/Plus made it to iOS 15, I suspect that if iOS 16 is a safe enough update. The 6s just might receive it. Having said that , it has already had 6 iOS releases, and it is most likely imho that 15 will be its final OS update, but not it’s last update, apple has a history of putting out a couple of security updates to devices after OSs have stopped. This continues other level of security on the device even tho the device isn’t gaining any new functions.
      Personally, I suspect the 7 will get full OS updates to iOS 17, and then a couple security updates,OR that the iPhone 7 will still be a viable device for at least three to four more years. That may be a generous look but apple has shown that it can squeeze more life out of old hardware than ANY android producer.
      About the phone. If your looking at this device as an option you have probably already done some looking and read or listened to a few opinions.
      Reviews make my brain hurt, most are not reviews at all, most are comparisons, comparing the 7 to the likes of the iPhone 11,12 or 13. Which are completely absurd comparisons.
      First before I get to far, a lot of people have mentioned the battery, it is true that the battery on the 7 is less than desirable even with 100% health. And when you get your new used 7 I recommend you check the battery health and if it’s below 85%, have it replaced. But a proper battery case can fixe that issue and gain function that the 7 didn’t ship with.
      GinFoxi makes a 5000mah battery with wireless charging,
      On my 7 this case will recharge my phone 2 more times before I have to plug it back in or put it on a charging pad.
      This case does not use a app, and it does not continuously feed your battery like the apple case, you just watch your battery level and then when you feel your phone needs topping off you push the button on the back for three seconds, the phone will charge back up and automatically stop charging at 100%.
      Now to the phone. I am on iOS 15.4 on the iPhone 7 that I am writing this on. I experience none of the lag or issues many others seem to have. If you have a basic understanding of what you are working with most people won’t. Smartphones of all make, brand, color, or planet of origin are pocket computers, and many are very powerful pocket computers. But all, ALL computers require a few things, and these things are not optional. The first is computers must periodically be turned off. Any computer left on for to long a period will begin misplacing files and glitching. So it is necessary to periodically turn them off. Note NOT just reboot but turn off and leave off for a min or two.
      All of these fantastic new devices have something called static ram that serves as a crucial form of memory, this is typically where the active OS is held while you are using your phone. Periodically you need to turn your phone off and then after a few minutes turn it back on to load a fresh copy of the OS in to memory, this alone fixes lots of issues that people suffer through.
      Is the 7 the right phone for you?
      Possibly, but this depends on how you use your phone, if you are a average person doing average things, then you will be fine with a 7 and the case I suggested, if you are a power user, ie you video, take lots of pics, edit those videos and pics on your phone, or basically your phone is your office computer, then probably at the very least you need the 2022SE with the case suggested. Apple says the 2022 has better battery life and I’m sure it does but the battery is still less than 2000mah, so that is not going to far if your phone is your main PC.
      If your phone IS your main connection to the world and your work PC you should probably buy the best device you you can afford.
      If your just making calls, text, social media, email, gps, shopping, simple games and the like, the 7 will handle all your needs with horsepower to spare.
      I frequently change my iPhones out. But find my 7,8 and 2020SE to be a strange draw.
      Another buzz with newer devices i see is 5G.
      I do not understand the hubbub around this. Most 5G service is barely usable, hi band can’t pass through toilet paper, literally! Mid band is not widely in use and the most common, low band is at best as good as 4glte.
      4glte is already everywhere and 95% of all devices in use are capable, and about 30% of all devices in use are being pushed off of networks in some ludicrous purge.
      I know many people who had 4glte capable phones that were shut off for zero good reason. Fortunately all iPhones work on virtually all networks.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • 3SI
        • 23 Mar 2022

        The matte black is quite stunning. The silver and gold are pretty as well.

          • G
          • Gee
          • K7f
          • 21 Mar 2022

          Ngl, this is still faster than many new androids

            Agree, iPhone 7 stills a good device, however, there is lag round, browsing and regular use, I change the battery and since iOS 15.2 dries 10% every 30 mins or even less of normal use, around 5 hrs from 0 to 100%, I find using USB-C to Lightning and +18W USB-C wall charger actually charges 25% or maybe more faster than regular USB 2.0 cable. But, the drain is the same.

            Very nice phone, but, for everyday use is a pain in the ash in battery drain and every update gets lagging and lagging

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • t@g
              • 13 Mar 2022

              Anonymous, 26 Jan 2022Just got the 7. Been an android user for a long time. Great... moreYeah any iphone before 11, you can not expect the battery life with under 2000 mAh even the android flagship with more than 3000 mAh also fast draining but not so bad like iphone

                • M
                • Mmbu
                • D07
                • 08 Mar 2022

                Anonymous, 22 Feb 202212hrs of heavy usage on an iPhone 7 is the biggest lie I�... moreMaybe all time

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • ak8
                  • 22 Feb 2022

                  CskaBG, 19 Feb 2022Just upgrade to ios15.3 and no battery issues like previous... more12hrs of heavy usage on an iPhone 7 is the biggest lie I've read this year.

                    • C
                    • CskaBG
                    • B}L
                    • 19 Feb 2022

                    Just upgrade to ios15.3 and no battery issues like previous version. Apps refresh background OFF, Service location OFF, Reduce white point 50%, Accounts Fetch time 15 min. All these +4G = 12h heavy use phone until battery drains minimum.

                      • x
                      • xxs
                      • Dky
                      • 28 Jan 2022

                      Anonymous, 14 Aug 2021stop hating on this phone if battery drain fast use minium ... moregrand's cost was approx 1/3 of ip7!
                      yet u compare thses two when called upon for aweful performance!! kudos..u just won againts ur own self..
                      if u really are wd s7 that came out same time n same price range..wins by miles in all u delusional apple fanboys r cute

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • 3SI
                        • 28 Jan 2022

                        Anonymous, 26 Jan 2022Just got the 7. Been an android user for a long time. Great... moreIf you have some spare money and are not particularly attached to the 7 size, you could get a XR, they are also rather cheap to find used, just like the 7.

                          Anonymous, 26 Jan 2022Just got the 7. Been an android user for a long time. Great... moreHow many hours from 100% to 0%? And what kind of stuff you do with that iphone?

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • fwq
                            • 26 Jan 2022

                            Just got the 7. Been an android user for a long time. Great phone but extremely disappointed with the battery life

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • rrh
                              • 25 Jan 2022

                              Anonymous, 25 Jan 2022Still a pretty decent phone overall runs fairly well on iOS... moreYep very true, been using it for a year now pretty usable phone but the downside is the poor battery life regardless of the age of the battery

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • KIj
                                • 25 Jan 2022

                                Still a pretty decent phone overall runs fairly well on iOS 15.2 the only problem is abysmal battery life

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • 3@f
                                  • 21 Jan 2022

                                  Ever since I updated from ios13 to 14 last year my battery health tanked from 91% to 83% in about 6 months. I've read many people have the same issue with SE 2020 so newer iOS definitely destroys battery. Whoever said planned obsolescence isn't a thing, buy an older iPhone and update it to the latest iOS.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • 0cy
                                    • 19 Jan 2022

                                    Anonymous, 13 Jan 2022Weather info layout was good in iPhone 7, a year ago, (in j... moreThe iPhone 7 is still a useable phone today, IF you haven’t update it to iOS 15. I figured that the new updates would make the phone unstable so I tried to stay back with 14. Unfortunately my phone somehow updated to iOS 15 ON ITS OWN when I woke up one morning. I swear I’ve disabled auto updates on mines and somehow still updated it. Now I can’t even listen to music and multitask as it keeps locking up or stuttering, heck battery performance took a major hit even though my battery health is about 83%. Honestly I feel like apple is doing this on purpose to force us to upgrade our phones, heck at this point I’m just thinking of getting an xs since it has better specs which will allow me to use my phone normally. Irdc about the newer phones, I just want a phone that’ll work smoothly.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • Nu6
                                      • 14 Jan 2022

                                      It’s quite a nice phone, just that mine has been indicating “no service, cellular data need update”, I have tried looking for way to update it but I haven’t been a bike to achieve that, please who has ever experienced such discomfort? Maybe I could get a solution from someone on this platform, thanks.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • q}w
                                        • 13 Jan 2022

                                        Weather info layout was good in iPhone 7, a year ago, (in january 2021) . Then after their update became - terribly inconvenient ! Many my friends ( and i) try to not allowed updates because some of them do worse than was.