Apple iPhone SE
- I
- Inem.esit
- Nu7
- 16 Jan 2019
Yes I have, I just ordered one from aliexpress, so far it’s okay. I can’t really tell how many hours it take from 100-0% yet, it just came in today. I hope this helps
- S
- San
- utf
- 14 Jan 2019
blanc, 13 Jan 2019can someone please tell me if this phone has the mobile dat... moreYes. Latest ios has mobile and wifi data toggle option in control centre.
- S
- Shhh
- akj
- 14 Jan 2019
Yes, there is mobile data toggle in control center.
- b
- blanc
- JxW
- 13 Jan 2019
can someone please tell me if this phone has the mobile data toggle button in the control center?
- ?
- Anonymous
- LX7
- 12 Jan 2019
Rob, 09 Dec 2018Im not an iphone guy but even i know no iPhone has a user r... moreIt's such a good business to make the battery non removable that no manufacturer have resisted the temptation lately, it makes so much sense to them, why let you replace the battery of a perfectly working device under a minute? no way in hell.
- D
- Donz
- w4b
- 11 Jan 2019
Anonymous, 10 Jan 2019Yes It support pubg but you want get a good gaming experien... moreYeah true.
The gameplay is smooth. But the visiblity is low and difficult to use on-screen controls.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Ngy
- 10 Jan 2019
MAHESH, 01 Jan 2019iPhone SE supports pubgYes It support pubg but you want get a good gaming experience because it's too small you can't see nothing while playing
- ?
- Anonymous
- vaS
- 05 Jan 2019
iphone se, 04 Jan 2019me.. during the promotion..
but within less than a year,... moreThats not a conclusion but a result, a result of your charging pattern.
My oldest SE is nearly 2 years old and battery health still at 100%. ALL PHONES and gadgets will have battery degradation if charged full and run down to 0%, never let your batt go below 20%, and try to charge already at 40% when possible.
Look at a Tesla, electric cars has 8-10 years battery warranty, and it is made possible because of low energy density. The 85kwh Tesla battery would have been 160kwh if it was charged to the same level as a cellphone battery and drained as far down before reaching 0%. Cellphone batteries are by default overcharged by approximately 80-100%, which is why they last so short and thats why its up to the user to not let the battery drain too much before charging, and preferably also to not let it charge to 100%.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 043
- 04 Jan 2019
MAHESH, 01 Jan 2019iPhone SE supports pubgYes
- i
- iphone se
- vV5
- 04 Jan 2019
ghost , 30 Dec 2018is it support band 0 (800 MHz ) and 1900 band 1 me.. during the promotion..
but within less than a year, the capacity drops to 81% according to battery health
conclusion is that iphone se has bad battery life
- ?
- Anonymous
- 043
- 02 Jan 2019
AgheelElectro, 29 Dec 2018Super phone for me and everyone. but idk why they stopped m... moreIt was too old I guess. They don‘t want to sell a device with A9 as the cheapest but rather one with A10. May also be because the 6s and SE stole sales from more expensive models.
- M
- D0a
- 01 Jan 2019
iPhone SE supports pubg
- i
- iphone se
- vGL
- 30 Dec 2018
Did anyone tried replacing battery of your iPhone se 2017 through battery replacement support? how successful was the experience? please share.
- g
- ghost
- ntg
- 30 Dec 2018
is it support band 0 (800 MHz ) and 1900 band 1
- A
- AgheelElectro
- teX
- 29 Dec 2018
Super phone for me and everyone. but idk why they stopped making this phone
- A
- Arman
- PGx
- 23 Dec 2018
Anonymous, 22 Dec 2018Wich one is more good ? iPhone 5S or iPhone SE ?iphone SE
- c
- chun lee
- fmg
- 23 Dec 2018
Anonymous, 22 Dec 2018Wich one is more good ? iPhone 5S or iPhone SE ?se is more powerful ND good
- A
- Ano
- X%K
- 23 Dec 2018
I just bought one today for me!
- b
- babak
- a32
- 22 Dec 2018
Anonymous, 22 Dec 2018Wich one is more good ? iPhone 5S or iPhone SE ?why your asking this when you know the answer.
its like asking me which one is better iphone 6s or iphone 8