Apple iPhone SE

Apple iPhone SE

User opinions and reviews

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Got my LG V20 and iPhone SE in May 2017. Got my second LG G5 in October 2017. Got my Motorola Moto E4 in March 2018. Among all those four smartphones, the iPhone SE is the only one that has remained smooth and maintained its battery life on 10.2.1.

My V20 and E4 have gotten slow. My G5 is giving me draining issues with both OEM batteries I have. Only the iPhone SE has remained consistent since Day 1 that I got it. Kudos to Apple. I may return to Apple fully thanks to the Apple Watch.

I repeat, the SE is the best iPhone ever made. The last to offer headphone jack. For now, I shall only stick to Pixels and iPhones. I want as close to stock as possible. These OEM skins and hardware just don't seem reliable to offer a great software experience.

    • C
    • Cuna
    • NvK
    • 07 Sep 2018

    Planning to buy this phone next January.

      • D
      • Donz
      • sST
      • 07 Sep 2018

      Peter, 07 Sep 2018I was thinking for weeks on should I buy the iPhone SE or 6... moreEven I had the same confusion, but my priority was to to get a phone which I can use one-handedly. So I went for SE

        • P
        • Peter
        • snU
        • 07 Sep 2018

        I was thinking for weeks on should I buy the iPhone SE or 6s, and I choosed 6s. Why? Because it has a bigger screen, better selfie camera, 3D Touch (which isn't too neccesary for me but still...), and faster fingerprint scanner. SE is awesome for me but I watch YouTube videos everyday and a device that has a screen size of 4.0 inches is really small for me. My current phone has a screen size of 5.2 inches so imagine me replacing it with a phone a lot smaller xD

          This is becoming my 2nd favorite smartphone by default because my LG G5 and V20 are giving me issues. G5 battery drain and ghosting and V20's lag.

          The iPhone SE is already my favorite iPhone by far. Still very reliable. No severe battery drain and still very smooth and fast on 10.2.1. Will just take advantage of the $29 battery replacement deal before it expires at the end of this year.

          And in all honesty, I can't stand iOS. It's just the iPhone hardware is more reliable than LG's. Only keeping these LGs for wide-angle and IR blaster. My move to Sony or even OnePlus is imminent once my Essential Phone dies or needs to be retired.

            Realistic1, 03 Sep 2018I bought tempered glass screen protector (which fits perfec... moreHahaha

              • I
              • Illuminatus
              • r3a
              • 04 Sep 2018

              Subhapriya, 04 Sep 2018I am new in ios. where is file manager? how to download at... moreThere is no file manager, at least not in the way you have it on Android. If you want to send a particular file, you will have to navigate through the available options and click on open in or share. Ordinarily, this should give you the option to send the file via email or WhatsApp.

              If you want to attach more than one file, you will have to save the file on the 'Files' app (which should be available if you are using the latest OS) or a third party app like Xender or Total Downloader. Create a new message. Write whatever you want. Press and hold a blank part of the message body and toggle the options till you find the one with attachments. Follow the instructions.

              You should be fine.

                So, to review this phone again, the longer I have it, the more I love it.
                It's just smooth and fluid, camera is actually really good. And UI is also really nice.
                I can use it with 1 hand without any problem. Really compact phone.
                iOS is more natural to me, I got used to it really fast.
                It is 2 years old phone with 3 years old components but, it's also waaay cheaper because of that. This is pretty much best phone that I could get in 300 Euro range. Blows away any Android in that price range (unless you want huge screen).
                I was listening only positive things about this phone for years now, and decided to give it a shot. People's comments were right, this is an awesome phone and I'm having positive user experience with it. I would definitley reccomend.

                  • H
                  • Hahaha
                  • xYI
                  • 04 Sep 2018

                  Subhapriya, 04 Sep 2018I am new in ios. where is file manager? how to download at... moreFigure yourself

                    • S
                    • Subhapriya
                    • fCZ
                    • 04 Sep 2018

                    I am new in ios.
                    where is file manager? how to download attachment from mail or other sites? how to change ringtones? how to share photos and videos with a android devices?..plz help

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • pj8
                      • 04 Sep 2018

                      weez, 29 Aug 2018how can you even say that? in that price range you could ge... moreThats not even true, all smartphones are restricted from using max power when the battery is old or its in a cold environment. My HTC 8 years ago also disabled performance and LED flash in cold weather, this is because a sudden battery drain from the processor will cause the phone to shut down, you do not want that in negative 28 celsius trying to call for roadside assistance in the middle of the night, but of course its up to you if you rather freeze to death than have reduced processor power for running benchmarks. For real people with real lives who use phones as important tools to do important things the needs are different.
                      Anyway you can now disable the "crippling" on iPhones, you can override the battery wear, but can you do that on your android? Again only Apple give users freedom over their own devices.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • pj8
                        • 04 Sep 2018

                        Anonymous, 01 Sep 2018i bought an iPhone SE at local Apple store. The next mornin... moreWhat store is that, where? One of my SE had the display a fraction of a millimetre higher on the centre of one side, it was almost impossible to notice, really no issue at all, but it was replaced at once when the Apple technician found out that "maybe it is a bit higher". Apple is the only brand where you can demand perfection and they do it because only 100% satisfaction is good enough, its strange that they didnt replace yours. Was your phone brand new, not used or refurbished?

                          • M
                          • Mickey
                          • xYI
                          • 03 Sep 2018

                          meb, 03 Sep 2018I am planning to buy it now for 17K. Will OS support? or s... moreThen just buy whatever you want. Duhhhhhhh

                            • m
                            • meb
                            • f}Z
                            • 03 Sep 2018

                            I am planning to buy it now for 17K.
                            Will OS support? or should I go for the higher model?
                            17k I can but Nokia 6.1 or other models.

                              83662196, 01 Sep 2018I agree! iPhone SE is superior! (Also this phone can EAS... moreI bought tempered glass screen protector (which fits perfectly because screen isn't curved like on S8) and really tough case made out of hard ruber, plastic and carbon fibers... that thing is now probably tough as hell, even tho I won't try to test it LOL

                                Ayaan, 01 Sep 2018Which Cersion of ios You Are Using…?I am currently on iOS 11.4.1

                                Everything is smooth.

                                  • D
                                  • Donz
                                  • sST
                                  • 03 Sep 2018

                                  SS, 01 Sep 2018Please please please please Come out with an SE 2 basicall... moreYeah that will be awesome. Lets wait till 12th

                                    • D
                                    • Donz
                                    • sST
                                    • 03 Sep 2018

                                    83662196, 01 Sep 2018Apple proved that Megapixels arent that important, it more ... moreYep totally true. Optimizations take a higher level than specs nowadays. Before comparing Android & iOS everyone need to remember that.

                                    My friend used to say good things about iOS whenever we had an discussion and I used to argue with him. But I came to know the real power of iOS after using one. (That doesn't mean Android is bad or slow)

                                      Realistic1, 29 Aug 2018I bought this phone recently (32GB version) after my disapp... moreI agree! iPhone SE is superior!

                                      (Also this phone can EASILY survive with a case, believe me. Boxy phones are awesome with durability.)

                                        weez, 29 Aug 2018how can you even say that? in that price range you could ge... moreApple proved that Megapixels arent that important, it more has to do with software optimization and aperture capabilities.

                                        Super AMOLED and OLED in general suffers burn in. Its basically impossible for an LCD display to suffer it.

                                        And iPhones dont need RAM, because our software isn’t unoptimized trash. Lol