Apple Q4 financial report is out, all is rosy in Cupertino

26 January, 2010

Apple have just published their financial report for the last quarter of last year and it shows that their amazing streak continues. The company posted revenue of 15.68 billion US dollars and a net quarterly profit of 3.38 billion US dollars, which compare really favorably to the numbers from the last three months of 2008 (11.88 billion and 2.26 billion respectively).

One of the main reasons for Apple's astounding success is the 8.7 million iPhones that were sold in the quarter, which is exactly twice as much as in Q4 of 2008. The iPod sales fell 8 percent to 21 million but the 3.36 million Macintosh computers sold during the quarter (a 33 percent growth) more than made up for that.

Two things are worth pointing out in the Apple financial report. Their gross margin of 40.9 percent means that the company's profit per dollar spent in production is way higher than any other manufacturer could imagine. Also this is the first time that we could remember when the international sales of Apple devices account for more than half of their revenue.

The company expects its revenue for the first quarter of 2010 to be between 11.0 billion to 11.4 billion US dollars, which would make it the best non-holiday quarter in their history.

You can check out the full report by following the link.

Reader comments

  • Adrian
  • 03 Feb 2010
  • 0Cc

I will have to 75% agree with what you say. I like gadgets but unfortunately I don't have the budget to try the expensive ones. I'll have to be satisfied with at most mid-range devices. What I HEARD about Apple was that they have great computers, a g...

  • Hey!
  • 31 Jan 2010
  • LhU

congrats apple for iphone sells well. Bear in mind - only 1 model per year. Nokia, samsung, LG mainly, release phone models more than i take a sh**. to be honest.. Moto has been careful now and Good luck to SE hope they could recover. Competition ...

  • MOI
  • 31 Jan 2010
  • LhU

Apple set trends, Apple is a toy, duh! and so as your Nokia HTC phones, playstation duh! Apple sales proves that people like their toys like iphone duh! Apple ONLY make 1 model per year and still sells very well duh! Other mobile ...

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