Apple Q4 financial report is out, all is rosy in Cupertino

26 January, 2010
Apple have just published their financial report for the last quarter of last year and it shows that their amazing streak continues. The company posted revenue of 15.68 billion US dollars...

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  • A
  • Adrian
  • 0Cc
  • 03 Feb 2010

Anonymous, 29 Jan 2010I will never understand these wannabe techies. When will t... moreI will have to 75% agree with what you say. I like gadgets but unfortunately I don't have the budget to try the expensive ones. I'll have to be satisfied with at most mid-range devices. What I HEARD about Apple was that they have great computers, a great phone and great quality-wise music players. But I can't afford them so they're not good enough for me. I think I've almost reached the "mature user" state and yes, you're right about one thing... I owned an SE K700 which I bought for the features it had back then. If I was your average user, I would have rated it 3 out of 5. It would have been good, except for the weak battery, so a lot of features but no backup for them or calls even, plus the joystick problem, so it all comes down to QUALITY. Also, many times I wanted to do some things which I thought should be natural, such as multitasking (why not be able to read a funny message to a colleague you just stumbled upon while playing a game?), copying text, batch copying a dozen photos from the camera folder to one created by me with an appropriate name etc Even your average user might play a game :|

I saw some car manufacturers comparisons here, well I once had the chance to be in a Mercedes and I did not even felt the extremely bumpy road I experienced with my car, so you get the quality you expect but at a much greater cost, probably something like you get quality at exponentially higher prices... Of course, you can consume a lot of gasoline for doing the same trip as you can buy the cheapest phone available that will keep you a week and a half per charge or buy an expensive phone and use it just for calls and it will keep you 5 days...

It's up to user's choice what he wants.....

    • H
    • Hey!
    • LhU
    • 31 Jan 2010

    congrats apple for iphone sells well. Bear in mind - only 1 model per year. Nokia, samsung, LG mainly, release phone models more than i take a sh**. to be honest.. Moto has been careful now and Good luck to SE hope they could recover. Competition is good for us ei!

      • M
      • MOI
      • LhU
      • 31 Jan 2010

      Apple set trends,

      Apple is a toy, duh! and so as your Nokia HTC phones, playstation duh!

      Apple sales proves that people like their toys like iphone duh!

      Apple ONLY make 1 model per year and still sells very well duh!

      Other mobile companies release like 50+ models per year so if they are doing as well as apple - their profits should be 50 times more than apple. duh!

      Apple is not the best phone obviously because no multitasking, 5mp camera etc. duh!

      But people buy that toy because they trust apple brand, and they can just afford it. duh!

      Apple makes constant software updates, not like others-only when things go horribly wrong. duh!

      when iphone was first released, many people said the touchscreen is not good etc etc. Now, people are saying the before it has "BEST" touchsceen but not anymore because others are on par now. like nexus htc hd etc.

      that means people knew it before it has the "best" touchscreen, they just wouldnt admit it. Insecure maybe.

      and FINALLY........Let the sales revenue Speak for itself..

      its not just about features, its also how you sell it. got it!

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • FJT
        • 29 Jan 2010

        Anonymous, 29 Jan 2010The iphone sale success means nothing in confirming the iph... moreThis is where you are very wrong. That strategy or gimmick that you are talking about would only work at a short period of time. Htc has been producing decent touchscreen devices before the iphone and it didn't get them anywhere. Now, Htc, Nokia, Samsung, etc have jumped into the iphone craze and have produced more than decent touch devices, and still couldn't come close to the iphone's success. So your logic is wrong. Iphone is simply the best smartphone generally speaking. A marketing gimmick wouldn't last over three years my friend. Apple has done something really good on the iphone that gives its users a great user experience when using the iphone. You will not get that experience on a decent only device.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • smV
          • 29 Jan 2010

          The iphone sale success means nothing in confirming the iphone as the best phone which its not in any category,its success sales figures wise is down to precise marketing targeting and installing in mind a brand name which is 'the best'. Any device can be a major success once its of decent quality if it has strategic advertising designed to maximize the amount of users that will be influenced by it,theres extensive studies and college courses for these marketing techniques.
          To use an apple marketing term: how do we convince millions into buying this phone making them think its the best......we had an app for that!!!

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • 4TM
            • 29 Jan 2010

            I will never understand these wannabe techies. When will they realize that most of the extra features on phones are really useless. The iphone has captured the public's interest because it focused on what's really useful to users than bt filesharing and taking photos in the dark, lol. How often does a person share files over bt and take photos in the dark? Rarely. If you say that you that regularly, then you are a silly person. It would be worth it to take a digital camera with you at all times instead of a smartphone, lol. Now I am not saying that it's bad to have a 5mp camera on your phone. All I am saying is, the iphone has better uses for its hardware and software space and power than focus on megapixels. Plus, it has a sexy waistline to maintain, so it has to be smart in making sure to only accommodate what it really needs. What the iphone offers is practically what most people need on their smartphones. Accommodating preferences on a device's specs that could compromise performance is not what most people need. Most mature users have better things to do than modifying their phone's os. Most consumers need a phone that works smoothly out of the box, and that's the iphone.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • 4TM
              • 29 Jan 2010

              I will never understand these wannabe techies. When will they realize that most of the extra features on phones are really useless. The iphone has captured the public's interest because it focused on what's really useful to users than BT filesharing and taking photos in the dark, lol. How often does a person share files over BT and take photos in the dark? Rarely. If you say that you that regularly, then you are a silly person. Because if you take photos in the dark regularly, it would be worth it to take a digital camera with you at all times instead of a smartphone with 5mp camera with led flash, lol. Now I am not saying that it's bad to have a 5mp camera on your phone, but all I am saying is, the iphone has better uses for its hardware and software space and power than focus on megapixels. Plus, it has a sexy waistline to maintain, so it has to be smart in making sure to only accommodate what it really needs. What the iphone offers is practically what most people need on their smartphone. Accommodating wannabes' preferences on a device's specs that could compromise performance is not what most users need. Most mature users have better things to do than modifying their phone's OS. Most users need a phone that works smoothly out of the box, and that's the iphone.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • 4TM
                • 29 Jan 2010

                Rahim, 27 Jan 2010lmao, what has iphone brought to the market except for an a... moreBy you saying that all the iphone has brought to the market is its app store, is a sign of ignorance.

                The very first iphone offered a full touchscreen UI, a wonderful combination of features such as accelerometers, proximity sensors, awesome web browsing, awesome music player, awesome video playback, awesome touch responsiveness, stable OS, awesome photo gallery, etc. Yes, you don't want to mention those. Those are the features that other phones could not match on the iphone. And before you mock the fart apps on the iphone, maybe you should also check the fart apps on the android store.

                You're nothing but a bitter hater, who hates the iphone because your favorite device pales in comparison to the iphone's success.

                And try to get this in to your puny brain. Sometimes it's not just about the features, it's about the functionality, quality, stability and ease of use that's more important to a lot of users on their smartphones.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • 4TM
                  • 29 Jan 2010

                  Anonymous, 27 Jan 2010the analogy of isheeps is ridiculuos and almost cliche on t... moreOf course the units sales tells a lot about how good a product is. Especially if you're comparing two products of the same price category. So it is logical to say that the product that sells more, has what most of the consumers need. It's common sense.

                  Here's where you are wrong. I said "same price category", but now you are comparing Toyotas, which is priced for the masses, vs german cars which are priced more for the upper class. Now that is wrong comparison as far as selling is concerned.

                  The iphone sells more than its counterpart because of its smooth UI and stable OS. Something that Nokia and the others are finding hard to achieve with their full feature devices yet laggy and unstable OS.

                  The iphone still has the best touchscreen among the rest. Even android is still playing catch up, although close. The iphone still has the most access to 3rd party apps, more than android devices. Which android device has a 5mp camera, with flash support and has 30fps video recording capabilites? Name me one that's already out in the market.

                  Excuse me, the Nexus only sold 20,000 units when it was launched. Not even half as much as what iphone 3gs sold when it was lauched last year. And to think that Nexus is cheaper.

                  So please, just accept the fact that the iphone is currently the best smartphone.

                    • R
                    • Rudeboi
                    • FEA
                    • 28 Jan 2010

                    Anonymous, 27 Jan 2010It doesn't matter what you say. Iphone is the better phone... moreThe N900 kills the iPhone 3gs easily and I have both devices. However, you really can't put these devices in the same classification cause they are tailored to different individuals. The N900 is a true smartphone in everyway, while the iPhone is a borderline smartphone but lacks the all in one function of what a true smartphone does. That's why companies has to design apps for the iPhone cause of the features true smartphones have. The ease of using a iPhone, espically for those coming from a lower category phone is the best hands down. No one and I mean no one can top the iPhone and user friendliness. For as geekiness and hacker stuff and all different types of stuff you want to try on a phone then the N900 is top of the line period. In my opinion the best phone in the world would be a combination of the iPhone and N900 and you wouldn't need another phone for years

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • Er2
                      • 28 Jan 2010

                      Anonymous, 27 Jan 2010Yeah, it lacks usb charging out of the box, but not totally... moreSo why the almighty N97 (mini) supports micro-USB charging but not others, including the not exactly cheap X6? Is it really that difficult to make the hardware change? Or were these so called "new" phones were actually designed along with 5800, and just changed the release date?

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • P%n
                        • 28 Jan 2010

                        Anonymous, 27 Jan 2010hp has a tablet pc exactly like iphone HELLLOOOOOOOO I HAD ... moreCome to Australia, you'll never need gloves.

                        You can sew conductive thread into the fingertips of any gloves for a few cents if you want to go somewhere cold and use a capacitive screen.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • 2CJ
                          • 27 Jan 2010

                          Rudeboi, 27 Jan 2010The N900 kills the iPhone 3gs easily and I have both device... moreYou don't own either of the devices. The iPhone rips it apart in all areas other than the camera. End of.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • IBD
                            • 27 Jan 2010

                            windows live messenger voice clipsfile sharing
                            skype video calls
                            flash player
                            divx player
                            flash on camera
                            memory card
                            bluetoothe sharing
                            updating media in the music player like nokia
                            firmware update over the air
                            google map latitude and voice search
                            how about gps maps on offline mode
                            see running apps like alt tab
                            fm radio and transmitter
                            install java files games ...
                            alternative browser
                            live widgets on main screen
                            internet radio ???
                            play flash files
                            universal micro usb
                            use with gloves
                            change the batery
                            wide screan 5mp video recording as we see on the market ..

                            sorry my nokia n86 and n97 dose all that and more mac please wake up
                            please mac wake up time to prove your the best cuz 2 many people have your product and i dont see half of the features the other manufacturers

                            look at the n900 it can runn symbian maemo or android ??? so please mac open source java ?? where are you bringing your clientel???

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • IBD
                              • 27 Jan 2010

                              hp has a tablet pc exactly like iphone HELLLOOOOOOOO I HAD A TOUCH POCKET PC IN 2005 ??? whoooooooo touch im soo impressed i like mac just not the hipe on mac accessories and mac product
                              your iphone has a samsung memory chip and nothing is really made by apple

                              touch is a gismo what you want is the application of a pc on a cell the rest as ugly as any other phone my look if they do the job just like your pc hooo sorry mac , i like the products just people think touch screan is mandatory GO TO RUSSIA and take off your glove at -20 in the wind ,,, get gps location on nokia map outside of network range so mac is good but again DONT BELEUVE THE HYPE and stop giving excuses tablet pc s is coming out at the same time as mac why cant this be clearer ? vodaphone uk just got the iphone hahaha why ?

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • p7K
                                • 27 Jan 2010

                                i want to buy an i phone cause i like the design and feature s too but they have to make 3 important things that if they make it they will shell more and moke i phones
                                1) bluetooth for sharing files to all mobile phones
                                2) flash for the camera (it needed when taking a photo in the dark)
                                3) memory card external

                                i hope that the i phone will have those 3 important features in coming days

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • wHr
                                  • 27 Jan 2010

                                  Anonymous, 27 Jan 2010guess you think GSM Arena lied about the fact one of the di... moreYeah, it lacks usb charging out of the box, but not totally. CA-100/CA-126?

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • wHr
                                    • 27 Jan 2010

                                    Anonymous, 27 Jan 2010This is true. The iTablet or iSlate or whatever it will be ... moreSheezh. The apple ipad just revealed= giant iphone.

                                    what were you saying again.

                                      • M
                                      • MRK
                                      • PId
                                      • 27 Jan 2010

                                      Virtual, 27 Jan 2010...again.... yeah ... *rofl*

                                        • V
                                        • Virtual
                                        • 5%X
                                        • 27 Jan 2010

                                        MRK, 27 Jan 2010Here we go .... xD...again.