Apple Q4 financial report is out, all is rosy in Cupertino

26 January, 2010
Apple have just published their financial report for the last quarter of last year and it shows that their amazing streak continues. The company posted revenue of 15.68 billion US dollars...

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  • M
  • MRK
  • PId
  • 27 Jan 2010

Here we go .... xD

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • mCS
    • 27 Jan 2010

    derekblankmccoy, 27 Jan 2010The new Apple tablet will hurt the N900, the Nokia booklet,... moreThis is true. The iTablet or iSlate or whatever it will be called will have a big impact. I can see everybody (Nokia, SE, Samsung, LG, HTC) doing the same as when the iPhoe was released: running around like headless chickens to come up with a device to try and compete. They will release mediocre copies and wont deliver. 2 years later, they will start to get close, but by then Apple will be miles ahead.

      • S
      • Someone
      • Mx@
      • 27 Jan 2010

      Still arguing over the iPhone?

      Listen, if you don't like it then that's no problem - why insult people that do like it??

      People are flocking to the iPhone, they used iPods and Mac's in the past and like the iPhone. Forget what it can't do, people still enjoy using the phone and sales are very, very, very healthy!

      Apple are doing extremely well with their profits. Yes they are making MORE MONEY than YOUR favourite phone company.

      By the way. I LOVE Apple Mac's. Such beautiful computers. My MacBook Pro is the most beautiful piece of electronics that I have EVER bought. Gorgeous!! Mmmmmmmm!!

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • TLG
        • 27 Jan 2010

        MRK, 27 Jan 2010What the h ell are you talking about??? Where did you hear/... moreguess you think GSM Arena lied about the fact one of the disadvantages for 5230/5530/5800/X6 (if not X3) being....lack of micro-USB charging!

        Isn't that silly for the company which "seems" to have the tech, and the plug is already there, but purposely takes out the feature?

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • P%n
          • 27 Jan 2010

          [deleted post]Having fun?

          You just couldn't keep away, could you.

            • M
            • MRK
            • PId
            • 27 Jan 2010

            Anonymous, 27 Jan 2010it is so true a combination of the best of iphone and N9... moreThere so much more that can be done with an iPhone from what it is today, far from good.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • Ke1
              • 27 Jan 2010

              Rudeboi, 27 Jan 2010The N900 kills the iPhone 3gs easily and I have both device... moreit is so true

              a combination of the best of iphone and N900

              Nokia maemo6 with multitouch phone is the way to go
              and symbian 4 phone with multitouch

                • R
                • Rudeboi
                • FEA
                • 27 Jan 2010

                Anonymous, 27 Jan 2010It doesn't matter what you say. Iphone is the better phone... moreThe N900 kills the iPhone 3gs easily and I have both devices. However, you really can't put these devices in the same classification cause they are tailored to different individuals. The N900 is a true smartphone in everyway, while the iPhone is a borderline smartphone but lacks the all in one function of what a true smartphone does. That's why companies has to design apps for the iPhone cause of the features true smartphones have. The ease of using a iPhone, espically for those coming from a lower category phone is the best hands down. No one and I mean no one can top the iPhone and user friendliness. For as geekiness and hacker stuff and all different types of stuff you want to try on a phone then the N900 is top of the line period. In my opinion the best phone in the world would be a combination of the iPhone and N900 and you wouldn't need another phone for years

                  • o
                  • omran
                  • M0P
                  • 27 Jan 2010

                  so apple give some of your millions to poor? but u will say why should we , we will go poor. i will say u will never go poor if u do this.

                  but u only do what is in truly in your heart?

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • 3dg
                    • 27 Jan 2010

                    Yes , maybe you would say taht we dont need video call at all , thats the thing you all apple fans do , if apple couldnt do it it means that we dont need it , and any shity application wich apple made is a thnologic progress as you always say.........I hope they bankcrupt

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • 3pK
                      • 27 Jan 2010

                      the iphone is a good decent phone but not the best phone available by any means,the simple fact that so many zealously defend it shows what a great job apples marketing and subliminal advertising targeting has achieved. Its already happen with the tablet and its not even been confirmed as in existence yet never mind seen hands on with specs etc. Seems apple doesn't even need to use its marketing techniques again as fanboys are already hungrily lining up their pocket money

                        • r
                        • rich
                        • m5L
                        • 27 Jan 2010

                        two things apple please bring i phone to t mobile uk and 2nd since you've made so much money from your customers please put a well deserved 8 meg pixel camera in your next i phone for us pretty please.

                          • R
                          • Rahim
                          • SjF
                          • 27 Jan 2010

                          Anonymous, 27 Jan 2010It doesn't matter what you say. Iphone is the better phone... morelmao, what has iphone brought to the market except for an appstore where they get rich on the likes of you who buy an silly application like farting for 80 cents.

                          all these apple fans need to google "windows mobile&android os)up
                          and realize the difference between a toy (iphone) and a real smartphone with touchscreen functionality (since 2005 released by hp)

                          it doesn't matter to me if you people buy and get ripped out of your money by apple but you people shouldn't claim things wich aren't true , i have seen chinese phones 5 years ago which looked quite like the modern day iphone but with more functionality so you guys do the math is iphone really so revolutionary as some of you claim ? or did they copy other phones with the functions they invented (nokia)!!!???

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • wr1
                            • 27 Jan 2010

                            Anonymous, 27 Jan 2010It doesn't matter what you say. Iphone is the better phone... morethe analogy of isheeps is ridiculuos and almost cliche on this matter.
                            The phone quality is define ultimately by how much they sell.
                            this is false logic. and you can ask all the philosophers in this world to back on your arguments, it's still false.

                            I give you simple yet profound example.
                            What is the best car brand in the world?
                            based on your logic, the answer must be Toyota. But we all know that german cars are of better built and quality from japanese car.

                            Toyota can sell vast amount because they provide value for money, pretty good (not very good) car with decent price.
                            But if you want the best quality you look somewhere else.

                            I reckon apple sells great because people satisfied with the touch quality and famous multitouch input (there were time when apple is the only one to do this)..
                            so persons who use it become very proud and the tendency to show off and live show is human natural tendency. and you now what happen next.

                            It was the best touchscreen phone (with some flaws). But now, it's not anymore..
                            There are Android phone with greater CPU, the same touchscreen quality, and have tackled the flaws of iphone(like BT file transfer, higher camera resolution, better video, flash, multitasking, etc.)

                            Altough android phones have the upper hand than iphone, yet the long dominion of iphone is hard to beat by it. Also the apps more mature on iphone side.

                            However, there are growing increase of awereness from people that the real contender, and true iphone killer is not a myth.
                            It is Android that does the job that other OS fail as true apple contender.

                              • R
                              • Rahim
                              • SjF
                              • 27 Jan 2010

                              MRK, 27 Jan 2010What the h ell are you talking about??? Where did you hear/... moreHehe you deserve an medal for that reaction , iphone is an nice phone if you look at the looks and the fact that its easy to use but it will never be better then REAL SMARTHPHONES like the nokia symbians(maeomo coming up) and Htc (android & windows)really if my old n-gage qd wich lies in the closet for 4 years now would have worked today it would still be an better SMARTHPHONE ,compare iphone 3gs with an phonel like htc hd2 it would be like comparing an ant with an dinosour.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • uHQ
                                • 27 Jan 2010

                                The new apple tablet can make phone call?

                                What is the screeen size?

                                  • d
                                  • derekblankmccoy
                                  • mE0
                                  • 27 Jan 2010

                                  The new Apple tablet will hurt the N900, the Nokia booklet, and most of the netbook market. It's going to be absolutely massive. I'll point back to this post in 9-12 months and say "I told you!"

                                    • m
                                    • meow
                                    • Rbq
                                    • 27 Jan 2010

                                    well congratz to apple...
                                    the best selling phone does not mean it is the best phone... its apple, notorious for marketing and a very well known company...// also selling only 3 types of phones opposed to thousand
                                    i admit the iphone is a great phone in all but its not the best.
                                    best is broken down too hardware/functionality/appearence/durability
                                    and really most of it opion based except hardware.
                                    sooo non-opionized category of best puts the iphone up there, but not best..
                                    look at most of htc and nokia's higher models they arent the only companys too

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • 4TM
                                      • 27 Jan 2010

                                      MRK, 27 Jan 2010What the h ell are you talking about??? Where did you hear/... moreIt doesn't matter what you say. Iphone is the better phone than your Nokia N97 & N900. The sales figures speak for it. If your N97 and N900 is better than the iphone, then it should've sold more units since they're in the same price bracket.

                                      Those features that you have listed like 3g and gprs are pretty much standard in wireless communications. All phones would need that in order to function. So it is not really copying. It's like a dial pad feature. Each phone should have a dial pad or else there's no way for you to make a phone call. Please use a little common sense before you post a comment. And please, Nokia is not the very first company to release a cell phone. If I use your logic, then that would mean that Nokia simply copied Motorola because no Nokia product had cell phones before.

                                      Correction, the iphone can forward messages. Stop dwelling in the past.

                                      It's the iphone that created the OS and touchscreen trend, not Nokia, or any other phonemaker. Yes, there were other touchscreen phones before the iphone, but it is the iphone that created this big trend.

                                      You're the one who needs to grow up and accept some facts. Don't be bitter. Just keep on supporting Nokia phones and don't you ever buy the iphone.

                                        • M
                                        • MRK
                                        • PId
                                        • 27 Jan 2010

                                        aphid, 27 Jan 2010Thanks Apple! My stock has doubled in a year! And you also get to see people from whom the surplus money came from.
                                        Right here.
                                        Wonders of latest Technology.