Apple Q4 financial report is out, all is rosy in Cupertino

26 January, 2010
Apple have just published their financial report for the last quarter of last year and it shows that their amazing streak continues. The company posted revenue of 15.68 billion US dollars...

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  • M
  • MRK
  • PId
  • 27 Jan 2010

Anonymous, 27 Jan 2010The almighty brand being the market leader? Being the copy... moreWhat the h ell are you talking about??? Where did you hear/read it kid? N97 charges off micro USB...
If Nokia copied touch screen idea (even though Nokia had a successful business phone 6708 and a fairly sucessful and trend setting Nokia 7710 from which has iPhone evolved), then didn't Apple copied (list)
- 3G
- Integrating a camera with phone (first seen on a Nokia)
- Integrating Wi-Fi with a phone
- Integrating GPS with the phone.
- And what about something as simple as vibration alerts.
among countless others.
No other Apple product had these before.

And then there are others that iPhone just couldn't do. It didn't had something as simple as message forwarding. Your ground breaking phone ! xD.

The very fact that a mobile phone can be based on an OS is a Nokia idea that Apple took for granted.

Grow Up. Everybody knows iPhone's tech was developed for iPod Touch but they COPIED it into a phone looking at other sucessful touch based phones. Thinking there must be 'fools' who'd fall for it.
And their strategy of selling them? Look at their numbers, swelled by your money.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • FJR
    • 27 Jan 2010

    Functionality!, 27 Jan 2010I think it is about functionality ... I won't buy a phone w... moreUmmmm, and Apple will put that feature on just for you? Lol. Thanks, but the iphone is selling quite well w/out that darn video call feature. Which means, a lot of people don't care much for it :)

    Video calling is one of the most unused features on phones that have it. As for your baby, get a babysitter for Pete's sake. It's against the law here in the US to leave your baby alone and just depend on 3g video call to check your baby, lol. That is soooooo silly.

      • F
      • Functionality!
      • i8w
      • 27 Jan 2010

      I think it is about functionality ... I won't buy a phone without a 3G video call feature as i use this feature a lot to check on my baby back home through a 3G surveillance cam.
      I heard iPhone is a great phone but just think it is silly that it is not supporting such feature yet. hope next iphone will support it then i will sure get one and try it with all the good feedback it get. For now my nokia e52 is great!

        • 1
        • 100 iPhone
        • w7h
        • 27 Jan 2010

        Only one or two models makes Apple focused with their iPhone. Easier to make improvements. Easier to make apps. Easier to handle. Focus. Same with Saleen.

          • m
          • me
          • LhU
          • 27 Jan 2010

          MRK, 26 Jan 2010" i dont care if i get ripped off ". How funny!!!... moreoh boy please, iphone aint for kids! theyre expensive as hell! few "kids" can afford it. Im on a plan (contract), no kids can apply for a plan phone. Maybe you are the kid.

          Seriously, get over it, iphone made profit and whatever you say, that doesnt get to change apple.

          And dude, you need to learn how to communicate decently, instead of bashing and bla bla bla. Man up!

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • 2Ir
            • 27 Jan 2010

            Sergiu, 26 Jan 2010Maybe now with all this money made by Apple they will inclu... moreOH REALLI GO TO YOUTUBE CHECK HOW MANY PHONES ARE comparing against
            i phone the reason u think is sux is becauz u people juz check the specification and design thats all ...gosh ever heard of app store
            ,apple is not a smart phone! r u kidding me xD i can compare to u how many things i phone can do,multitasking can be done after jail break, if the i phone does,nt exist,u will be seeing so much crappy touch screen phone ...check all the phones b4 i phone was launched ..and after ...gosh

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • 2Ir
              • 27 Jan 2010

              Anonymous, 26 Jan 20103+ billion dollars are not that exciting if you convert the... morewelll apple has three models only my friend how abut samsung oh yea ?
              cant remember

                • T
                • T.K
                • 2Ir
                • 27 Jan 2010

                MRK, 26 Jan 2010" i dont care if i get ripped off ". How funny!!!... moreoh reallii so all the people who are using iphone's are kids

                look around ^^ everyone is using and u r juz hating it becuz.....
                oh well no reason..
                u juz hate itt dont u! xD

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • ijx
                  • 27 Jan 2010

                  The iPhone has the best smartphone OS and UI on the market. It is that simple underlying feature that has given it endless possibilities as to where Apple can take it next. I also read an article recently about what the new nano will be, it would offer Apple more market share, without compromising iPhone sales. With the tablet going to be aimed at commercial industries and the iMac building up speed as the best home computer, Apple in 10 years will dominate it's markets, like google.

                    • a
                    • aphid
                    • Yc3
                    • 27 Jan 2010

                    Thanks Apple! My stock has doubled in a year!

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • Er2
                      • 27 Jan 2010

                      [deleted post]The almighty brand being the market leader? Being the copycat of touchscreen phones?

                      Remember the fact the almighty brand REFUSED to release any touchscreen (3G) phones before iphone 3G? (yeah, go ahead and count the 2 2G touchscreen phones, which were sold so badly to the point total sales of these phones probably couldn't match sales of any iphone in a single day)

                      Then all of the sudden AFTER the release of iphone 3G, the almighty brand decided to release at least half a dozen touchscreen phones.

                      Why didn't the "market leader" say "the touchscreen idea is dump as I can do everything with my S60 keypads?"

                      Not to mention the fact the almighty brand still cannot copy the simple tech of charging via USB.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • mE0
                        • 27 Jan 2010

                        People who think iPhone sucks haven't used one. End of.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • Er2
                          • 27 Jan 2010

                          [deleted post]Somehow I don't quite understand why many claim iphone users bought iphones because of the marketing.

                          The day I got the iphone for my wife was we walked by the phone shop, took a "demo ride", and there goes $ out of my pocket.

                          Most other iphone users I know decided to buy iphone mainly due to the fact they actually TRIED iphones from their friends, and they start to fall in love with it.

                          As far as I know, maybe I don't watch that much TV's anymore (with internet/youtube/forums, why bother?) I don't recall seeing that much TV ads for iphones where I live.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • Er2
                            • 27 Jan 2010

                            Sergiu, 26 Jan 2010Maybe now with all this money made by Apple they will inclu... moreAnd if the almighty brand is so "advance" in technology, why its phones still do not support charging by micro-USB plug? Motorola started charging by USB back in the V3 days, and Apple has been offering that since the 1st iphone.

                            The almighty brand claims it will standardize with the rest of the world by using the micro-USB plug, except it still doesn't know how to "charge" the phone in Jan 2010...

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • Er2
                              • 27 Jan 2010

                              Sergiu, 26 Jan 2010Maybe now with all this money made by Apple they will inclu... moreSo how can you define "smartphone"?

                              To me, smartphones are the phones which make me dump! Because on my "ordinary" phones I can easily set the language, use MP3 as alarm, etc...

                              But on Windows Mobile (6.1), even basics like switching the language needs additional software. If the device runs on English OS, it cannot display Chinese websites / characters properly.

                              Does that happen to iphone? Don't think so.

                              PS. I DO NOT use iphone myself, but I'll never use another Windows Mobile phone likely in my life.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • Er2
                                • 27 Jan 2010

                                Anonymous, 26 Jan 2010Bah, let the U.S get their SUBSIDIZED iphones and set a tre... moreGet real, not every place in the world sells iphones with heavy subsidies.

                                I got one for my wife under 2 years contract and US$30 monthly fees, but I also had to pay around US$350 for the phone.

                                The only difference is mine is unlocked, unlike the stupid AT&T ones.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • Er2
                                  • 27 Jan 2010

                                  Anonymous, 26 Jan 20103+ billion dollars are not that exciting if you convert the... moreSo Apple practically has only 3 models (not even sure if the 2G version is still available as "brand new), and Apple has reached such amazing numbers.

                                  How many models is Samsung (or the almighty brand) has been releasing every MONTH to reach the sales figures twice or 3 times as much as apple? Given the rate these companies are releasing so called "new" phones, shouldn't they be at least 10~12 times more successful than Apple?

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • Er2
                                    • 27 Jan 2010

                                    Anonymous, 26 Jan 2010Is it any other company that sells everything from music pl... moreSo is Sony (Ericsson) doing any better? Or much WORSE? Music players to computers too..

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • vae
                                      • 27 Jan 2010

                                      Apple has once again proved that a phone that is easy to use and does everything that they say it does will beat out the dinosaur phones with their fancy specs sheets that are a pain to use.

                                      They have 40 billion in cash so could pay Nokia's licensing fees without batting an eyelid.

                                      They will not bow down to extortion from Nokia who are obviously not willing to offer Apple a fair deal under the terms of FRAND which Nokia offers other manufacturers.

                                      Apple has said, "See you in court you blood sucking leeches."

                                        • V
                                        • Virtual
                                        • 5%X
                                        • 26 Jan 2010

                                        MRK, 26 Jan 2010Nice post, but the best will be " Here we go... "... moreAgreed. xD