Apple Q4 financial report is out, all is rosy in Cupertino

26 January, 2010
Apple have just published their financial report for the last quarter of last year and it shows that their amazing streak continues. The company posted revenue of 15.68 billion US dollars...

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  • M
  • MRK
  • PId
  • 26 Jan 2010

Virtual, 26 Jan 2010This is getting interesting... *eats popcorn*Nice post, but the best will be " Here we go... " right at the start of this thread.

    • o
    • oVi !
    • vGX
    • 26 Jan 2010

    i phone 3gs or 3g or 3gsssssss still cannot compete with competition! apple or orange ! you know it yourselves! not talking about mac os leopardo! or misc. mac items! period! convert the i to i! that would be more like it! ! !

      • V
      • Virtual
      • 5%X
      • 26 Jan 2010

      This is getting interesting... *eats popcorn*

        • M
        • MRK
        • PId
        • 26 Jan 2010

        me, 26 Jan 2010well done apple! apple deserves all those profits. enjoy... more" i dont care if i get ripped off ". How funny!!!

        And yes, indeed there is no perfect phone but atleast it could be a target for phone designers to design a perfect phone.
        iPhone is not designed keeping perfection or near perfection in mind. They just designed an attractive TOY to please kids like you.

          • s
          • sau459
          • vbZ
          • 26 Jan 2010

          Way to go apple,quality does sell well

            • m
            • me
            • LhU
            • 26 Jan 2010

            well done apple!

            apple deserves all those profits. enjoy further success. let the "haters" hate.

            i didnt buy iphone because of hype or advertising. i can afford it so, why not.

            id say iphone isnt perfect at all, not even near perfect. it has flaws like other said, but ask this yourself - is there a perfect phone?

            iphone is iphone - take it or leave it. i dont care if i get ripped off or what, its my choice and thats your opinion. As far as I know, this phone suits my needs at the moment.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • vae
              • 26 Jan 2010

              Anonymous, 26 Jan 2010They lifted restriction on poverty and "I'm not going ... moreWhat are conditions like in Nokia's Chinese factories?

              Oh that's right they don't let anyone in to see.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • pqB
                • 26 Jan 2010

                Anonymous, 26 Jan 2010Apart from the fact that the Chinese government lifted that... moreThey lifted restriction on poverty and "I'm not going to buy phones that my brother manufactures for 100$ a month for 1200$"?


                Didn't know that brigh one :)

                  • R
                  • R@K(B
                  • 3ZI
                  • 26 Jan 2010

                  easy and free ..........easy and free software an games

                    • M
                    • MRK
                    • PId
                    • 26 Jan 2010

                    z8, 26 Jan 2010gross margin of 40% is huge in a large scale manufacturing ... moreThat is how they get their numbers.

                      • z
                      • z8
                      • pkn
                      • 26 Jan 2010

                      gross margin of 40% is huge in a large scale manufacturing company ...

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • vaf
                        • 26 Jan 2010

                        Anonymous, 26 Jan 2010There are millions in your dreams. The "regime" i... moreApart from the fact that the Chinese government lifted that restriction months ago.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • pqB
                          • 26 Jan 2010

                          Anonymous, 26 Jan 2010200,000 iPhones, they have only been in China officially fo... moreThere are millions in your dreams. The "regime" in china doesn't allow wifi enabled phones to be imported, nor can you order one "on the interntet" without you doing time if they catch you at the customs.

                          Also the economical statute of the individual doesn't allow just anyone to spend 1000$ unnoticed. 190.000 pcs are gathering dust on the shelves.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • vaf
                            • 26 Jan 2010

                            [deleted post]200,000 iPhones, they have only been in China officially for a few months.

                            There are millions of grey market one's from Hong Kong.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • kx%
                              • 26 Jan 2010

                              Anonymous, 26 Jan 20103+ billion dollars are not that exciting if you convert the... moreIs it any other company that sells everything from music players to computers that is doing as bad as apple?

                              "all is rosy in Cupertino" as for gsmarena they're obviously unreliable and on apple's payroll. How can anyone post such a mindless article. They're not even trying to hide the lie.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • nvx
                                • 26 Jan 2010

                                3+ billion dollars are not that exciting if you convert them to euros giving a company that sells more than phone. they sold 8 million phones good job, samsung sells twice as that

                                  • B
                                  • Bernard
                                  • pvZ
                                  • 26 Jan 2010

                                  jaSz, 26 Jan 2010The Apple Culture is not implemented in China, only in US a... moreI live in Nice and I hardly see anyone over here having an iPhone I can walk the city for days and not see one. A friend of mine has one though and he's "it makes calls doesn't it?" like.

                                  Truth is, we use videocall a lot. I'm sure next modell will have it aswell.

                                    • M
                                    • MRK
                                    • PId
                                    • 26 Jan 2010

                                    Anonymous, 26 Jan 2010There really are some blind fools on this forum. The Iphone... moreYou said it perfectly. No more need to convince how much a touch toy iPhone is. And you're right iPhone doesn't need a 5mp camera with flash, or bluetooth, or multitasking, or flash, what it needs is fools like you to buy and let Apple make exhorbitant profits.
                                    Do you even have any idea how much you pay for a toy. Probably there'll be a day when you'll think about it.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • Tk8
                                      • 26 Jan 2010

                                      There really are some blind fools on this forum. The Iphone doesn't need a 5mp camera with flash, or bluetooth, or multitasking, or flash (have fun waiting for that lot to download) they have all they need at the moment. A successful marketing strategy and a successful APP STORE. Seriously, have any of you actually used one?

                                      And before you start painting me as an Apple fan, I'm not. I simply know a good device when I see one. The Itunes software is awful, and only useful for backups and the battery life should be better.

                                      Apart from that, I'll continue to enjoy the best touchscreen device money can buy :)

                                        • j
                                        • jaSz
                                        • m}9
                                        • 26 Jan 2010

                                        [deleted post]The Apple Culture is not implemented in China, only in US and Europe.
                                        Chinese companies love to make clones, so a Chinese person can purchase a clone with dual SIM only for 100 dollars, they don't have to spend 600 dollars on a real one (iPhone) for them the clone and the iPhone is the same thing.
                                        In the US and Europe, people buy the original iPhone because they are used to Apple and its product line for years.
                                        Fake phones suck. ^^