Apples and Oranges: iPhone 3G and 3GS coming to Orange UK

28 September, 2009

Who says Apples and Oranges are different? Not Apple or Orange, that's for sure as they've reached an agreement to offer the iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS to Orange UK customers. Sure enough, the iPhone is already available in the UK but competition is always good.

Unfortunately, they were in such a hurry to announce this agreement that they didn't take the time to figure out pricing or tariffs, not even a launch date. What they did do is let you register your interest allowing you to check what type of tariff you're interested in (pay monthly, pay as you go or business) and if you're an Orange customer already. Hopefully, this will have some bearing on their decisions.

In the wake of the Orange UK and T-Mobile UK merging we are wondering if current T-Mobile UK users will also be able to join in on the fun at some point. We do remain pretty skeptical about it though, as the two brands are supposed to remain separate for at least 18 months.

As an immediate response, O2 which held the iPhone exclusivity in the UK upsofar, issued a quick press release, which broadly stated that losing a battle is not like losing the war, and they will offer Palm Pre exclusively in an attempt to keep the upper hand in the smartphone battle.



Reader comments

  • Slimberry
  • 30 Sep 2009
  • TSA

My iphone is only good for three things. Multiple language support, fast and smooth UI, and ok web browsing. It's inferior to other phones in other areas.... But hell, those are the three things i need in a phone, so im sticking with it for...

  • Tucks
  • 30 Sep 2009
  • M3s

macfags?? hardly, i'm a windows user, but I use the most convenient and reliable smartphone for me that i can, that just happens to be the iphone. Get a life.

  • deep space bar
  • 30 Sep 2009
  • kJq

trust me man these macfags are so uneducated in other mobile OSs mainly spartphones fhey look stupid just trying to mention something about it even though it's so off ...but my first good nokia was the nokia 6270 and it ran s40 and it was old lol

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