BlackBerry 8830 World Edition
- ?
- Anonymous
- NaD
- 28 Jul 2007
Fantastic,it really works,gps you rock,Greg.South Paulo
- f
- far
- Yca
- 22 Jul 2007
it's called "world edition" because its both a cdma phone and a dual band gsm... but still, tehre are a lot of places where it doesn't work because it doesn't have enough gsm bands.
if you absolutely MUST use a cdma carrier then get this phone, otherwise, there are better choices. That being said, the 8830 (and the 8800, duh) both feel very solid and are well build, as to be expected from RIM. the browser is pretty fast and the 1x EVDO works just fine (although seing as this is a GSM site im probably gonna get flamed for that).
If you want a purely business phone, this is a good choice, but dont bother going world edition unless you're hell bent on a cdma carrier.
- S
- Sunny
- n$C
- 19 Jul 2007
I am just shopping for one of these Blackberry devices since I am a very faithful Verizon customer and also use GSM when outside US/ May be this is a better phone than the 8300 Curve , Which atleast has more bands and camera.I do Travel a lot and lots of countries have different GSM bands for mobile usage.Has someone already compared the ASUS 525 (which I currently use) to the Blackberry device If so I would appreciate feedback. No doubt blackberry has its service and other devices Either use GPRS or WiFi Connection.
- M
- MarcBanks
- 4vu
- 13 Jul 2007
It DOES work in Europe without any problems (it's still a bit expensive to use). Anyway there is no problems with Verizon.
To respond to a previous email from someone "in the industry" from Canada... The phone is NOT a joke! Check with Telus.
- F
- FBlack
- kef
- 28 Jun 2007
I don't see why it will not work in Italy? It has GSM 900 and 1800. Can anyone clear this up?
- ?
- Anonymous
- 467
- 23 Jun 2007
"World Edition" is a joke. I work in the industry and the GSM requirements to even call it "World phone" requires at least triband. Being here in Canada, Telus sells this and it's a joke. This phone wouldn't work in a lot of EU places, Italy for one. And to call something Worldphone but no 3G? Rofl??
- A
- Adam
- Ev1
- 19 Jun 2007
This is for business use, which is why I bought one and it seems to have all the funcionality I will need when on the road to keep me in the loop until I get to my PC...nuff said.
- c
- cc
- 4yM
- 13 Jun 2007
im not too sure about aeystoye but sprint is not the only wireless company advertising and selling this phone. so is verizon, cingular, and t-mobile. which may not turn out to be so great for sprint regarding that so many other wirless companies are already distributing this model.
looks like a good phone though-im getting one with verizon this saturday. (verizon only sells this model in silver though not black)
- T
- UD%
- 09 Jun 2007
No camera, No 3G, no WLAN - people will want more. Try to make closer to O2 next time.
- ?
- Anonymous
- QT5
- 09 Jun 2007
To asetoye, I believe the phone isn't available yet, so how can you state you've been using it????
- a
- asetoye
- m{m
- 06 Jun 2007
it is always pride.
- S
- Steve
- 4M{
- 02 Jun 2007
The BB 8830 is the best business phones that I have had the pleasure to use on a daily bases. I have owned PC computer phones, and about every type of phone/PDA on the market over the last 10 years. For a Business person who travels the BB's battery is very long lasting and the volume and respection is outstanding. I give the BB 8830 a 10 on a 1 to 10 scoring.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 28 May 2007
for the smart asses who said that cameras are not allowed in offices just want to clear it out that blackberry curve has a 2MP camera, i dont know who they are trying to target this unit towards, i'll leave that for you guys to figure out
- ?
- Anonymous
- 28 May 2007
The blackberry 8830 and 8800 both don't have a camera, there is a Blackberry Curve unit which has a 2 Megapixel Camera and the looks and features are very similar to the 8830 and 8800.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4gC
- 27 May 2007
You guys that are using BB and thinking there the most stable OS have never used a Treo 700 WX. It has the camera WIFI and comes with MSOffice complete. BB needs to sit up and take notice.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4gC
- 27 May 2007
I shifted from version where I was using the palm treo 700WX. The coverage in our area was just to poor so we changed carriers and the best phone they have is the BlackBerry 8830. Compared to the Palm Treo 700WX the BlackBerry is a piece of junk. To complicated to use. The Treo has a stylis and the entire unit is user friendly. BlackBerry to me is a poorly made and designed toy.
- A
- Audrey
- kA}
- 20 May 2007
go blackberry's
- P
- Prince
- 17 May 2007
Blackbery 8830 is my real mini computer i am very thankfull to that person who has been produce this cell.
- C
- Charlie
- Yai
- 12 May 2007
@ Scott Yankee,
check this sprint webiste. it has ALL of the specifications, and there is no camera.
- P
- Paulo
- N9V
- 06 May 2007
Currently I use a Nokia E61 and quite happy with, Nevertheless I am considering to buy a new one with keyboard. I am thinking about this BB, htc s620 or Palm Treo 750. I need to check e-mails and open some word attachments ann work on it. My e-mail server does not have push e-mail, so what I check the e-mails manually or I program E61 to check my e-mail accounts every 30 minutes. Is it possible to do the same with this BB or I need to do it through the push-email system? Wifi could be also interesting as well as skype or something similar. Your comments and suggestions are wellcomed!